2nd Grade Common Core: RL.2.5
Common Core Identifier: RL.2.5 / Grade: 2
Curriculum: Reading Literature: Craft and Structure
Detail: Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action.
18 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Write about the beginning, middle, and ending of a fiction book. Great form for basic chapter books.
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Tell whether each sentence would appear at the beginning or end of a passage.
Jen can't play because she has to clean her room, but her brother turns it into a fun game.
While racing her brother, Nina runs right into a spider web. Nina thinks a monstrous spider has landed on her. Do they find the spider? And who wins the race?
Alex and Emma are in the park making things with folded newspaper. First Emma makes two hats. Then she makes some paper airplanes. Then she makes paper boats.
A girl chases a bat across her backyard and tried to discover where it lives. Students read the story and then complete the check-for-understanding questions.
This graphic organizer can be used with any story you'd like for students to write the sequence of events.
These sequencing boxes include first, next, then, and last. You can use this template with any story or activity where you want students to practice sequencing.
Students will read the short story, then cut and glue the pictures in the correct order of first, next, then, and last.
Jimmy discovers a treasure in his own backyard! Students read the story and then complete the check-for-understanding questions.
This organizer has primary-ruled lines to write on and boxes to draw a picture for each step of the sequence.
After reading this short story, students will sum up what happened first, next, and last by writing sentences on the primary-ruled lines provided.
These sequencing boxes include a box to draw each step as well as write a sentence describing the event(s).
Read the short story. Then write what happened first, next, and last. The worksheet includes pictures to help students break down the story and primary-ruled lines.
These sequence boxes include 4 spaces for students to write what happens first, next, then, and last. There are primary-ruled lines in the boxes.
Holi is a holiday from India. People throw colored water at each other for fun on this day. In this story, Sammy gets a phone call from his friend Raj. Raj wants him to come over and wear old clothes. But why?
Cut and glue the pictures to show what happens first, next, then, and last in the story.
Use this worksheet with any story or assignment that includes a sequence of events to have students write what happens first, next, and last.