Super Teacher Worksheets

5th Grade Common Core: RI.5.2

Common Core Identifier: RI.5.2 / Grade: 5
Curriculum: Reading Informational: Key Ideas and Details
Detail: Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.
6 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
This article has facts about the coast redwood and giant sequoia trees of California. Test your students' comprehension of the article by having them complete the reading comprehension questions, vocabulary activity, and writing prompt.
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Learn all about the world's largest animal with this article on the blue whale. Reading comprehension questions are included, as well as a vocabulary crossword and writing prompt.
This reading passage informs students about the James Webb Space Telescope. Reading comprehension questions include multiple choice, a vocabulary exercise, and a writing prompt.
This article tells about the group of students who fought for integration in Arkansas in 1957, and the strength, courage, and determination they showed in the face of adversity. After the article, students can answer questions, complete a vocabulary activity, and respond to a writing prompt.
This article teaches students the legends and history behind three symbols of St. Patrick's Day - shamrock, the Blarney Stone, and leprechauns. This article is written at approximately a 5th grade reading level.
Find out what it takes to be a skydiver.  Learn about the necessary equipment, training, and world skydiving records.
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