Kindergarten Grade Common Core: RF.K.2a
Common Core Identifier: RF.K.2a / Grade: K
Curriculum: Reading Foundational Skills: Phonological awareness
Detail: Recognize and produce rhyming words.
43 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
This poem titled, Play, is filled with fun actions. Kids can read the poem, then try to spot the action verbs. They can also search for rhyming words.
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Write the words that rhyme with rat, pig, frog, snake, and bear.
Find and write the words that rhyme with chick, plane, ship, and shell.
Write the words that rhyme with ball, nest, bat, star, and truck.
Draw lines to connect the rhyming pictures with straight lines (chair-hair, parrot-carrot, tree-three).
Cut out the simple Seuss rhyming words - fox, socks, box, rocks, clocks, knocks, and docks. Glue them onto the hat in ABC order.
Color the sections of the word web that rhyme with the words crow and thought.
This easy-to-read poem about a buzzing bumblebee has lots of repetition. The file features a vocabulary matching worksheet and a rhyming words activity.
Write the words that rhyme with corn, pear, pie, cake, and nuts.
One word from each row does not rhyme with the others. Circle the one that does not belong.
Draw lines to connect the rhyming pictures (cake-snake, duck-truck, bee-key).
Cut out the word boxes and glue each one next to its rhyme.
Phonics word wheel: base, lake, bake, cake, same, name, came, face.
Phonics word wheel: music, clue, use, blue, mule, tube, cube, menu.
Cut out the words and paste them below the picture that best represents them.
Trace the rhyming words from Green Eggs & Ham. Then carefully write the words on your own.
Make an easy-to-read flip book, with key vocabulary words from One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.
Here's another rhyme matching worksheet. Students draw lines from each picture to its corresponding rhyme.
Find vocabulary words from the book in this simple word search.
This word search has vocabulary and rhyming words from the book, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.
Use these cards for a variety of class learning centers or games. Match the pictures with the rhymes, or flip the cards upside-down to play a memory-match game.
Students will draw lines to match the words and their pictures with the words and pictures they rhyme with.
Cut apart the cards. Have students match the words that rhyme, or play a memory-match game.
Trace and write rhyming words from the book. Mouse, house, book, hook, sleep, and sheep.
These hink pinks are a little bit harder, for kids with a more complex vocabulary. What phrase describes a lawful bird? A legal eagle!
What do you call a tired, yellow flower? A lazy daisy! What do you call a magical creature who milks cows? A dairy fairy!
Even more super-tough hink pink clues to solve. A baseball player who just got a raise is a... richer pitcher.
Here are some more easy hink pink riddles (rhyming pairs). What might you call a rip in a teddy? A bear tear!
What do you call a large rock that's colder than other rocks? A colder boulder! How about a plastic glass for a young dog? A pup cup!
These tough hink pinks will really twist your mind and drive you crazy. What might you call an unhappy friend? A glum chum!
A hink pink is a pair of rhyming words that can be used to define a silly clue. What do you call a lengthy tune? A long song!