6th Grade Common Core: RI.6.1
Common Core Identifier: RI.6.1 / Grade: 6
Curriculum: Reading Informational: Key Ideas and Details
Detail: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
7 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Did you know that flying squirrels can't actually fly? They glide from tree to tree, using a furry membrane like a parachute.
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A sea creature with two sets of jaws and a long, snake-like body?! That's a moray! Learn about the mysterious, shy, and elusive moray eel.
Learn more about the Age of Exploration and the explorers who were part of it with this fun scavenger hunt activity.
Did you know that sea turtles have been around since the time of the dinosaurs? Learn all about the fascinating world of sea turtles. Discover the names of the seven sea turtle species, learn about the obstacles baby sea turtles face when they hatch, and find out the dangers sea turtles face today.
Learn all about the fascinating poison dart frog. The Colombian poison dart frog is one of the most toxic species on earth, but did you know poison dart frogs may have the ability to help humans?
Print out this scavenger hunt to have your students complete a fun, interactive, and educational activity. They'll read interesting facts about Greek mythology and then answer questions to test their comprehension of what they read.