Super Teacher Worksheets

6th Grade Common Core: L.6.1

Common Core Identifier: L.6.1 / Grade: 6
Curriculum: Language: Conventions of Standard English
Detail: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
12 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
In the story, the advisers provide synonyms for every word that is spoken. Students choose a word and use a thesaurus to find synonyms for that word.
Common Core
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This worksheet dives into how to deal with double negatives when a sentence has more than one clause.
With this worksheet, students will identify double negatives and rewrite sentences to avoid using them.
Words such as no, not, none, nothing, never, nobody, nowhere, and neither are often used in double negatives, but they're not alone. This worksheet has some less common negative adverbs used in double negative sentences, such as hardly, barely, and little.
Circle the double negatives. Then on the lines provided, rewrite the sentences to avoid using a double negative.
Print out these task cards and use them with your class for extra practice on how to avoid using double negatives in sentences.
The words I and me are first person pronouns. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.
Get more practice with double negatives with this worksheet. Students will circle the correct words to complete each sentence.
Rearrange spelling words in ABC order by hand after cutting them out, then paste them in the corresponding numbered boxes.
This worksheet has a box to describe the different between the pronouns I and me. Then write the correct word on the blank lines to complete each sentence.
This worksheet has two sections. In the first, students will circle the correct words to complete the sentences. In the second, they will circle the negatives and rewrite the sentences without the double negatives.
This worksheet includes a short explanation on what double negatives are and how to fix them. It also includes 6 sentences with double negatives for students to fix and rewrite.
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Common Core Alignment