Super Teacher Worksheets

3rd Grade Common Core: RF.3.3

Common Core Identifier: RF.3.3 / Grade: 3
Curriculum: Reading Foundational Skills: Phonics and Word recognition
Detail: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
30 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Cut out the letters in the word VALENTINE and rearrange them to make 3, 4, and 5-letter words. This activity includes a scoring system and is designed for intermediate-level students.
Common Core
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Rearrange the letters in the word LEPRECHAUN to make as many different words as possible. This intermediate level worksheet has a scoring system and was designed for students in 3rd through 6th grades.
Add the suffix -sion or -tion to each verb to make a noun. Then use each word in a complete sentence. Words include education, expansion, protection, subtraction, decision, and persuasion.
Continue on with your students' daily ELA practice. This week we cover alphabetical order, compound words, multiple meaning words, and more.
Keep practicing important ELA skills, such as punctuation, proofreading, and helping verbs, with this week's set of ELA Buzz worksheets.
Work on more ELA skills this week with ELA Buzz. Questions cover verb conjugation, synonyms, complete and simple subjects, and more.
Print out this cute story for your students to read and respond to. The worksheet includes comprehension questions, a vocab activity, and a writing prompt.
See how many words your students can make with 9 letters. Choose any combination of letters you like and make it a game by following the scoring rules on the first page.
Connect letters that name the animals. The unused letters will spell out a connection between the animals.
Print out this next set of daily ELA review worksheets to help your third graders keep up with and refine their language arts skills. Topics include contractions, possessives, proper nouns, and many other important skills related to ELA curricula.
This short nonfiction article teaches about the oldest known written piece of literature in history: The Epic of Gilgamesh. Learn what makes it unique, then answer the questions.
This week with our daily review worksheets, students will practice grade-appropriate proofreading, identifying linking verbs, adding prefixes to words, and much more.
Help your students keep their ELA skills fresh with these daily worksheets that each cover a variety of skills, from spelling and vocabulary to proofreading and reading comprehension.
In this next set of daily ELA practice, we work on contractions, idioms, alphabetical order, reading comprehension, and much more!
This first week of ELA Buzz covers a lot of review topics for students just starting the school year. They'll decode syllables, sort words by vowel sound, fix misspelled words, and more!
Make your way through this maze by connecting letters to spell out weather-related words.
Give your students more practice with important ELA topics such as subject and predicate, capitalization, description, reading comprehension, and more.
The aptly named Great Lakes started forming around 14,000 years ago and hold more than a fifth of Earth's fresh water. Read all about them in this informative article.
This week's daily spiral review for third grade ELA covers concepts such as linking verbs, verb tense, affixes, and much more.
Practice important 3rd grade ELA topics such as r-controlled vowels, idioms, contractions, and more.
Continue on with daily ELA practice with this set of our spiral review series. Students will practice proofreading, identifying linking verbs, using reflexive pronouns, and much more.
This engaging story will keep students on the edge of their seat until the very end. Then they will answer the comprehension questions that follow.
Although not the oldest set of laws ever written, Hammurabi's Code was much longer than others of the time. Learn about the famous source of the saying "an eye for an eye!" in these three paragraphs.
Reinforce important third grade language arts skills with this week's set of ELA Buzz worksheets.
Keep working on important third-grade ELA skills with this next set of 5 daily worksheets. Topics covered include common and proper nouns, homophones, proofreading, and more.
Keep those ELA skills sharp with this week's set of our daily language arts review series. Topics include proofreading, identifying linking and action verbs, dividing words into syllables, and much more.
Work on more key ELA skills with this week's daily worksheets. These printables include practice with capitalization, contractions, proper word use, and much more.
Keep practicing important language arts skills such as reading comprehension, spelling, vocabulary, word types, and more.
This week, ELA Buzz will cover topics such as homographs, vowel sounds, singular and plural nouns, and much more.
Connect the letters of the planets' names to solve this maze puzzle.
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Common Core Alignment