Super Teacher Worksheets

1st Grade Common Core: RL.1.7

Common Core Identifier: RL.1.7 / Grade: 1
Curriculum: Reading Literature: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Detail: Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.
64 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Tell what's going on in the illustration. Andrew, whose face is full of freckles, is nervously standing in front of Miss Kelly's desk. Miss Kelly is handing him a box.
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Students write a summary of the scene depicted in the illustration. The picture shows Jim holding his backpack tightly, giving a mean look to Junie B.
This worksheet has an illustration of a scene from Chapter 1 of the book. Students write a few sentences to describe what's happening in the picture.
Color the picture. Then write a few sentences to describe what's going on in the scene. The illustration shows Junie sneaking into her baby brother's room.
This worksheet has an illustration of a large Anatosaurus. Jack is fearfully hiding behind Annie as they look up at the dinosaur.
Describe the scene shown in the illustration. Picture shows Nate, covered in red paint, with Annie and Harry laughing at him.
This printable has a picture of Jack looking out of the trees house and seeing a giant Pteranodon.
Tell what's happening in this picture. The picture shows Andrew making a batch of Freckle Juice.
This picture shows Junie B. hiding in the library behind books. Students color the picture and write a short paragraph to explain what scene in the story is being depicted.
Write a few sentences to describe what's happening in the scene. The picture shows Junie's teacher eating grapes.
An angry T-rex towers over Jack and Annie in this graphic.
You've heard the phrase, "The early bird catches the worm." However, that's not the case in this story.
(Approx. Grade Level: 1-2)
Create a book report poster for a fiction book. Students write about main characters, setting, conflict, and resolution. This version fits on one page and does not require cutting and gluing.
This graphic organizer can be used with any story you'd like for students to write the sequence of events.
Jordan can't remember where he set down his bowl of ice cream! He and Ava better hurry up and find it before it all melts! Reading activity includes comprehension questions. An answer key is included.
James and Bella are guessing what Mom is making for a tasty snack. Can they put the clues together and figure out what it is?
These sequencing boxes include first, next, then, and last. You can use this template with any story or activity where you want students to practice sequencing.
When Brandon wants to introduce Nick to his "kitty," Nick is expecting to meet Brandon's pet! Who he meets at the end of the story is definitely a surprise!
This printout has a picture referring to something that happened in chapter 1 of Frog and Toad Are Friends. Students will write a summary of what is happening in the picture and color the picture.
Review the fifth and final chapter of Frog and Toad Are Friends with this worksheet.
Use these cards to prompt engaging conversation as your class reads The Mitten.
Heather and Noah have some pretty good ideas! What will they be able to accomplish together today? Reading activity includes a writing prompt, comprehension questions, and vocabulary words.
Students will describe the scene from the book depicted in the picture. Then they can color the picture.
Students will read the short story, then cut and glue the pictures in the correct order of first, next, then, and last.
Bella and James are playing a "Smelling Game." What are their favorite things to smell? This activity includes comprehension questions and vocabulary words.
Have your students complete these questions to review chapter 3 of Frog and Toad Are Friends.
Look at the picture on this page and describe what part of the story Frog and Toad Are Friends is happening on the lines provided.
After your class finishes reading Frog and Toad Are Friends, review your students' comprehension of the material they read with this printable worksheet. Question types include fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, and short answer.
Lia and Andy are almost ready for trick-or-treating! But to make their Halloween night just right, they will have to make a few swaps first.
Lily and Mom want to exercise, but their dog Pep wants to play. Activity includes comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt. An answer key is also included.
Print off this worksheet and have your students write about a key moment from chapter 5. They can even color the picture!
After reading this short story, students will sum up what happened first, next, and last by writing sentences on the primary-ruled lines provided.
James has the hiccups. Bella tells him to stand on his head in order to get rid of them, but James has his own ideas. This reading comprehension activity includes vocabulary words, a writing prompt, and comprehension questions.
Review chapter 2 of the book Frog and Toad Are Friends with this set of questions.
These sequencing boxes include a box to draw each step as well as write a sentence describing the event(s).
Uh oh! Sophie only has three apples to divide between she and her three friends. Can they come up with a plan so everyone can enjoy Sophie's apples? A fall-themed reading comprehension activity with follow-up questions, a writing prompt, and vocabulary.
Mom can't find her keys anywhere! Together, she and Lily search the kitchen for the missing keys. Will they be able to find them? Reading comprehension questions, vocabulary from the story, and a writing activity are included with this worksheet.
This organizer has primary-ruled lines to write on and boxes to draw a picture for each step of the sequence.
Cassie and Eli play a fun game with shadows. This story includes reading comprehension questions, vocabulary matching, and a writing prompt.
Lily and her favorite stuffed animals are ready for Mom to read them a bedtime story. Can they stay awake until the end? This reading activity includes comprehension questions, a writing prompt, and vocabulary game.
This 3-page worksheet includes a variety of questions on chapter 1 of Frog and Toad Are Friends by Arnold Lobel. There are fill-in-the-blanks, short answer questions, multiple choice questions, and even a chart for students to complete.
Cut and glue the pictures to show what happens first, next, then, and last in the story.
James and Bella play a fun game in the yard with Bella's dog, Penny. They describe all the things they feel. What feels best of all? Reading comprehension activity and vocabulary words are included with this worksheet.
This set of review questions includes short answer and multiple choice questions, as well as a chart for students to fill in.
Use this worksheet with any story or assignment that includes a sequence of events to have students write what happens first, next, and last.
Zoe, Grace, and Devin go outside to play in the snow. When Grace and Devin can't decide what kind of snowman they should build, Zoe comes up with an idea they'll all like! Activity includes comprehension questions and vocabulary words.
James and Bella want to play catch outside, but they can't find their ball! Will their dog, Penny, help them out, or does Penny have a different game in mind? This reading activity includes a writing exercise, vocabulary matching from the story, and comprehension questions.
These sequence boxes include 4 spaces for students to write what happens first, next, then, and last. There are primary-ruled lines in the boxes.
Mark and Ava gather everything they need for the perfect picnic. Will the rain clouds overhead ruin their plans?
Chapter 3's writing prompt includes a space for students to draw their own picture, as well as lines for them to write their response to the prompt.
Read the short story. Then write what happened first, next, and last. The worksheet includes pictures to help students break down the story and primary-ruled lines.
Mia and Annie think there's a ghost in Mia's bedroom. What are they going to do? Activity includes comprehension questions, a writing prompt, and vocabulary words.
Jill's cat, Sam, gets lost under the bed when he chases his bell.
Rhyme Game FREE 
Bella and James are playing a rhyming game. When it's James' turn to rhyme words, he makes Bella laugh. This 1st grade reading comp worksheet is free!
The illustrator draws a scene from the assigned chapters. Members of the reading group look at the picture and describe what's going on in the picture.
Hippo keeps bothering frog by eating the lily pads, squishing the mud, and blowing bubbles in the water.  How can they work it out?
The illustrator draws a picture of a scene from the reading assignment. Members of the group will then look at the picture and describe what's happening.
The illustrator draws a scene from the novel. His or her classmates then describe and discuss the scene.
The illustrator draws a sketch of a scene from the assigned reading.
Rock Band FREE 
Beth and her friends choose instruments and form a rock band in this free reading compregension passage.
The illustrator's job is to draw a scene from the assigned chapters. Other members of the group must describe the scene.
Max is getting ready for his birthday party, but the baby is popping the balloons and ruining his party.
A dog keeps finding different colored balls.  Find out what the dog does with each ball.  Then, answer the comprehension questions.
The illustrator draws a scene from the assigned chapters. Members of the reading group look at the picture and describe what's going on in the picture.
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