Super Teacher Worksheets

1st Grade Common Core: RF.1.3c

Common Core Identifier: RF.1.3c / Grade: 1
Curriculum: Reading Foundational Skills: Phonics and Word recognition
Detail: Know final -e and common vowel team conventions for representing long vowel sounds.
216 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
This phonics wheel has the words price, slice, rice, mice, and nice.
Common Core
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Members can add this to their file cabinet
Phonics word families:  plate, gate, state, mate, and late.
This phonics wheel has the words pine, line, dine, and mine.
This phonics wheel has the words time, dime, lime, chime, crime.
Two friends will bake a cake for Mike's birthday. Silent-e words include: bake, cake, smoke, nose, and face.
Read about the snake sneaks through the grass looking for a snack.  She snoops by the wood pile when she hears a snap.
Trace and say the words that start with the hard-c sound and color the pictures.
After taking off her shoes and walking on the shore, the main character goes to the shake shop.
Cut the letters and arrange them to make the words six and star.
Match the vowel sound on the left with the word on the right.
Each riddle can be answered with a ch or sh word.
Possessive nouns and contractions both have apostrophes in them.  Learn the differences between these two types of words.
The van is over there.  The vase is over there.  The vet is over there.
Trace and say the words that start with /r/ and color the pictures.
These words include tub, club, cub, and sub.
Chad and Chip are chipmunks who play chess, chat, and chase each other.
Phonics word wheel: base, lake, bake, cake, same, name, came, face.
Spin the wheel to make words that start with N, including no, not, now, nap, net, and new.
I see a sheep. Baa. Baa. I see a duck. Quack. Quack. I see a pig. Oink. Oink.
Write the correct word for each picture.  Includes a word list.
Tell what each contraction stands for, then find the words in the puzzle.
Do you see the net?  Do you see the nut?  How about the note?  The nest?
Write the correct /r/ word for each picture.  Includes a word list.
In this long u book, a boy uses his crayons to draw a unicorn, the USA, and a cube.
Spin the phonics word wheel to make words that start with K, including kid, king, kit, kite, kind, and keep.
First underline the contraction in each sentence.  Then, tell what words the contraction stands for.
Do you see the bee? The bee is in a tree.  The bee is on a seed.  The bee in on a leaf.
Spin the wheel to make Wh words, including why, what, where, when, wheel, and while.
An extra letter has been added to these short vowel words.  Students must figure out the mystery words by removing one letter.  (example:  meop = mop)
Phonics word wheel: music, clue, use, blue, mule, tube, cube, menu.
Read about Stacy's car.  It will steer and stop, but not start.  Can Steve fix Stacy's car?
Run, Bug!  Run! is a cute story about a bug who runs away from the rug (because a vacuum is coming), runs away from a mug (because he doesn't want to be swallowed), and runs away from the tub (because the water is turned on). 
Color, assemble, and read this 8-page mini-book about blue and black berries.
Phonics word wheel: cat, bat, cab, at, mat, bath, last, nap.
Spin the phonics word wheel to make words that start with J, including jaw, jet, job, just, jump, and joke.
Mr. Goat puts his boat in the moat.  His boat will not float.  He plugs the hole with his coat.
Spin the wheel to make words that start with M, including man, men, met, mat, make, and map.
Choose the correct contraction word to best complete each sentence.
This booklet includes the words kid, key, king, kite, and kitten.
Spin the wheel to make words that start with Q, including quit, quiet, queen, quilt, quite, quiz, and quarter.
In this short o book, Fox hops in a box, then on mom, and then in a pot. 
Trace and say the words that start with /k/ and color the pictures.
Read about three friends: Rat, Cat and Pat.  Rat and cat sit on a comfy mat, then they sit in a hat.  They find they're most comfortable when they sit on Pat.
Spin the wheel to make the words wheel, what, wheat, why, whale, white, and whole.
Brainstorm words that have long and short vowel sounds.  List your words in the matrix chart.
Phonics word wheel: slow, so, go, code, poke, blow, snow, tow.
In this long i book, a girl lies to her mom about eating pie, cries when she hurts her arm, and needs help tying her shoe.
Write the correct hard-c word for each picture.  Includes a word list.
Where is the zebra?  There is the zebra.  Where is the zoo?  There is the zoo.  Where is the zipper?
Match the words and pictures that begin with the /s/ sound.
Read each word and determine its vowel sound.  Color the boxes according to the key.
Write the letters ch or sh on each line to correctly complete the sentence.
Change the words in parenthesis into a contraction to complete each sentence.
Here is my truck.  Here is my toy.  Here is my tent and my tree and my turtle.
Match the words and pictures that begin with the /r/ sound.
In this long o book, a boy rows his boat.  When he drops his oar in the water, he needs a tow.
Phonics word wheel: ship, shop, shell, she, shoe, and show.
Trace and read the /d/ words, and color the pictures.
Kay-Kay! is a story about a young horse.  There are plenty of easy-to-read long a words, like play, say, way, and hay.
Cut the letters and arrange them  on the page to make the words snow and sled.
Use your knowledge of vowel sounds to answer these phonics questions.
Phonics word wheel: nice, mice, ice, bike, hi, mile, kind, find.
Make a list of words that begins and ends with sh and ch
Read about the adventures of Jen.  First, Jen chases butterflies with her net.  Then it rains and she gets wet.  Then she lays in a tent.
Practice reading first grade sight words with this whole-class card game. Includes 26 game cards with words from the Level 1 (first grade) Dolch list.
Have you seen my yo-yo?  Have you seen my yarn?  Have you seen my yard?
Write the correct /s/ word for each picture.  Includes a word list.
Unscramble the /ch/ words and find them in the puzzle.
Unscramble the /sh/ words and find them in the puzzle.
Determine how each contraction is formed and tell what letters are missing.  Then, use the word in a complete sentence.
I see the star and the sky.  I see the snow and the sled.  I see the snake and the sand.
Cut the letters and arrange them  on the page to make the words roof and rose.
Read about a family who gets in a car, goes too far, and follows a star.
Spin the phonics wheel to make words that start with V, including vine, vote, vase, vet, very, and van.
Spin the word wheel to make the words race, trace, face, cent, city, and ice.
Spin the phonics word wheel to make words that start with L, including leg, lit, log, late, lay, and let.
Cut out the words and paste them next to their matching contractions.
This mini-book features a cow, cup, cat, cap, can, cap, and cake.
Trace and say the words that start with /n/ and color the pictures.
Cut out the letter squares. Arrange them to make the words cage and dice. Glue them in the correct spaces.
This printable phonics worksheet requires students to find the missing letters and write them in the boxes, then write the word on the lines.
The lower portion of this worksheet has eight letter squares to be cut out and sorted into the words: "stick" and "pig".
This word card sorting activity has students separating words that make a long o sound, as in show, or an /ow/ sound, as in owl.
This fun phonics activity requires students to use letter stampers to form the long i words on this worksheet.
This phonics worksheet has 4 simple horizontal word hunts with both long e words and short e words to be found.
For each of these four words, trace along the dotted lines and then write the word on the ruled lines.
This pig-shaped word slider has four different word strips that can be used to practice words that have a long o vowel sound.
Refine important phonics skills with these picture cards. Each card has a picture that represents a long i or short i word. Students will say the word and then sort the card into the correct pile.
Each AI word has a missing letter. Write the letter, then rewrite each word. List includes: mail, rain, hair, nail, pail, and tail.
Print out the pennants on card stock paper. Have each student make one of the 13 pennants. They will color the picture, write the word, and cut it out. Fold the pennant along the line and glue it around a piece of string or rope.
Teachers will read a series of long a words and students will circle the word they hear from the selection on each line.
Use scissors to cut the squares with letters. Arrange them to make the words fire and cake. Paste them on the page.
Have your students color the picture, then trace the word, and then rewrite the long e word on the ruled lines.
With this cut-and-glue activity, students will need scissors and glue sticks. Students will create a small flip book featuring words with a short e sound.
Use this primary-ruled worksheet to have your students think up and write as many short i words as they can.
This phonics printable has 22 pennants with short e words that can be cut out, colored, and strung up on string around the classroom.
Teachers: Hide the fifteen phonics cards around your classroom and let the students search for them. As they find the cards, they can record the words on their answer sheet.
Your students will draw lines to match each picture to the correct short e word.
For each of the pictures, match them to their long o word in the right column by drawing lines.
Find and circle the word shown in the pictures for each row of jumbled up letters.
Share in the individual letters to make the words bike, dice, tire, and time. After that, write the words on the primary-ruled lines.
This phonics worksheet has rows of jumbled letters to find the long a word featured for each illustration.
Scissors and a glue stick are needed for this phonics worksheet. Cut apart the pictures and glue them in the correct columns, sorting by short and long a sounds.
Arrange the cards to build simple sentences. Some cards have basic sight words and some have silent-e words. List includes: make, fine, mice, bike, lake, take, game and kite.
This fun activity has students using bingo dabbers, crayons, or markers to color in the word circles. Use red to color in words with a long a sound and blue to color in words with a short a sound.
Cut out the thirty cards in this printable along the dotted lines and sort the word cards into two groups: those that have a long e sound and those that don't.
This phonics worksheet has students using scissors and glue to sort the pictures of short e words in the left column and pictures of long e words in the right column.
Cut out and attach the long i word sheets to the main section to create a phonics flip book.
Print out this phonics activity so your students can cut and color these 22 word pennants featuring long e words. Afterwards, they can be strung up around the classroom.
This cut-and-glue phonics flip book features the words: cone, soap, nose, and goat.
Cut apart these picture cards to sort them into two groups. Words that have the long o vowel sound and those that don't.
This printable has twenty-eight word cards to be sorted into groups of words with a short o sound and words with a long o vowel sound.
Read the paragraph and highlight the long-a words. Then write the long a words on the lines.
Print out this phonics worksheet so your students can draw lines to match each picture to the correct long a word.
Print and cut out cards in this scavenger hunt activity. Hide the cards featuring words with a short a sound around your classroom and have your students find them.
Cut out the short i word boxes on the bottom of the page and glue them below the matching picture.
Using dabbers, markers, or crayons, color the words with a short e sound blue and words with a long e sound red.
Color the pictures on the left, trace the long i words along the dotted lines in the middle section, and rewrite the words on the primary-ruled lines in the right section.
This printable file has 26 cards to be cut apart and sorted into groups of words with a short u sound and words with a long u sound. There are even 4 blank cards where you can write in your own words.
This phonics worksheet is a fun way for students to practice words that have a long o vowel sound.
Use scissors to cut out the twenty-five words. Rearrange them to make sentences using at least one long o word in each one.
Print off this file and have students sort the cards into short E or long E categories based on the pictures on the cards.
Cut out the nine word squares on the bottom and glue them in the boxes to form the words "crane" and "game".
This phonics card game has 30 print-and-cut cards to use for play and practice. Fifteen of them are long a word cards and the other fifteen are corresponding picture cards.
For each illustration, find the long e word in the row of mixed up letters and circle it.
Use a pencil to write the missing letters for each of the short e words and write the word on the ruled lines.
Print this worksheet out as a fun activity for students to use letter stampers in the boxes to form the short i words.
This fun phonics activity has students sorting out the picture cards into groups of words with a short e vowel sound and and those that don't.
Students will enjoy this scavenger hunt activity while they search for the hidden phonics cards. On their answer sheet, students will determine if it is a word with a short i sound or long i sound.
This printable activity has thirty cards to be cut out and sorted into groups of words with a short e sound and words without.
This printable worksheet has eight sets of primary-ruled lines for your students to write down as many long o words as they can.
Teachers: read from the answer key words that have long o and short o vowel sounds. Your students will circle the word they hear on their worksheets.
Color the individual letters in the words cake, game, tape, and vase. Then write each word on the line.
Use the word bank at the top of this printable worksheet to find the correct word for each of the six pictures and write it on the ruled lines.
For each of the four illustrations, find the long a or short a word within the group of scrambled up letters and circle it.
Write the missing letter for each OA word. Then write the word on the line. Words include: toad, road, boat, coat, soap, and goat.
Having your students play with this scavenger hunt activity is a great and fun way for them to practice reading their words that have a long a or short a vowel sound in them.
This fun phonics game has students searching the classroom for the fifteen hidden cards. They will write the long e word found on each card on their answer page.
Use a red crayon to color the pictures that have the short e sound in their name and a blue crayon to color the pictures with a long e sound in the name.
After cutting out the letter squares, form the correct words and glue them in the appropriate boxes.
Print and cut out these phonics picture cards to sort them into two groups: words that have a long e sound and words that do not.
Cut apart the letter squares and glue them to form the words "rose" and "cone".
Flip the cards upside-down and students will take turns flipping pairs of cards. For example, they can make a match by flipping a picture of a goat and the card that reads "goat".
Sort through the rows of jumbled up letters to find the word from the picture.
Students will use scissors to cut out the six word boxes on the bottom of this worksheet and use a glue stick to attach them to the correct picture.
This worksheet is filled with primary-ruled lines so that your students can try to think up and write as many long a words as they can.
This page has pictures for 6 silent e words. Write the missing letter. Then write the whole word. Words include cage, face, cake, rake, tape, and vase.
Have your students use scissors and glue to adhere the correct long e word to the matching picture.
Cut and assemble this short i phonics flip book featuring the words: fish, crib, chick, and pig.
Have your students use an ink dabber, marker, or crayon to color in the circles that contain words with long o sounds.
Teachers will read out a series of long i words found on this worksheet and students will have to circle the words that they hear.
The circles on this worksheet that contain words with a long u sound are to be colored blue and the circles with words with a short u sound should be colored red.
This printable phonics activity has 18 pennants that each feature a different long o word to be colored, cut out, and strung up around the classroom.
Give your students a copy of the scavenger hunt worksheet. They will search the classroom to find all of the phonics word cards and write them on their sheet.
This sorting activity reinforces key phonics skills. Have students sort the cards into short A or long A based on the pictures shown.
Use this printable worksheet for your students to practice forming words with a long a sound. This worksheet features the words "skate" and "cape".
Students will use scissors to cut apart the 25 word cards in this printable and move them around to make sentences, using at least one long a word in each one. Then they will write the sentences they make on the lined paper provided on the following pages.
Cut out the letter tiles and arrange them to make the words vase and face. Glue the letter tiles in the correct spots.
This phonics worksheet has twelve pictures. Color only the pictures that have the long e sound in their name.
Students will use a pencil to trace along the dotted lines, writing the short i word, and then writing the word again on the primary-ruled lines.
This phonics worksheet has students using a blue ink dabber to color the circles with words that have a short o sound and a red ink dabber to color the circles with a long o sound.
Cut out the picture boxes and use glue to place them in the proper columns, sorting them into short i and long i words.
Have your students trace along the dotted lines to write the short e word and then rewrite that word on the primary-ruled lines next to it.
Color only those pictures that have a long o sound in their name on this printable worksheet.
Cut out the boxes along the dotted lines and sort the pictures by the sound each word makes.
Teachers will read long o words spelled with oa, oe, and ow. Students will select the correct word from a list of four. At the end, two words are read that students have to spell on their own. Primary lines are provided.
Color in the circles to make words that correspond with the pictures. Then write the words on the lines.
Each of the six words on this worksheet is missing two letters. Find which letters are missing and write it in the boxes. Then rewrite the long a word on the lines.
Students will hear their teacher read a word for each group of words and they have to circle which word they hear. Students will differentiate the long a sound between words spelled with a silent-e, an "ay", and "ai" in them.
Make the words bike and tire. Cut the tiles apart and glue them in the correct order.
This is fun classroom game to practice words with a long a vowel sound. Hide the fifteen cards around your classroom for your students to find.
Use the decoders at the top of the page to solve this cryptogram to learn about the state bird, flower, and the highest point in Wyoming.
Read out a word for each group of words and have your students circle which one they hear. The last two questions, students will write down the word they hear.
Can you make the words using the letter squares on this worksheet? Cut out the letters and rearrange them to form the words.
This printable phonics file has 30 cards to be cut out and used for reviewing words that have the long e vowel sound.
Scissors and a glue stick will be needed to complete this phonics worksheet featuring the words: "soap" and "goat".
Cut apart these twenty-eight word cards and sort them into two groups: words with a long o vowel sound and words without it.
Cut out the cards and have students sort them into the correct category (long u or short u) based on the words the pictures represent.
This worksheet can be printed and cut apart to make a flip book featuring words with a long a sound.
Have your students use a highlighter, bingo dabber, or crayon to color in the circles with words that have a long a sound in them.
Can your students figure out the missing letter for each Silent-E word? List includes: fire, dice, nine, bike, mice, and tire.
For this phonics worksheet, students will color the pictures of long e words, cut out the pages of the flip book along the dotted lines, and then glue or staple them together.
Use scissors to cut out the letter boxes and form the words "drill" and "fish" in the spaces below the illustrations.
This printable has 36 cards to be printed and cut out featuring picture and word cards with long o and short o sounds. Sort them into groups based on the sound they make.
Use this worksheet filled with primary-ruled lines for students to write down as many long i words they can think of.
Students can pick a color to use when coloring in the circles on this phonics worksheet to identify words that have a long u vowel sound in them.
Find and write the missing letters for each of the six long o words and then write the word on the lines.
This printable file has thirty-six long o flashcards that can be cut apart and used for reviewing.
Practice phonics skills with early learners by having them sort these picture cards into short o and long o piles.
This fun cut-and-glue activity has students gluing the letter squares in boxes to form the words "gate" and "cane".
This is a fun activity for students to do to practice learning about words with a long a sound. Students will use letter stampers to form the words in the spaces provided.
Cut the letters, make two words, and paste them in the correct places.
Cut out the six short e words on the bottom of the page along the dotted lines and glue them in the boxes below the matching pictures.
Read a selection of words to your students and have them circle the words that they hear.
Print out this scavenger hunt activity so your students can have fun while learning the differences between words with short e vowel sounds and words with long e vowel sounds.
This is fun phonics activity for students to practice reading and writing words that have a short i vowel sound.
Find the short e word in each row of jumbled letters and circle it.
For each row of jumbled letters, find the long o word that is shown in the illustration.
This phonics printable has twelve pictures. Color the pictures that are words with a short o sound with a red crayon and words that make a long o sound with a blue crayon.
With this worksheet, students will listen to the long o words their teacher reads aloud. Each is spelled with either an o or o-e. Students have to pick which word out of their list of 4 the teacher read. At the end, two words are read that students must write on their own.
Mark the letters to make the words kite, mice, nine, and fire.
Can you tell which of these pictures are long a words? Find them and color only those with a long a sound in them.
Read a word from each group to your students to see if they can circle the correct word. This phonics worksheet will have students differentiating between words with long and short a sounds.
Create two long-e words, mice and tape. Cut out the letter cards and arrange them on the worksheet to make words.
Match the pictures on this worksheet to the correct long e words by drawing lines.
Of the twelve pictures on this phonics worksheet, color only the pictures that have a short e sound in their name.
Scissors and a glue stick are needed to do this cut-and-glue activity. Match the picture to the correct long i word.
Use these printable short e phonics cards as a memory match game. Have students take turns flipping cards over trying to make matches between the pictures and words.
This worksheet has pictures of snowflakes, toast, toes, a goat, a nose, and soap. Students will match the cut-out words to the correct picture.
Your class will have fun playing this phonics-themed scavenger hunt activity. Hide the fifteen cards around the classroom so they can find them and write the short e words on their answer page.
This fun phonics activity has students using letter stampers to form the long o word in the boxes provided.
This scavenger hunt activity is a fun way for students to learn and practice words that have long and short o vowel sounds.
This set includes more, sore, tore, wore, store.
Students will color each of the four pictures, trace the words along the dotted lines, and then write them again on the primary-ruled lines.
This coloring phonics worksheet will have your students using a red crayon to color in the pictures that have a short a sound and a blue crayon to color in pictures with a long a sound.
In this card game, students match the Silent E words with their pictures. This game works well as a learning center, a game for individuals, or large group activities.
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