Super Teacher Worksheets

4th Grade Common Core: RF.4.3a

Common Core Identifier: RF.4.3a / Grade: 4
Curriculum: Reading Foundational Skills: Phonics and Word recognition
Detail: Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, syllabication patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to read accurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words in context and out of context.
9 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Pirates are about to embark on their first adventure.  (7 characters, 3 page script)
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Several friends go on a train ride and learn about trains.  (9 characters, 6 page script)
An entertaining reader's theater script about three children who want to have a bear as a pet.  (6 characters, 5 page script)
A fun Readers' Theater story about a hungry kickball team whose wish for popcorn is magically granted.
Story about a class of students who visit the farm to learn about the animals.  (17 characters,  6 page script)
An 8-page mini book that teaches students about simple machines
The Appalachians are some of Earth’s oldest mountains. They run through several provinces and more than a dozen states. Find out how they were shaped and how they shaped communities in this article.
Students can test their vocabulary and history knowledge by filling in the 16 criss-crossing clues. The optional word bank contains other relevant terms to prevent guessing.
Learn the history behind the rallying cry used in both the Texas Revolution and Mexican-American War. File comes complete with a territory map, six questions, vocabulary crossword, and creative writing prompt.
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Common Core Alignment