2nd Grade Common Core: RL.2.7
Common Core Identifier: RL.2.7 / Grade: 2
Curriculum: Reading Literature: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Detail: Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.
35 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Jill is collecting rocks, but she's afraid to pick up rocks with creepy crawly bugs on them. Her fearless brother Ben follows her around and makes a collection of his own.
(Approx. Grade Level: 2-3)
(Approx. Grade Level: 2-3)
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Ian and his little sister, Amy, are hunting for eggs. Every time Amy sees Ian pick up an egg, she yells, "Mine!" Should Ian share his special eggs with his younger sister?
(Approx. Grade Level 2-4)
(Approx. Grade Level 2-4)
This picture shows Jack falling into the castle's moat while Annie looks on. Students use crayons to color the picture. Then they write a few sentences to describe what's happening on in the scene.
This picture shows Annie shining a flashlight at a guard in the castle. The guard is cowering in fear. Students color the illustration and write a few sentences to explain what's going on in the scene.
This picture shows Annie running over the drawbridge and into the castle. Students color the picture and write a few sentences to explain what's happening in the scene.
In this poem, a tourist has a close encounter with awe-inspiring whales.
A mole is burying his food in the ground, but his animal friends don't seem to understand why.
This table has 4 fairy tale elements on the top axis: good characters, bad characters, magic, and numbers. On the side axis, it has 6 fairy tales. Students try to fill in all of the boxes.
A family helps each other as they prepare for dinner. Students read the passage and check their understanding by answering the questions that follow.
Write a few sentences to describe what's happening in the scene. The picture shows Junie's teacher eating grapes.
Dave's mother gives him some bean seeds to plant. What does he do to make them grow?
This worksheet has an illustration of a scene from Chapter 1 of the book. Students write a few sentences to describe what's happening in the picture.
Read this cute story of two very different friends. Then, compare and contrast the two characters
Create a book report poster for a fiction book. Students write about main characters, setting, conflict, and resolution. This version fits on one page and does not require cutting and gluing.
You can make all kinds of creative, crafty things from junk around the house. This poem will inspire the artist in your students.
Emily's animal neighbors enjoy most of her garden harvest, but Emily thinks up a spicy ending to the growing season.
Color the picture. Then write a few sentences to describe what's going on in the scene. The illustration shows Junie sneaking into her baby brother's room.
Mia and Alex search the seashore for a treasure chest full of gold. While they don't find gold, they find many other treasures along the beach.
Sam is collecting eggs in the hen house, but one egg seems a little strange.
Read a fiction book, then create a poster. Write about the characters, setting, conflict, and resolution. This version requires students to use scissors and glue to assemble a large poster.
In this story, Horse waits impatiently while Cow makes him a surprise. Reading comprehension questions about the story include multiple choice, short answer, a vocabulary activity, and a writing prompt.
Emma and her brother Alex are playing Hide-and-Seek. Emma searches for Alex but can't find him anywhere. Where could Alex be?
What treasures can you find inside the library? Children will discover the answer when they read this clever poem. Activity includes comprehension questions and a writing prompt.
While racing her brother, Nina runs right into a spider web. Nina thinks a monstrous spider has landed on her. Do they find the spider? And who wins the race?
While they walk home from school, Jake teaches his younger brother Ben a secret for adding big numbers.
Choose a fairy tale, and record fairy tale elements on this castle-themed graphic organizer. Boxes include: good characters, evil characters, magic, enchanted characters, royalty, poverty, and number patterns.
Several friends earn money by shoveling snow for their neighbors. Read the passage and answer the comprehension questions that follow.
A beautiful spring day is described using the five senses. Comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing activity are included.
Aunt Lee just got more than 100 pets! The dialogue gives clues about what they are. Can you figure it out before Cindy?
This picture shows Mr. Berman bringing a pair of saddle shoes to Fudge and his mother. Fudge is crying and his mother looks worried.
This picture shows Peter looking into his empty turtle tank. Fudge, who is standing right behind him, has a big grin on his face.
This picture shows a young boy, sitting in a bathtub with a bowl of cereal over his head. Your students can write a few sentences to describe the scene from the book.
This picture shows Peter riding on a Toddle-Bike. Fudge is watching him with an inquisitive look on his face.
This picture shows Mrs. Yarby looking terrified as Fudge holds up Peter's turtle, Dribble.
The illustrator draws a picture of a scene from the reading assignment. Members of the group will then look at the picture and describe what's happening.