Super Teacher Worksheets

2nd Grade Common Core: RF.2.3

Common Core Identifier: RF.2.3 / Grade: 2
Curriculum: Reading Foundational Skills: Phonics and Word recognition
Detail: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
71 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Students circle the words with the /âr/ sound. Words include: care, chair, pear, where, and more.
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Make your own letter mix activity with this worksheet. Fill in letters in each box and then have students cut them out and make as many words as they can. Then they can write them on the primary-ruled lines.
Flash cards in this set: bear, wear, pear, tear, care, stare, share, dare, rare, hare, flare, square, air, fair, pair, hair, stair, chair, there, their where, very, parent, arrow, marry, carry, cherry, berry, terrible, repair, error, area, America, compare, and airplane.
Color the words that have the /är/ sound (like car) blue. Color the words that have the /âr/ sound (like care) red. Use crayons, markers, highlighters, or ink dabbers for this activity.
With this worksheet, students will circle the words that have the /îr/ sound. There are also two words for students to write themselves after listening to the teacher to say them out loud.
Students will search for the words with the
/ûr/ sound spelled ur. Then they'll color in the circles the words are in.
Circle the words with the /ûr/ sound and write the words the teacher says aloud.
Cut out the pictures and sort them on the t-chart. On one side, place pictures/words with the /ûr/ sound (spelled ir). Words in this set include: bird, girl, first, and shirt.
With this worksheet, students learn about haikus and write one of their own about spring. They can then color in the flower.
Say the word for each picture and place it in the correct position on the t-chart. On the left, place words with the vowel sound /îr/ (as in hear). Words in this set include: deer, year, ear, and cheer.
The first part of this exercise asks students to circle the words with the /ôr/ sound. Then teachers have two words to read aloud. Students test their phonics skills by seeing if they can spell the words they hear.
Use markers, crayons, colored pencils, or dabbers to fill in the circles with words that make the /ûr/ sound and are spelled with an er.
Circle the /ûr/ words and write the two words the teacher reads aloud. Words include fern, verb, herb, germ, and more.
Cut out the pictures squares and sort them on the chart. On the left, place pictures/words with the /ûr/ sound (spelled er). Words in this set include: germ, fern, and verbs.
This worksheet tells what a couplet is and includes space for students to write three couplets of their own.
Look at each picture and say the word. If the word has the /är/ vowel sound (like cart), then glue it on the left-hand side of the t-chart. If it does not have the /är/ sound, glue it on the right.
Students circle the /är/ words, such as farm, part, dark, and star. They will also practice spelling words based on hearing them.
See how many words your students can make with 9 letters. Choose any combination of letters you like and make it a game by following the scoring rules on the first page.
Print this word spinner on card stock. Spin and read the words: rare, dare, care, stare, scare, and share.
Use a crayon, highlighter, or ink dabber. Color only the words with the /ûr/ sound, as in dirt and fur. In this activity, the /ûr/ sound is spelled with er as in her, ir as in bird, and ur as in fur.
Anna thinks Kitty took her missing puzzle piece. She has to learn a lesson about teamwork before she can complete her puzzle. Reading comprehension questions, a writing prompt, and vocabulary words are included.
With this worksheet, students are looking for words with the /ûr/ sound spelled a variety of ways.
Sort the picture-words on the chart. On the left, place words with the /ûr/ sound (spelled or). Words in this set include: horn, corn horse, and storm.
Use this worksheet to write a spring-themed poem. Then color in the rainbow!
Cut and sort the words that have the /ûr/ sound spelled with the letters ur and the other words.
Sort the word list into two columns. Column one has /är/ words: far, farm, mark, shark, smart, and yard. Column two has /âr/ words: care, pear, share, square, stare, and wear.
Flash cards in this set: year, hear, rear, fear, dear, deer, peer, cheer, sneer, here, we're, pier, weird, career, and appear.
Color the words that have the /ûr/ sound (like bird and fur) blue. Color the words that have the /îr/ sound (like deer and near) red.
Students are given eight lists of four words and asked to circle the word in each list with the /ûr/ sound. Then the teacher will read two words for the students to spell themselves.
Use this worksheet to help students practice recognizing words with the /ûr/ sound that are spelled with an ir.
Tell whether each word has one, two, or three syllables.  Grades 2 and up.
Find out what happens when a young girl bakes an eleven-layer Mother's Day cake and burns it.
This poem captures the excitement of the opening ceremony of the Olympics.
Anna is preparing to visit her grandma, who lives by the beach. Her kitten helps her choose the best items to pack.
Cut out and rearrange the letters in the word LEPRECHAUN to make as many different words as possible. This primary level worksheet has primary-ruled lines for grades K through 2.
Celebrate workers of all occupations with this Labor Day Poem. (There is a Canadian version on our Labour Day Page.)
Cut out the letters in the word VALENTINE and rearrange them to make 3, 4, and 5-letter words. This activity includes a scoring system and is designed for intermediate-level students.
This basic word search is designed for students in grades 1 and 2. Words are only hidden across and down. There are no diagonal or backwards words. Puzzle includes the words hold, Phil, winter, spring, and weather.
Practice writing rhyming couplets. This worksheet includes a definition of couplets and an example.
Divide each words into syllable parts.  Write each syllable part on the lines.  Grades 2 and up.
Can you find the words and phrases related to Dr. Seuss hidden in the puzzle? Students will need to search for Lorax, Horton, Grinch, Whoville.
In this craft project, students write tree haiku about zoo animals. Then cut and color to make a "haiku zoo" chain display.
The main character in this poem has a Superstar Dad who tells jokes, scares away monsters, and has an appreciation for big bugs.
Cut, Draw, Color, and Staple this mini-book.  Then, read the book and answer the questions.
Cut out the letters in the word VALENTINE and rearrange them to make new words. This activity includes primary-ruled lines for young students.
This intermediate word search has words hidden across, down, and diagonally. Kids can search for the words underground, Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, and hibernate.
Choose a word to complete each rhyming couplet. Then write your own.
Separate the syllables in these vowel-consonant/consonant-vowel (VC/CV) words.  Grades 3 and up.
Color the dinosaur pictures. Then cut and assemble the mini-book. Read interesting facts about seven different dino species.
Write an acrostic poem about your favorite animal. Includes a sample acrostic titled, "Tigers."
This Father's Day poem is a tribute to loving, supportive dads.
The pine tree is dressed in its holiday wear, with silvery angels and garlands for flair.
Divide these zoo animal words into syllables.  Draw a slash (/) symbol to divide each word and count the total number of syllables.
Here's a poem about the symbolism behind the design of the American Flag.
This poem describes a figure skater trying to win a gold medal.
Anna's kite is caught high up in a tree. It's too far for her to climb. How can her kitty help get the kite down?
This poem is written as a letter in which a child asks, "Why is Mother's Day only one day in May?"
Read this poem when you celebrate the 4th of July.
Determine whether each word has one or two syllables.
Find pairs of contractions and pairs of goofy monsters in this memory match card game.
Students will enjoy reading about this poem on February 2, Groundhog Day. It tells what happens if the groundhog emerges from his burrow and sees his shadow.
Complete the poem by adding descriptive adverbs to each action verb. Use words from the word bank, or think of your own.
Rearrange the letters in the word LEPRECHAUN to make as many different words as possible. This intermediate level worksheet has a scoring system and was designed for students in 3rd through 6th grades.
Read about Martin Luther King's dream for racial equality.
What does Mom want for Mother's Day? A box of slime? Shiny rocks? Maybe some glow-in-the-dark socks?
Rosie loves to hear her dad's bedtime stories. But when Dad gets sick and can't tell her a bedtime story, will they miss story time?
The narrator of this poem is having trouble living up to the high expectations set by her sister on Mother's Day.
Here's another terrific poem to use i your classroom on Groundhog Day.
Kids will enjoy this fun poem about a child who befriends a turkey on Thanksgiving.
(Approx. Grade Level: 2)
Syllable Egg FREE 
Read each word on the Easter egg and count the syllables. Color the egg according to the key.
Write your own Haiku. This worksheet includes a definition of a haiku and an example.
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