Super Teacher Worksheets

8th Grade Common Core: L.8.1b

Common Core Identifier: L.8.1b / Grade: 8
Curriculum: Language: Conventions of Standard English
Detail: Form and use verbs in the active and passive voice.
9 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Tell which sentences are written in active voice, and which sentences are passive voice.
Common Core
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Tell whether each sentence was written in active voice or passive voice. Write the letter A or P on each line.
Change each passive-voice sentence to active voice.
This worksheet includes a 2-paragraph passage written primarily in passive voice. Have your students rewrite the passage to use only active voice.
This file can be printed out and given out to students to help them learn about active and passive voice.
This worksheet has 10 passive-voice sentences. Students will rewrite the sentences to be in active voice.
This printout has 15 sentences for students to determine whether they are written in active or passive voice.
With this worksheet, students are given sentences that may be written in either active or passive voice. They will identify the active voice sentences and rewrite the passive ones to be active.
Each of these task cards has a sentence in either active or passive voice. Students will rewrite the sentence in the opposite tense and identify the new tense. Use these task cards for learning centers, general practice, exit tickets, or any other purpose you can think of!
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Common Core Alignment