1st Grade Common Core: RF.1.2b
Common Core Identifier: RF.1.2b / Grade: 1
Curriculum: Reading Foundational Skills: Phonological awareness
Detail: Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds (phonemes), including consonant blends.
500 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
This phonics wheel has the words dip, sip, lip, tip, and rip.
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Words that end with -ing, including: sing, wing, thing, king, swing, and ring.
This phonics wheel has the words sick, trick, thick, pick, stick, and kick.
Phonics wheel with -ight words: sight, bright, right, light, might, and light.
The -ear phonics circle has hear, near, pear, and tear.
Color, assemble, and read this 8-page mini-book about blue and black berries.
Mr. Goat puts his boat in the moat. His boat will not float. He plugs the hole with his coat.
After taking off her shoes and walking on the shore, the main character goes to the shake shop.
This short vowel phonics poem has many short u words in it, such as hug, buggy, bump, rug, up, and cut.
This short vowel phonics poem has many short u words in it, such as puppy, dug, tub, rug, and tummy.
This short vowel phonics poem has many short o words in it, such as odd, on, spot, dot, and dog.
Read about Stacy's car. It will steer and stop, but not start. Can Steve fix Stacy's car?
Read about the snake sneaks through the grass looking for a snack. She snoops by the wood pile when she hears a snap.
Find words with -ea- and -ee- in this easy-to-read, eight-page minibook. Words include, beat, heat, sleep, bees, leap, sea, free and street. Students assemble and color the pictures, then read the book.
Chad and Chip are chipmunks who play chess, chat, and chase each other.
Read about three friends: Rat, Cat and Pat. Rat and cat sit on a comfy mat, then they sit in a hat. They find they're most comfortable when they sit on Pat.
There are three ways to pronounce suffix -ed. Sort the words into three different pronunciation groups.
Use this anchor chart to show students several examples of pl- words. The words shown are: pliers, plus, plug, plum, plane, plate, pledge, and plant.
Hang this anchor chart in your classroom to help students remember the pr- blend. Words include: pretzel, prize, princess, printer, propeller, present, press, and price.
Review the sc- words scarf, scoop, score, scale, scooter, scarecrow, scout, and scare with this anchor chart.
This anchor chart has the words sleep, slug, sloth, slippers, sled, sleeve, slip, and slide, along with black-and-white illustrations for each word.
This printable anchor chart includes common sn- words such as snore, sneaker, snow, snacks, sniff, snowman, snip, and snail.
Use this anchor chart when teaching the st- blend. It includes the words stop, stem, stamps, stick, stump, story, star, and stool.
The consonant blend sw- words sweep, swan, switch, swing, swim, swat, sweets, and sweater are all shown on this anchor chart.
This anchor chart shows the spellings and images for the following tr- words: train, tractor, treasure, trumpet, treat, trash, triangle, and truck.
This anchor chart includes illustrations and spellings of eight ch- words: chicken, beach, chimp, chocolate, cheese, chair, wrench, and lunch.
Get a hang of the ck- digraph with this anchor chart. It includes the words duck, truck, rock, puck, sick, track, sack, and sock.
This anchor chart includes illustrations and the words whale, white, whistle, wheat, wheel, whiskers, wharf, and why.
Practice the th- words math, third, think, Earth, bath, weather, clothing, and mother with this helpful anchor chart.
Read about a family who gets in a car, goes too far, and follows a star.
Find pairs of contractions and pairs of goofy monsters in this memory match card game.
Cut out the wheel and assemble it with a brass paper fastener. Spin the wheel and read the words. For best results, you will probably want to print this file on card stock paper.
Cut out the bear and weave the letter strip through his tummy. Slide the strip up and down to see words in the -an family.
This fun pirate-themed word slider will have kids reading the words back, pack, black, crack, shack, track and snack. (If you'd prefer a full-color version of this file, click the "alt" button below.)
Read and match pairs of words ending with the letters a-c-k. This is played like the classic memory game that many students are familiar with.
This cute, bear-shaped slider is a fun way for your students to practice reading words in the -ad family. Cut along the dotted lines and then slide the strip into the bear to read all of the words in this unit. Click the ALT button for a full color version.
The -ad word family has 9 different words to practice with these printable flashcards.
Print and cut out the cards. Flip all of the cards face-down and have a pair of students take turns flipping cards to make a match.
Cut the dog and the slider along the dotted lines. Thread the word strip into the slots on the dog to practice reading this unit's words that end in -ag. Click on the ALT button below for a color version.
Print and use these 9 flashcards to practice reading words from the -ag word family.
Have students pair up and take turns finding word matches with this game.
Students will read each word, then trace each word, and then write each word on their own on the lines provided.
Print this worksheet to practice writing the words from this unit. Trace and then write the words on the lines.
Assemble the pirate-themed word slider to view and practice -ail words. The ALT button will lead to a full-color version.
Print out these pages to cut out the 10 different flashcards for the -ail word family unit.
This 2-player memory matching card game will have students recognizing and reading -ail words.
Read, trace, and write six of the words from the -ail family on this printable worksheet.
Cut out and assemble this truck-themed word slider for the -and word family unit. Click on the ALT button for a full-color version of the word slider.
Download and print these pages to cut out 8 different flashcards for the
-and word family unit.
-and word family unit.
This 2-player memory matching card game will have your students recognizing and reading -and words.
Cut out the airplane and slider on the dotted lines. Weave the slider through the slits on the airplane so your students can practice reading the words in this unit. The ALT button below contains a color version of the slider.
Practice reading the 11 words in the
-ap word family unit by printing out these handy flashcards.
-ap word family unit by printing out these handy flashcards.
Print and cut out the 22 word cards. Use card stock for best results. Have the students pair up to take turns trying to find matches between the word cards.
Kids will love learning their -at words on this cute bear-shaped word slider. Full color version available by clicking the ALT button below.
There are 11 -at words in this word family to practice with these printable flashcards.
Have your students match up pairs of words ending in -at. This can be played alone or in pairs.
Print and cut out the pig-shaped word slider. Insert the strip into the pig and move the strip along to read each word. ALT button below has a full-color version available.
These printable flashcards are a great learning tool to practice reading words that end in -ed.
Print and cut out the cards. Flip the cards face-down and have a pair of students take turns flipping cards to make a match.
Cut out the robot and the slider along the dotted lines. Thread the word strip into the slots on the robot to practice reading this unit's words that end in -ell. Click on the ALT button below for a color version.
Practice reading words from the -ell word family with these nine printable flashcards.
Pair up your students and they can take turns trying to make word matches with this game.
Assemble the apple-shaped word slider to view and practice -end words. The ALT button will lead to a full-color version.
Print out these pages to cut out the 8 different flashcards for the -end word family unit.
This 2-player memory matching card game will have students recognizing and reading -end words.
This 2-player memory matching card game will have students recognizing and reading -ent words.
Cut out the ladybug and weave the letter strip through the middle. Slide the strip up and down to see words in the -est word family.
Use these printable flashcards for practicing word family words, learning games, or word family scavenger hunts.
Students take turns finding pairs of matching -est words in this 2-player memory card game.
Cut out and assemble this robot-themed word slider for the -ick word family unit. Click on the ALT button for a full-color version of the word slider.
Download and print these pages to cut out 8 different flashcards for the
-ick word family unit.
-ick word family unit.
This is a 2-player memory matching card game will have your students recognizing and reading -ick words.
This fun fish-themed word slider will have kids reading the words grin, chin, bin, thin, win, pin, skin, fin, twin, spin, tin, and in. (If you'd prefer a full-color version of this file, click the ALT button below.)
These printable flash cards can be used to practice 12 different -in words.
Read and match pairs of words ending with the letters -in. This game is played like the classic memory game that many students are familiar with.
This cute, penguin-shaped slider is a fun way for your students to practice reading words in the -ing family. Cut along the dotted lines and then slide the strip into the penguin to read all of the words in this unit. Click the ALT button for a full color version.
The -ing word family has 9 different words to practice with these print-and-cut flashcards.
Print and cut out the cards. Flip all of the cards face-down and have a pair of students take turns flipping the cards to make a match.
Print and cut out these 10 flashcards to practice reading words from the
-ink word family.
-ink word family.
Have your students pair up and take turns finding word matches with this printable game.
Assemble the bear-themed word slider to view and practice -ip words. The ALT button will lead to a full-color version.
Print out these pages to cut out the 15 different flashcards for the -ip word family unit.
This 2-player memory matching card game will have students recognizing and reading -ip words.
Slide the letters through the dog to practice reading -it words.
This printable has flashcards with eleven different -it words to study.
This 2-player memory matching card game will have your students recognizing and reading -it words.
Cut out the airplane-shaped slider and weave the letter strip through the middle. Slide the strip up and down to see words in the -ock family.
Use these printable flashcards for practicing word family words, learning games, or word scavenger hunts.
Students can take turns finding pairs of matching -ock words in this
2-player memory card game.
2-player memory card game.
Cut out the robot and weave the letter strip through the middle. Slide the strip up and down to see words in the -ink word family.
Cut out and assemble this apple-shaped word slider for the -op word family unit. Click on the ALT button for a full-color version of the word slider.
Download and print these pages to cut out 10 different flashcards for the
-op word family unit.
-op word family unit.
This is a 2-player memory matching card game will have your students recognizing and reading -op words.
Cut out and assemble this ladybug-shaped word slider for the -ot word family unit. Click on the ALT button for a full-color version of the word slider.
Download and print these pages to cut out 12 different flashcards for the
-ot word family unit.
-ot word family unit.
This is a 2-player memory matching card game that will have your students recognizing and reading -ot words.
Cut out the robot and slider on the dotted lines. Weave the slider through the slits in the middle of the robot so your students can practice reading the words in this unit. The ALT button below contains a color version of the slider.
Practice reading the 6 words in the
-ub word family unit by printing out these nifty flashcards.
-ub word family unit by printing out these nifty flashcards.
Students will love learning their -uck words on this cute dog-shaped word slider. Full color version available by clicking the ALT button below.
There are 10 -uck words in this word family to practice with these printable flashcards.
Have your students match up pairs of words ending with -uck. This can be played alone or in pairs.
Print and cut out the bear-shaped word slider. Insert the strip through the slits on the bear's belly and move the strip along to read each word. ALT button below has a full-color version available.
These printable flashcards are a great learning tool to practice reading words that end with -ug.
Print and cut out the cards. Flip the cards face-down and have a pair of students take turns flipping cards to make a match.
Cut out the airplane and the slider along the dotted lines. Thread the word strip into the slots on the robot to practice reading this unit's words that end in -ump. Click on the ALT button below for a color version.
Practice reading words from the -ump word family with these nine print-and-cut flashcards.
Pair up your students and they can take turns trying to make word matches with this printable match game.
Assemble the truck-shaped word slider to view and practice -un words. The ALT button will lead to a full-color version.
Print out these pages to cut out 6 different flashcards for the -un word family unit.
Slide the letter strip through the slits on the pirate ship to make words that end with -unk.
This page has print-and-cut flashcards with seven different -unk words.
This 2-player memory matching card game will have students recognizing and reading -unk words.
Cut out the pig-shaped slider and weave the letter strip through the middle. Slide the strip up and down to see words in the -ut word family.
Cut out these printable flashcards for practicing word family words, learning games, or word family scavenger hunts.
Students can take turns finding pairs of matching -ut words in this 2-player memory card game.
Cut out and assemble this truck-themed word slider for the -ake word family unit. Click on the ALT button for a full-color version of the word slider.
Download and print these pages to cut out 11 different flashcards for the
-ake word family unit.
-ake word family unit.
This is a 2-player memory matching card game that will have your students recognizing and reading -ake words.
Words in the -ake family include rake, take, make, bake, shake, and snake.
Print and cut out the airplane-shaped word slider. Insert the strip into the middle and move the strip along to read each word. ALT button below has a full-color version available.
These printable flashcards are a great learning tool to practice reading words that end with -all.
Print and cut out the flash cards. Flip the cards face-down and have a pair of students alternate turning over cards to make a match.
Cut out the pirate ship and the slider along the dotted lines. Thread the word strip into the slots on the boat to practice reading this unit's words that end in -ate. Click on the ALT button below for a color version.
Practice reading words from the -ate word family with these ten printable flashcards.
Pair up your students and they can take turns trying to make word matches with this printable card matching game.
Assemble the dog-shaped word slider to view and practice -aw words. The ALT button will lead to a full-color version.
Print out these pages to cut out eight different flashcards for the -aw word family unit.
This 1 or 2-player memory matching card game will have students recognizing and reading -aw words.
Slide the letter strip through the airplane-shaped word slider to make
-ay words.
-ay words.
This printable activity has flashcards with sixteen different words that end with -ay.
This printable, 2-player memory matching card game will have students recognizing and reading -ay words.
Cut out the truck and weave the letter strip through the middle. Move the strip up and down to view words in the -eal word family.
Try these printable flashcards for practicing word family words, learning games, or word family scavenger hunts.
Students can take turns finding pairs of matching -eal words in this 2-player memory card game.
Cut out and assemble this apple-shaped word slider for the -eat word family unit. Click on the ALT button for a full-color version of the word slider.
Download and print these pages to cut out nine different flashcards for the -eat word family unit.
This 1 or 2-player memory matching card game will have your students recognizing and reading -eat words.
This fun ladybug-themed word slider will have kids reading the words: reel, kneel, feel, wheel, peel, and heel. (If you'd prefer a full-color version of this file, click the ALT button below.)
These printable flash cards can be used to practice the six different -eel words in this unit.
This cute, fish-shaped slider is a fun way for your students to practice reading words in the -eep family. Cut along the dotted lines and then slide the strip into the middle to read all of the words in this unit. Click the ALT button for a full color version.
The -eep word family has seven different words to practice with these print-and-cut flashcards.
Print and cut out the cards. Flip all of the cards face-down and have a pair of students alternate flipping the cards to make a match.
Cut out the penguin and weave the letter strip through the middle. Slide the strip up and down to read words in the -eet word family.
Print and cut out these eight flashcards to practice reading words from the -eet word family.
Have your students pair up and take turns finding word matches with this printable activity.
Flashcards (-ere) FREE
Print out these pages to cut out the four different flashcards for the -ere word family unit.
This word family set has only four words: here, there, were, and where.
Slide the letter strip through the fish to practice reading -ew words.
Try these print-and-cut flashcards to practice reading these 11 different -ew words.
This 2-player memory matching card game will have your students identifying and reading -ew words.
Cut out the penguin-shaped word-slider and weave the letter strip through the belly. Move the strip up and down to reveal words in the -ice family.
Try using these printable flashcards for practicing word family words, learning games, or word scavenger hunts.
Students can alternate finding pairs of matching -ice words in this 2-player memory card game.
Print, cut, and assemble this apple-shaped word slider for the -ight word family unit. Click on the ALT button for a full-color version of the word slider.
Download and print this activity to cut out ten different flashcards for the
-ight word family unit.
-ight word family unit.
This is a 1 or 2-player memory matching card game will have your students identifying and reading -ight words.
Cut out and assemble this pig-shaped word slider for the -ime word family unit. (Click on the ALT button for a full-color version of the word slider.)
Download and print this file to cut out seven different flashcards for the
-ime word family unit.
-ime word family unit.
Cut out the ladybug and slider on the dotted lines. Weave the slider through the slits in the middle so your students can practice reading the words in this unit. (The ALT button below contains a color version of the slider.)
Practice reading the nine words in the
-ine word family unit by printing out these helpful flashcards.
-ine word family unit by printing out these helpful flashcards.
This is a fun game for students to play to help them learn their words from the -ine word family.
Print and assemble the pirate-themed word slider to view and practice -oat words. The ALT button below will lead to a full-color version.
Print out this page to cut out the six different flashcards for the -oat word family unit.
Slide the letter strip through the truck to view and practice reading -ook words.
This printable has eight flashcards to cut out with different -ook words to study.
This 1 or 2-player memory matching card game will have your students identifying and reading -ook words.
Cut out the pig-shaped slider and weave the letter strip through the middle. Move the strip up and down to practice reading words in the -ore word family.
Try using these printable flashcards for practicing word family words, word scavenger hunts, or other learning games.
Students can take turns finding pairs of matching words in the -ore word family with this 2-player memory card game.
Cut out the penguin and word strip on the dotted lines. Weave the word strip through the slits in the middle of the penguin so your students can practice reading the words in this unit. The ALT button below contains a color version of the slider.
Practice reading the nine words in the
-ow word family unit by printing out these convenient flashcards.
-ow word family unit by printing out these convenient flashcards.
Your students can play this game alone or with a partner to take turns making word matches with this game.
Students will love learning their -ow words on this cute fish-shaped word slider. (Full color version available by clicking the ALT button below.)
There are 14 -ow words with the
long - O sound in this word family to practice with these printable flashcards.
long - O sound in this word family to practice with these printable flashcards.
Have your students match up pairs of words ending with -ow and the
long - O sound. This can be played alone or in pairs.
long - O sound. This can be played alone or in pairs.
Print and cut out the cute bear-shaped word slider. Insert the strip through the slits on the belly of the bear and move the strip along to read each word. Pear, wear, tear, and bear are the 4 words included on this printable.(Click on the ALT button below for a color version.)
These printable flashcards are a great learning tool to practice reading words that end with -ear. Includes the words pear, tear, bear, wear, and others.
Cut out the truck and the word strip along the dotted lines. Thread the word strip into the slots on the truck that end with -ear. Read the words: ear, near, clear, dear, year, tear, hear, fear, and gear. (Choose the ALT button below for a color version of this file.)
Practice reading words from the -ear word family with these 9 print-and-cut flashcards. Word list: ear, near, fear, tear, dear, year, hear, gear, and clear.
Pair up your students and they can take turns trying to make word matches with this printable match game featuring words that end
with -ear.
with -ear.
Cut apart the word cards and use them to make sentences. Includes 25 word cards with 6 "ag" family words.
This file has 25 sight word cards, including 6 "ad" words. Students can arrange the cards to make sentences using an "ad" word in each sentence. Then, they can write the sentences on the lined paper included in the file.
In this file you'll have 25 sight words to cut apart. 7 of the words are "ack" words. Arrange the cards to make sentences. Make sure each sentence has an "ack" word in it. Write the sentences on the primary-ruled paper provided.
Print out these pages and cut out the word cards. Spread them out on a table and flip them over and have students take turns trying to find a matching word set.
Cut out this ladybug-shaped word slider and word strip. Weave the word strip into the slots on the ladybug and move the strip up and down to form different words that end with -ain. (Color version available via the ALT button.)
Print out these pages and cut out the eight flashcards for this unit to help students study their word family words ending with -ain.
Pair up your students so they can alternate trying to make word matches with this printable card matching game.
Cut out the fish and the word strip along the dotted lines. Weave the word strip into the slots on the fish to practice reading this week's words that end with -en. Click on the ALT button below for a color version.
Practice reading words that end with
-en with these 10 printable flashcards.
-en with these 10 printable flashcards.
Print out this page to cut out six flashcards for the -ig word family unit.
Print out these pages and cut out the ten word cards. Spread them out, flip them over, and have students take turns trying to find matching
word sets.
word sets.
Print this file to make a word spinner featuring words that end with -ike. Words included are: pike, bike, strike, hike, spike, and like.
Cut out this dog-shaped word slider and word strip. Thread the word strip into the slots in the middle of the dog and slide the strip up and down to form different words that end with
-ike. (Color version available via the ALT button.)
-ike. (Color version available via the ALT button.)
Print out these pages and cut out the flashcards for this unit to help students study the -ike word family.
Color "-ime" and the -ime words. Write the -ime words corresponding to the pictures and then fill in the tall/short boxes at the bottom.
Print and cut out these 14 "-og" word cards. Use card stock for best results. Your students can pair up to take turns finding matches between the word cards.
Cut out the penguin and word strip along the dotted lines. Insert the word strip through the slits on the penguin so your students can review words in the "-og" word family. The ALT button below contains a color version of the slider.
Read and study the seven words in the "-og" word family unit by printing out these useful flashcards.
Your students can pair up and alternate finding word matches with these printable word cards.
Word Spinner (-ool) FREE
Use this printable game tool for small group games. Words include: stool, pool, spool, tool, school, and fool.
Cut out the pirate ship and thread the letter strip through the middle. Move the strip up and down to see words in the "-ool" word family. Click the ALT button for a full-color version.
Print out these pages to cut out eight flash cards with words from the "-ool" word family.
Use these word and picture cards to play a variety of phonics games.
Make a list of 'br' words and list them on the graphic organizer.
Cut out the letter squares and arrange them to make two words- brain and broom.
Cut out the letters and lay them on the page to create the words branch and brush. Then attach the words with a chemical adhesive, such as glue.
Students write br- words to complete the sentences. Then color the picture and cut out the pages. Staple together and read!
Make a spinning phonics word wheel. Make and read the words bring, broom, broke, brain, brave, brown, brick, and brush.
Pennant (Br- Words) FREE
Have each child make a phonics pennant with a br- word. Then hang the pennants on a string in your classroom.
Print this file on card stock. Cut and color to make a words slider. Students slide the strip up and down and read the words they see.
Cut out the words and glue them next to the corresponding pictures.
Cut out the picture cards and sort them on the t-chart. Sort into br- words and other words.
Cut out the 25 word cards and arrange them to make sentences. Cards are a mix of br- words and basic sight words.
Use letter stampers to make br- words. Includes words: broom, brick, bring, brush, and brown.
Cut out the pictures and sort them into the chart. Choose between categories "Sl- Words" and "Other Words"
Write the SL word that corresponds with each picture. A word box is provided.
Print the ship word slider on card stock paper. Cut out the pieces. Color the word slider. Then weave the word strip through the ship and read the words you see.
Write down as many SL words as you can on the lines provided.
Print the phonics wheel on card stock and cut it out. Fasten the front to the back. Spin the wheel and read the words you see.
Use these flashcards for a variety of games and activities to practice SL words.
Use letter stampers to make "sl" words. Includes words: slow, sled, slide, sleep, and slime.
This is a slug. I will go down the slide. It's time for bed. Go to sleep. May I have a slice of pizza? These, plus other sentences, are included in the SL mini book.
Print out the pennants on card stock. Each student will make a pennant and write the word. String up the pennants in your classroom.
Cut out the 25 word cards and arrange them to make sentences. Cards are a mix of sl- words and basic sight words.
Cut out the letter squares and arrange them to make the words slide and sleeve.
Cut out the letters and arrange them on the page to form the words, sloth and sleep.
Use these word and picture cards to play a variety of phonics games.
Complete each sentence with an sl- word from the word bank.
Use these word and picture cards to play a variety of phonics games.
Cut out the letter squares and arrange them to form the words, crib and crane.
Cut out the letter squares and arrange them to make the words, cry and crab.
Cut out the 25 word cards and arrange them to make sentences. Cards are a mix of cr- words and sight words.
Print out the pennants on card stock. Have each student make a pennant and write the word on it. String up the pennants in your classroom.
Students write cr- words to complete the sentences. Then they will color the picture, cut out the pages, staple their mini book together, and read away!
Use letter stampers to make the following words: crack, crab, crane, crib, and crown.
Write the CR word that corresponds with each picture. A word box is provided.
Print the apple word slider on card stock and cut out all the items. Slide the word slider through the apple and read the words you see.
Cut out the pictures and sort them into either the "Cr- Words" or "Other Words" category in the T-chart.
Print the phonics wheel on card stock and cut it out. Fasten the front to the back. Spin the wheel to view the words.
Cut out the words and glue them next to the corresponding pictures.
Use these word and picture cards to play a variety of phonics games.
Cut out the letter squares and rearrange the letters to make the words, snow and snail.
Cut out the letters and lay them on the page to create the words, snake and snip, then glue the letters onto the page.
Cut out the 25 word cards and arrange them to make sentences. Cards are a mix of sn- words and basic sight words.
Pennant (Sn- Words) FREE
Print out the pennants on card stock paper. Have each student make a pennant and write the sn- word on their pennant. String up all the pennants in your classroom.
Students write sn- words to complete the sentences. The color the pictures and cut out the pages. Staple together and read!
Use letter stampers to make these words: snore, snail, snack, sniff, and snow.
Write the SN word that corresponds with each picture. A word box is provided.
Cut out the words and glue them beneath the corresponding pictures.
Print the word slider on card stock and cut out all the pieces. Color the slider. Weave the word strip through the truck. Read the words you see!
Cut out the pictures and sort them onto the t-chart. Decide whether they represent sn- words or other words.
Print the phonics wheel on card stock and cut it out. Fasten the front to the back. Spin the wheel and read the words you see.
Write as many sn- words as you can on the lines provided.
Use these word and picture cards to play a variety of phonics games.
Cut out the letter squares and arrange them to make these words: clock and clap.
Cut out the letter squares and use them to form the words clown and clam.
Cut out the 25 word cards and arrange them to make sentences. Cards are a mix of cl- words and basic sight words.
Print out the pennants on card stock. Each student will make a pennant and write the word. String up the pennants in your classroom.
What time is it? Look at the clock. I met a funny clown. I can clap my hands. Students complete sentences with CL words like these, cut and staple their mini book, and read it aloud.
Use letter stampers to make "cl" words. Includes the words: clock, clown, club, cloud, and clean.
Write the CL word that corresponds with each picture. A word box is provided.
Cut out the words. Then glue them to the correct picture.
Use these flashcards for a variety of games and activities to practice CL words.
Cut out the pictures, then sort them into the T-chart. Decide whether the word they represent is a CL word or "Other."
Print the pig word slider on card stock paper. Cut out the pieces. Color the word slider. Then weave the word strip through the pig and read the CL words you see.
Print the phonics wheel on card stock and cut it out. Fasten the front to the back. Spin the wheel and read the words you see.
Write down as many CL words as you can on the lines provided.
Use these word and picture cards to play a variety of phonics games.
Cut out and rearrange the letters to form the words, block and blow.
Cut out the 25 word cards and arrange them to make sentences. Cards are a mix of bl- words and sight words.
Print out the pennants on card stock. Each student will make a pennant and write the word. String up the pennants in your classroom.
Print the penguin word slider on card stock paper. Cut out the pieces. Color the word slider. Then weave the word strip through the penguin and read the BL words you see.
This is a warm blanket. That block has letters on it. Blow out the candle. Complete the sentences with BL words, cut out the pages, and staple the mini book. Read aloud to practice words with BL consonant blends.
Use letter stampers to make "bl" words. Includes the words: black, blue, blow, block, and blast.
Write the BL word that corresponds with each picture. A word box is provided.
Use these flashcards for a variety of games and activities to practice BL words.
Write down as many BL words as you can think of on the lines provided.
Print the phonics wheel on card stock and cut it out. Fasten the front to the back. Spin the wheel and read the BL words you see.
Cut out the pictures and sort them into the T-chart. Decide whether the word represented by each picture is a BL consonant blend or not.
Your students can help color and write on these pennant sheets (featuring ST words) to hang in your classroom.
Students can use this robot-themed words slider to practice reading and recognizing words that begin with ST.
These phonics cards featuring words that start with ST can be used for several different activities including a memory match game.
Mini-Book: St- Words FREE
Complete the sentences with ST words. Color, cut, and assemble the mini-book. Features: stool, stick, stem, story, stamps, star, and strawberry.
Use card-stock to print this word wheel on and a paper fastener to attach the two cut out wheels together. As you spin the wheel, you can read the words that start with ST: stop, star, step, stem, stick, store, stone, and sting.
This printable phonics worksheet has students cutting out the ST words on the bottom of the page and gluing them below the matching picture.
Print out these flashcards that feature ST words. Use them to memorize the words or play games with them.
Color and cut out the pictures at the bottom of the page. Then sort them on the chart, gluing the ST words on the left and other words to the right side.
Use scissors to cut out these 25 word cards. They can be arranged in many ways to make different sentences. Use the lines on the second page to write the sentences you make.
Complete the sentences at the bottom of this worksheet by writing in the correct ST word.
Using the word bank at the top of the worksheet, write the ST word that matches each illustration on the lines.
Use letter stampers to make ST words. Words featured: stay, stamps, stick, storm, and stop.
Cut out the letter squares on the bottom of this phonics worksheet and glue them in the spaces to make ST words.
Use the letter squares to form the ST words below the pictures.
This printable worksheet has 8 elementary-ruled lines for students to brainstorm different ST words.
Color the pictures, trace the word along the dotted lines, and then write that word on the lines to the right.
Write out different ST words using this web-shaped graphic organizer.
Using the illustrated word bank, write the CR words to complete the sentences on this phonics worksheet.
This printable has 18 word and picture cards to play different games with to practice TR words.
Pennants (Tr- Words) FREE
This phonics printable has 9 pennants of TR words that can be made by students to be hung in the classroom. Includes: tree, truck, treasure, train, trash, tractor, treat, triangle, and trumpet.
Write the missing TR words on the lines to finish the sentences. Color the pictures, cut the pages, and staple together to form the mini-book.
Cut and color this airplane-shaped word slider to practice reading TR words.
Use card stock to print out these pages. Affix the two circles together with a paper fastener. Features the words: trip, trap, trim, tray, truck, trace, train, and tree.
Cut out the TR words on the bottom portion of this worksheet and glue them to the box below the corresponding picture.
This printable features 22 TR word flashcards to practice with. Students can practice on their own or in groups.
Cut out the picture boxes at the bottom of the page. Use glue to paste the TR words in the left column and the other words under the right column.
Write the missing TR word in the sentences on the bottom of the page using the illustrated work bank at the top.
Use scissors to cut out the 25 word cards on this printable. Then arrange the words to make sentences. Write the sentences you make on the primary-ruled lines provided.
Write the TR word on the lines using the word bank at the top of this phonics worksheet.
Use scissors to cut out the mixed up words on the bottom and arrange to make the TR words in the pictures. Then glue the letters in the boxes provided.
Cut and glue the letter squares to form the TR word in the picture.
With this fun phonics worksheet, use letter stampers to make the TR word in the box provided.
This worksheet provides primary-ruled lines for students to think up and write all the TR words they can think of.
On this phonics worksheet, have your student color the pictures. Then trace and write the TR words on the lines.
Use this printable web-shaped graphic organizer to list some TR words.
This printable phonics card game containing DR words can be used for dry-erase writing, alphabetical order, and as a memory match game.
Have your students cut apart, color, and staple together this mini-book featuring DR words. Includes: dress, drive, drum, drop, dream, dragon, and dresser.
Glue sticks and scissors are needed for this worksheet. Cut out the words and glue them in the boxes below the pictures that match them.
Cut out the 8 pictures at the bottom of the page. Use a glue stick to paste them in the right column.
Complete the four sentences on this page with the appropriate DR word found in the word bank.
Another cut and glue activity, cut apart the letter squares and paste them in the boxes to form the words in the pictures.
This is a printable phonics worksheet featuring the DR words: drive and dragon.
This worksheet has primary-ruled lines to practice writing the DR words shown in the pictures.
This printable has six spaces for students to write DR words. Pictures of a drum, dragon, and a person driving will help guide the student to the right words.
This simple phonics worksheet has your students drawing a line from the pictures on the left to the matching word on the right.
This phonics activity has eleven pennants featuring DR words that need to be cut out, colored, and strung up around the classroom.
This cute dog-shaped word slider highlights DR words. Cut out the pieces and weave the word strip through the middle of the dog. Slide it up and down to make new words.
Use card stock when printing out these worksheets. Cut out the two wheels and attach them together with a brass paper fastener. Spin the back wheel to form different DR words.
Print and cut out these 20 flashcards that contain DR words. Students can use them for games or for practice.
This phonics worksheet has 25 word squares to be used to form sentences with DR words. Then write those sentences down on the lined pages.
Lines are provided under the pictures for you to write the corresponding word starting with the DR consonant blend.
This activity allows students to use letter stampers to form the DR words in the box provided.
Challenge your students to think up some DR words on their own and write them on the primary-rules lines.
Cut out the pictures and sort them by their beginning sounds. Then make a book with flaps that you can lift to see the pictures. Includes words with Br, Cr, Dr, Fr, and Tr.
Say the name of each picture. Then circle the r-blend sound that you hear at the beginning of each word.
Complete the Words FREE
Say the name of each item shown. Choose and color the blend that shows the beginning sounds. Then write the letters on the line to complete each word.
Sort these 23 picture cards into groups: br- words, cr- words, dr- words, and tr- words.
Choose the correct word from the word bank that matches each picture. Write the words on the line. Words include: bread,brush, crib, dry, fruit, drop, drum, fries, and tree.
List as many words as you can that begin with the letters br-, cr-, dr-, and tr-.
Cut out the picture squares. Each picture shows an item that begins with the letters br- or cr-. (bread, crab, broom, crane, brain) Glue each picture on the correct side of the t-chart.
Cut out the words and blends. Glue them in the correct places on the page.
Match the words with the picture cards. Includes 34 cards with r-family blends.
Cut out the r-family blends (br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr) and glue them in the correct places to complete the words.
Cut out the letter groups and phonics r-blends. Combine them to make words. (examples: br+oom=broom. cr+ash=crash)
Hide words with r-blends around your classroom. Students find the words, read and spell them aloud, and write them down.
This printable has 18 cards to use with different activities to learn about FR words.
This mini-book features FR words. Have your students color the pictures, write the words, cut the pages, and staple them together to form a book.
Cut out each of the FR words on the bottom of this worksheet and glue them in the box below the corresponding picture.
Cut out the pictures at the bottom section of this worksheet and glue them in the correct column.
Using the FR words in the word bank, write the correct FR word to complete each of the four sentences.
This is another cut-and-glue activity in which students will cut out the letter squares and glue them in the boxes to make the words "frog" and "frame".
There is a picture of a frog, a frame, fruit, and friends for students to color in, trace the word, and then write the word on the primary-ruled lines.
This web-shaped graphic organizer is intended for students to use the illustrations as hints to find FR words and then think of more to write down.
Draw a line from the picture on the left side to the matching word on the right side of this worksheet.
This printable activity has 8 pennants that can be cut, colored, and strung up on string or rope to hang around the classroom featuring words with the FR consonant blend.
Cut out this airplane-shaped word slider. Weave the word strip through the slits in the middle of the airplane and move it up and down to reveal different FR words.
Print this word wheel printable on card stock paper for best results. Cut out the two wheels and attach with a paper fastener. Spin the wheel around to reveal different words with the FR consonant blend.
Print out these 18 flashcards that all have words with the FR consonant blend. Use the flashcards to practice or to play.
Cut and arrange these 25 word cards to make different sentences and then write those sentences on the primary-ruled lines on the attached pages.
There are six illustrations on this worksheet. Using the word bank at the top, write the FR word on the lines below each picture.
Students can use letter stampers to make the following words: free, from, frost, frog, and friend.
This printable has 8 sets of primary-ruled lines for students to think up more words with the FR consonant blend.
Challenge your students to think of as many BR words as they can and write them on this lined worksheet.
This printable activity has nine GR words and picture cards that match it. You can use these cards for matching and practice.
Students will cut, color, and assemble this mini-book that features words that have the GR consonant blend.
This pennant printable has 12 GR words that are on pennants that can be colored and hung up around your classroom.
Cut and color this apple-shaped word slider so students can practice reading words with the GR consonant blend.
Print out this word wheel on card stock for best results. Spin the wheel to read the words: grade, grin, grab, grow, grew, grape, green, and grill.
Cut out the words along the dotted lines and glue them to the box below the matching picture.
Have your students cut out the pictures on the bottom of the page and glue them in the correct column to sort out GR words from the rest.
There are four sentences to complete using the GR words in the word bank.
Cut and paste the letter squares in the boxes to form the words: grapes and grill.
Color in the pictures and then trace the GR words. Next, write out the words on the primary-ruled lines.
This worksheet is a graphic organizer to help students think up more words that start with GR.
Have your students draw a line from the picture in the left column to the matching GR word in the right column.
This printable has 18 flashcards featuring words with the GR consonant blend. Print, cut, and practice!
Cut out the 25 word squares. Arrange them to form sentences using at least one GR word in each sentence. Then write the sentences you form on the lines provided on the next pages.
Use the words at the top of the page to match the picture and write that word on the lines below it.
On this printable worksheet, use letter stampers to make each word in the space provided.
This worksheet has eight sets of primary-ruled lines to think up and write as many GR words as you can.
These worksheets have printable cards to use as a memory match game or for practicing with PR words.
Students will have fun putting together this mini-book featuring the PR words: price, propeller, printer, princess, and pretzel.
Use scissors to cut out the words and paste them to the correct box.
This is a fun phonics activity where students can glue the pictures of PR words in the left column and the other pictures to the right.
Complete these four sentences with the PR words in the word bank.
Scissors and glue are needed for this phonics activity. Cut out the letter squares and glue them in the boxes to build the words pretzel and price.
Color the pictures, then trace and write the PR words on the primary-ruled lines.
Use the lines on this word web to write out six different PR words.
This phonics printable has 5 pennants that can be cut out and colored to be hung up around the classroom featuring words with the PR consonant blend.
Cut out, color, and assemble this truck-shaped word slider to practice reading PR words.
Print out this phonics word wheel to spin and reveal words with the PR consonant blend. Use card-stock paper for best results.
Print out these fifteen flashcards so your students can practice reading their PR words.
Cut out these 25 word cards and arrange them into sentences. Try to use at least one PR- word in each sentence.
Write the correct PR word that matches each picture on the lines provided.
Students will have fun with their phonics words by using stampers to make each PR word.
Challenge your students to think up as many words that start with PR they can think of and write them on the primary-ruled lines.
Students can use this printable as a practice tool to review words with the PL consonant blend.
Cut out the pages for this mini-book along the lines and staple the pages together. Color the pictures and write the PL words on the lines.
This is a fun cut and glue activity to practice learning PL words.
This word sort activity is another cut and glue worksheet where students will glue the PL word pictures in the PL column and the non-PL pictures in the other column.
Using the picture word bank at the top of the worksheet, find and write in the correct PL word to complete each sentence.
Cut out the letter squares to form the words "plate" and "plant" on this build-a-word worksheet.
Using scissors, cut out the letters on the bottom of the worksheet and use them to build the words "plane" and "plum" in the boxes.
Trace the words: plum, plate, plant, and plane. Then write them again on the primary-ruled lines.
This graphic organizer has an illustration of a plug, plane, and a planet to help guide the students to write PL words. Then there are a few more lines for them to write more PL words.
Draw a line to match the picture on the left side to the PL word on the right side of this phonics matching worksheet.
This phonics printable has 10 pennants featuring words with the PL consonant blend. They can be cut out, colored, and hung up on string around your classroom.
This printable is a pirate-ship shaped word slider that contains PL words. Cut out the ship and the word strip, weave the word strip through the slits on the boat and slide it up and down to reveal different words.
This phonics word wheel contains words with the PL consonant blend. Includes: place, plane, plant, plug, plum, plus, plan, and play.
This printable has 17 phonics flashcards all with PL words. Students will love using these flashcards to review their words.
Cut out the words and rearrange them on a table to make sentences. Try to use a PL word in each sentence. Write the sentences on the lined paper included.
This phonics worksheet has six pictures and lines below it to write the PL word that matches the picture.
Students can use letter stampers to make each PL word in the space provided.
This phonics printable has 8 primary-ruled lines so that students can write down as many PL words as they can.
Use these cards as a matching game between the word and the picture. You can also play memory games or use them to review FL words.
Making a mini-book is a fun way to learn about words with the /fl/ consonant blend. Scissors, crayons, and a stapler are needed for this activity.
Cut out the FL words at the bottom of the worksheet and glue them in the box of the picture it matches.
Sort out the cut-out pictures of FL words and glue them in the appropriate column.
Fly, floss, flag, and flame are the words to use to complete the sentences on this worksheet.
Cut and glue the letter squares into the boxes to make the words "flame" and "flag".
Can you make the words in the pictures? Scissors and glue are needed for this phonics activity.
Students can use crayons to color the pictures, then use a pencil to trace each FL word along the dotted lines and rewrite it on the blank lines.
This web-shaped organizer will help students think up words that begin with the FL consonant blend.
Draw lines on this phonics worksheet to match each picture to the correct FL word.
This pennant printable has ten pennants to be cut out out and colored. The FL words featured are: flag, flashcards, flute, Florida, flamingo, floss, fly, flower, floor, and flame.
Use cardstock paper to print this penguin-shaped word slider on for best results. Slide the word strip up and down to review FL words.
Cut out the two pieces of the word wheel and attach them together with a brass paper fastener. Spin the wheel to review the FL words.
Print and cut out these 16 phonics flashcards to practice reading words with the FL consonant blend.
Cut out the 25 word squares and arrange them to form different sentences using at least one FL word. Then write the sentences down on the lines provided on the following pages.
Write out the FL words on the lines below the matching illustrations.