Super Teacher Worksheets

4th Grade Common Core: RL.4.2

Common Core Identifier: RL.4.2 / Grade: 4
Curriculum: Reading Literature: Key Ideas and Details
Detail: Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text.
33 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
This page contains three final projects that your students can do to show off their understanding of T.O.A.F.G.N.
Read this story and answer the questions that follow. In the story, Emily visits the city for the first time and discovers that it's much different than her home in rural Pennsylvania.
(Approx. Reading Level: 3-4)
Jackie is spending the day at her grandparents' farm, and she can't wait to explore the place her grandparents call the dinosaur graveyard.
Erica's New Year's resolutions are a little too ambitious, but when her mom convinces her to come up with one resolution she can really stick with, Erica discovers the perfect plan for the New Year.
A poem about a colony of ants jubilantly collecting crumbs for their queen.
Charla loves hanging out and going to the beach with Aunt Monica, but now that Aunt Monica is pregnant, Charla worries things are becoming all about the baby.
Ancient sailors may have seen manatees and thought they were mermaids.
Shelby thinks she knows everything about Hayword Elementary and its students, but when a new girl shows up, Shelby jumps to the wrong conclusion about the girl's appearance.
Laura wants to be elected the first class leader and wear a shiny gold badge for all to see, but when her best friend also runs for the position, Laura must decide if winning is more important than taking the position from someone who really deserves it.
Ted wishes he could trade his older sister, Kate, for his neighbor Aaron, but when Aaron comes to spend the afternoon, Ted realizes he's glad he has Kate.
Cindy wants to win the community fishing contest by catching the biggest fish, but she gets a big surprise that may win her a trophy after all.
Summarizer role worksheet for literature circles.
Students write about their favorite book on a pennant flag. Then hang each pennant from a string and hang it up in your classroom.
The R.L.C. makes comparisons between events from the book and things that have happened in real life.
The RLC's job is to describe how events in the story are similar to events in real life.
Honeydew is a bear who loves honey, but he comes into some trouble with the honeybees. Readers will answer questions and complete a writing prompt.
The real life connector tells how certain parts of the story are similar to events that have happened in real life.
The summarizer's job is to write a short summary of the chapters assigned and read his/her writing to the literature circle group.
The summarizer's job is to write a summary of the chapters read.
Read this story about a groundhog and his other animal friends. Then answer the comprehension questions, complete the vocabulary activity, and respond to the writing prompt.
The summarizer writes a short summary of the assigned chapters.
The real-world connector shows how events from the story are similar to actual events in his or her life.
The summarizer writes a summary of the assigned chapters to read to the group.
Write about the beginning, middle, and ending of a fiction book.  Great form for basic chapter books.
Learn about urban, suburban, and rural communities in this clever poem.
The summarizer writes a summary of the chapters assigned and shares his writing with his/her group.
The summarizer writes a brief overview of what they've read.
Write a short summary of the assigned chapters.
In this cute poem, kids will discover that a furry canine can be the best friend of all!
Have your students complete this book review form each time they've finished a book.
What would you do if you could rocket to the stars? This poem outlines a fun day in space for the narrator. Following the poem are five reading comprehension questions.
The summarizer's job is to write a short summary of the assigned reading and share it with the group.
The child in this poem is looking in a mirror and sees her grandma's smile, her uncle's toes, her cousin's hair, and her mother's perky nose.
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