Super Teacher Worksheets

3rd Grade Common Core: RL.3.7

Common Core Identifier: RL.3.7 / Grade: 3
Curriculum: Reading Literature: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Detail: Explain how specific aspects of a text's illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by the words in a story (e.g., create mood, emphasize aspects of a character or setting).
13 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
This picture shows Jack falling into the castle's moat while Annie looks on. Students use crayons to color the picture. Then they write a few sentences to describe what's happening on in the scene.
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The illustrator draws a picture of a scene from the reading assignment. Members of the group will then look at the picture and describe what's happening.
This worksheet has an illustration of a scene from Chapter 1 of the book. Students write a few sentences to describe what's happening in the picture.
This picture shows Mr. Berman bringing a pair of saddle shoes to Fudge and his mother. Fudge is crying and his mother looks worried.
Write a few sentences to describe what's happening in the scene. The picture shows Junie's teacher eating grapes.
This picture shows Peter looking into his empty turtle tank. Fudge, who is standing right behind him, has a big grin on his face.
This picture shows a young boy, sitting in a bathtub with a bowl of cereal over his head. Your students can write a few sentences to describe the scene from the book.
This picture shows Annie shining a flashlight at a guard in the castle. The guard is cowering in fear. Students color the illustration and write a few sentences to explain what's going on in the scene.
This picture shows Peter riding on a Toddle-Bike. Fudge is watching him with an inquisitive look on his face.
This picture shows Mrs. Yarby looking terrified as Fudge holds up Peter's turtle, Dribble.
This picture shows Annie running over the drawbridge and into the castle. Students color the picture and write a few sentences to explain what's happening in the scene.
Color the picture. Then write a few sentences to describe what's going on in the scene. The illustration shows Junie sneaking into her baby brother's room.
This poem uses wordplay to discuss friendship. After reading it, students will use their understanding of the poem to answer questions and complete a writing prompt.
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Common Core Alignment