2nd Grade Common Core: RF.2.3c
Common Core Identifier: RF.2.3c / Grade: 2
Curriculum: Reading Foundational Skills: Phonics and Word recognition
Detail: Decode regularly spelled two-syllable words with long vowels.
60 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Fill in the table to show the number of syllables and sounds you see and hear in each word. Grades 4 and up.
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Separate the syllables in these vowel-consonant-vowel (VC/CV) words. Grades 4 and up.
It takes many years for bald eagles' tail and head feathers to turn white. Learn about those and another color-changing body part in these short paragraphs.
In this game, students will roll a die. The number rolled will determine the column of sight words that they have to read from the game board.
This worksheet tells what a couplet is and includes space for students to write three couplets of their own.
This file has level two word wall words. There are forty-seven cards in all.
Use this worksheet to write a spring-themed poem. Then color in the rainbow!
Learn about man's best friend in this short reading comp. Answer questions about mammals and some of dogs' physical traits.
Color the pictures, trace along the dotted lines, and then write the words on the ruled lines.
Students can use this worksheet to practice writing a spring-themed haiku. This worksheet features a flower image that can also be colored in.
First, students roll number 1 through 6 on a die. The number rolled tells them which column of sight words to read on the game board.
This short reading has been tailored for younger kids who are interested in learning about our solar system's star! Read the four paragraphs and then answer the four questions.
On this printable phonics worksheet, color only the pictures of words that have a short o vowel sound.
A fun Readers' Theater story about a hungry kickball team whose wish for popcorn is magically granted.
Kids will enjoy this fun poem about a child who befriends a turkey on Thanksgiving.
(Approx. Grade Level: 2)
(Approx. Grade Level: 2)
Celebrate workers of all occupations with this Labor Day Poem. (There is a Canadian version on our Labour Day Page.)
Cut out the words and paste them next to their matching contractions.
Find out what happens when a young girl bakes an eleven-layer Mother's Day cake and burns it.
The main character in this poem has a Superstar Dad who tells jokes, scares away monsters, and has an appreciation for big bugs.
What does Mom want for Mother's Day? A box of slime? Shiny rocks? Maybe some glow-in-the-dark socks?
Complete the poem by adding descriptive adverbs to each action verb. Use words from the word bank, or think of your own.
Practice reading second grade sight words with this whole-class card game. Includes 26 game cards with words from the Level 2 (second grade) Dolch list.
Write your own Haiku. This worksheet includes a definition of a haiku and an example.
Story about a class of students who visit the farm to learn about the animals. (17 characters, 6 page script)
Use your knowledge of vowel sounds to answer these phonics questions.
Determine how each contraction is formed and tell what letters are missing. Then, use the word in a complete sentence.
Here's a poem about the symbolism behind the design of the American Flag.
Review sight words sight words with this whole-class card game. Includes 26 game cards with words from the Dolch Noun list.
Writing Couplets FREE
Practice writing rhyming couplets. This worksheet includes a definition of couplets and an example.
Possessive nouns and contractions both have apostrophes in them. Learn the differences between these two types of words.
In this craft project, students write tree haiku about zoo animals. Then cut and color to make a "haiku zoo" chain display.
An extra letter has been added to these short vowel words. Students must figure out the mystery words by removing one letter. (example: meop = mop)
An fun readers' theater about a girl who earns money and saves up for a purple basketball. (10 characters, 4 page script)
Tell what each contraction stands for, then find the words in the puzzle.
This poem is written as a letter in which a child asks, "Why is Mother's Day only one day in May?"
This poem captures the excitement of the opening ceremony of the Olympics.
First underline the contraction in each sentence. Then, tell what words the contraction stands for.
Write the letters ch or sh on each line to correctly complete the sentence.
Change the words in parenthesis into a contraction to complete each sentence.
Write an acrostic poem about your favorite animal. Includes a sample acrostic titled, "Tigers."
Brainstorm words that have long and short vowel sounds. List your words in the matrix chart.
An entertaining reader's theater script about three children who want to have a bear as a pet. (6 characters, 5 page script)
Read each word and determine its vowel sound. Color the boxes according to the key.
Choose the correct contraction word to best complete each sentence.
The narrator of this poem is having trouble living up to the high expectations set by her sister on Mother's Day.
Here's another terrific poem to use i your classroom on Groundhog Day.
The pine tree is dressed in its holiday wear, with silvery angels and garlands for flair.
Read about Martin Luther King's dream for racial equality.
Students will enjoy reading about this poem on February 2, Groundhog Day. It tells what happens if the groundhog emerges from his burrow and sees his shadow.
Practice reading third grade sight words with this whole-class card game. Includes 26 game cards with words from the Level 3 (third grade) Dolch list.
Choose a word to complete each rhyming couplet. Then write your own.