6th Grade Common Core: L.6.4
Common Core Identifier: L.6.4 / Grade: 6
Curriculum: Language: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Detail: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
78 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Find and define these challenging vocab words from chapters 18, 19, and 20.
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Find definitions for these six challenging vocab words from the story.
Vocabulary words for these chapters include noble, thrashing, vaguely, incessant, mercilessly, monotonous, and snare.
Define each of these vocabulary words. You may want to allow students to use the Internet or have them look up the words in a dictionary.
This article describes the many unique symbols on a one-dollar bill. Includes comprehension questions.
Vocabulary words are used in a sentence. Below each sentence, define each word. Words include glutton, promptly, gaze, approached, and commotion.
Words for these chapters include trembled, pompous, rapidly, ails, meekly, desolation, and forlorn.
Students can research the definitions to these words from the book.
Vocabulary words for these chapters include oblige, seized, delicate, delectable, attire, idiosyncrasy, and destiny.
Challenge your students to find these vocabulary words in the book. They can use the Internet or a dictionary to define each.
Falling Asleep FREE
The person in this poem is worrying about the shadows on the walls and can not fall asleep.
Learn about the many jobs carrier pigeons perform. These working birds can serve as mailmen, lifeguards, scientist helpers, and even military spies.
Vocabulary words for these chapters include gnawing, objectionable, wits, scheming, hoisted, gratified, scruples, and hysterics.
Learn about the complex society of a leaf cutter ant colony. Each colony has a queen, males, soldiers, farmer ants, and even trash collector ants.
Can your students find the definitions to these vocabulary words?
Words for this section of the book include fiercely, rejoiced, aloft, vanish, purebred, listless, scramble, and gorged.
Have students look up the meanings of these vocabulary words from the novel.
This article contains a list of common beaver questions, such as "What's the difference between a beaver lodge and a beaver dam?" Read to find out how much beavers weigh, what they eat, where they live, and more.
The rhinoceros beetle is the world's strongest animal, relative to its size. It can lift 850 times its own weight!
Narwhals are sometimes called "Unicorns of the Sea," but do you know why? It's because they have a nine-foot tusk that looks like a unicorn's horn.
Did you know that flying squirrels can't actually fly? They glide from tree to tree, using a furry membrane like a parachute.
This article will teach students about the red kangaroo. Measuring 6 feet tall and weighing 200 pounds, it is the world's largest marsupial.
Have your students review the ten vocabulary words in chapters one and two with these vocabulary cards.
This article tells about the 99th Fighter Squadron, also known as the Tuskegee Airmen, an important unit in World War II. Reading comprehension questions help reinforce key concepts from the article and encourage critical thinking.
For this activity, students match the vocabulary words from the story with the correct definitions. Words include hysterical, forlorn, bovine, exasperated, ambled, and grimace.
Print and cut out the 14 cards on this file to review the seven vocabulary words and their definitions.
There are 10 vocabulary cards in this printable with five word cards and five definition cards to study from.
Read the word cards and match the definition cards to the three vocabulary words in chapters 7 and 8, which include: chasms, harrowing, and ominously.
This printout features a chart of common Greek and Latin prefixes and their meanings.
Learn all about the natural disaster, tsunamis, and find out what causes them. This article includes a basic introduction to tectonic plates. Includes comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt.
When you think of a courageous trailblazer, who comes to your mind? When you learn about Harriet Tubman in this historical biography, you'll see why she is remembered as a heroic and courageous leader of the abolitionist cause. This activity includes comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing response.
The eight vocabulary word cards also have eight corresponding definition cards to use for reviewing the vocabulary words from chapters 1 through 4 of Charlotte's Web.
Your students can cut out the vocabulary word cards and definition cards to practice memorizing the definitions for each of them.
Did you know there are Old World vultures and New World vultures? Learn the differences between them in this fascinating article. Worksheet includes reading comprehension questions, vocabulary terms, and a writing prompt.
Learn and review the definitions for this set of vocabulary words, which includes: plaintively, marionette, precisely, sternly, jaunty, intent, and abruptly.
Use these printable vocabulary cards to study the vocab. words from chapters 13-16, including: mercilessly, thrashing, monotonous, vaguely, snare, distinguish, and reputation.
Learn all about those pesky houseflies that your mom reminds you to keep away from the food - and why it's best to heed her warning! This sixth-grade level nonfiction article includes comprehension questions, vocabulary terms, and a writing prompt.
Learn about the awe-inspiring leader of the civil rights movement in this reading comprehension article for middle school-aged kids. Comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt are included.
There are word cards and definition cards for the 4 vocabulary words in these chapters. Try laminating the cards so they can be reused.
Did you know that stick insects can be as small as your thumb or as large as a grown man's forearm? Learn all about stick insects in this reading comprehension article with short answer questions, a writing prompt, and vocabulary words.
Learn about a remarkable woman who faced difficult challenges to become an accomplished doctor, scientist, astronaut, explorer, and astronaut: Dr. Mae Jemison.
Chapters 5 through 8 of Charlotte's Web has ten vocabulary words to review with these printable vocabulary cards. Print them on card stock paper or laminate them so they can be used over and over again.
Chapters 16 and 17 have fifteen vocabulary words to review definitions for, including: furrow, nonchalantly, disdainfully, indignantly, transfixed, and bellowed.
Learn all about the brilliant Albert Einstein in this sixth grade reading comprehension worksheet. Activity includes comprehension questions, a writing prompt, and vocabulary words. Answer key included.
Print and cut out these 10 cards for vocabulary practice. Five of them are the vocabulary words and the other five are the definitions.
The vocabulary words for review in chapters 17-19 feature: fiercely, aloft, vanish, rejoiced, gorged, and listless. Use the printable vocabulary cards to help study the definitions of the words.
Madison helps Grandma feel at home in the city with a little help from Grandma's favorite flower, the Queen of the Night.
Learn about elephant seals and what makes them unusual in this sixth-grade level reading comprehension article. This activity includes short answer comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt.
Your students will have fun reviewing the definitions to the vocabulary words with these printable vocab. cards.
These cut-apart vocabulary cards have 9 word cards and 9 definition cards for students to study from.
Learn about the different types of grasslands around the world and answer reading comprehension questions about the article.
Learn all about sea snakes in this fascinating article. Did you know there are more than 60 species of sea snakes? Discover this and other interesting facts about sea snakes. Worksheet includes reading comprehension questions, vocabulary terms, and a writing prompt.
Vocabulary words in these chapters are abruptly, intent, jaunty, marionette, precisely, sternly, and plaintively.
Print and cut out the 20 vocabulary cards for chapters 1 through 5 to review the vocabulary words. Laminate the cards to reuse them over and over.
Print and cut out these vocabulary cards to study words from chapters 15-19 including: ecstatic, crimson, permeated, glimpse, and solitude.
Cut out the word and definition cards to review the meanings of the words: profusion, promontory, gallant, and lure.
Use context to fill in the blanks on this cloze activity with terms from the word bank. Terms include Lewis & Clark, Napoleon, New Orleans, Paris, and more words that have to do with the Louisiana Purchase.
Learn about the inspiring life and legacy of Helen Keller in this middle school reading comprehension article. Comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt are included.
Review the definitions for the vocabulary words in chapters 10-12, including: anguish, indomitable, silhouettes, elation, and scoured.
The last few chapters of Charlotte's Web has 10 vocabulary words for review, including: trembled, pompous, phenomenon, meekly, desolation, forlorn, and sentiments. Print and cut out the vocabulary cards to help study the words and definitions.
This article has tons of facts about these marine mammals. Reading comprehension questions include multiple choice, short answer, a vocabulary exercise, and a writing prompt.
Who was Vincent van Gogh? Learn about the struggling artist who became famous after he died, and discover the Impressionism movement that was popular during his lifetime. This article includes questions for comprehension, vocabulary terms, and a writing response activity.
Learn and review the definitions for the vocabulary words in this group: immense, mingled, ghastly, devote, and sprawled.
These vocabulary cards review the words in chapters 5 and six, including: animosity, diligently, domain, barren, commendable, menacingly, and commerce.
Students can read all about a heroic pigeon who helped troops in World War I. Then they can answer questions about the article to test their comprehension.
This intriguing reading comprehension article is all about magnets! Did you know that the Earth is like a giant magnet? Discover this and other interesting facts about magnets and how they work. This worksheet includes comprehension questions, vocabulary terms, and a writing prompt.
Wizards, Hogwarts, and Gryffindors! Learn all about the brilliant mastermind behind the beloved "Harry Potter" series. Talented, compassionate, and kind, J.K. Rowling represents a true "rags-to-riches" story!
Have your students review vocabulary words from chapters 6-10 with these printable vocabulary cards. Words include: meticulously,congregated, exuberant, dismayed, and invariably.
There are twenty vocabulary cards in this file to be printed and cut out to use for reviewing the vocabulary words from chapters 20 through 23.
Chapters 11 and 12 have six vocabulary words to review with these cut-apart cards. Students can match the definition to the word.
Learn how fossils form and why they are important in this informative article about plants and animals from thousands of years ago. Comprehension questions are included to reinforce learning.
Learn all about the majestic leopard in this reading comprehension article. Worksheet includes comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt.
Students can practice their vocabulary words from chapters 1-3 with these printable vocab. word cards and definition cards.
Have your students practice their vocabulary words from chapters 9 through 12 with these print-and-cut vocabulary cards.
Your class can cut out and review the vocabulary words from chapters 18, 19, and 20 with these vocabulary cards.