Super Teacher Worksheets

3rd Grade Common Core: RF.3.4a

Common Core Identifier: RF.3.4a / Grade: 3
Curriculum: Reading Foundational Skills: Fluency
Detail: Read on-level text with purpose and understanding.
18 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Joshua has a huge headache, but his mother is not home to give him medicine. She is visiting a neighbor and Josh wondering if he should go into the medicine cabinet and take an aspirin. What should he do?
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Nine-year-old Ryan looks up to his fifteen-year-old brother, Wyatt. However, when he finds something unexpected in Wyatt's jacket pocket, he's not sure what to do.
A fun Readers' Theater story about a hungry kickball team whose wish for popcorn is magically granted.
An fun readers' theater about a girl who earns money and saves up for a purple basketball.  (10 characters, 4 page script)
Pirates are about to embark on their first adventure.  (7 characters, 3 page script)
Several friends go on a train ride and learn about trains.  (9 characters, 6 page script)
Ella and Beth are playing soccer. When Beth is tired and out of breath, Ella offers to let Beth use her inhaler. What should Beth do?
An entertaining reader's theater script about three children who want to have a bear as a pet.  (6 characters, 5 page script)
Story about a class of students who visit the farm to learn about the animals.  (17 characters,  6 page script)
Grace's mother takes a vitamin supplement pill each morning because she wants strong bones. When her mother is not around, Grace wonders if she should take one of her mother's vitamins. What should Grace do?
This is the traditional "30 Days Has September" rhyme to help kids learn the months of the year.
The aptly named Great Lakes started forming around 14,000 years ago and hold more than a fifth of Earth's fresh water. Read all about them in this informative article.
This worksheet has 5 questions to answer after reading a short passage about the kinds of clothing that were worn in ancient Rome.
The big, bright sunflower doesn't just look like the sun. Its head turns to follow the sun every day! You can also find out the only times it doesn't do that in this short reading.
How did the U.S. go from 13 colonies to 50 states? How does a place become a state? Learn about the path to statehood, then complete ordering and matching questions, a crossword, and more!
Print out this cute story for your students to read and respond to. The worksheet includes comprehension questions, a vocab activity, and a writing prompt.
This free worksheet provides facts about the arrows, stars, olive branch, and crest in the Great Seal of the United States.
The main character in this story doesn't know what to bring to school on the 100th day.
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