Super Teacher Worksheets

4th Grade Common Core: L.4.4c

Common Core Identifier: L.4.4c / Grade: 4
Curriculum: Language: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Detail: Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation and determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases.
17 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Use the guide words at the top of the page to answer the questions.
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Race to find words and definitions in the dictionary. Game includes 28 printable cards.
Colonial Americans had many different jobs. Tell what each person does for a living. Jobs include wheelwright, blacksmith, miller, milliner, tanner, apothecary, cooper, cobbler, silversmith, gunsmith, and tailor.
See how well your students understand the different branches of the U.S. government with this fill-in-the blank activity.
Use scissors to cut out the spelling words. Then sort them alphabetically on the worksheet. Then use a glue stick to attach them to the page.
Cut out the spelling words and glue them to the table so that they appear in alphabetical order.
Rewrite each word group alphabetically.
This cut-and-glue activity has students cutting out the boxes on the bottom and pasting them in the boxes for the appropriate branch of government.
Create a line graph using provided data on this 5th grade social studies worksheet to visualize population growth in the American colonies during the 1700s. This printable activity reinforces data interpretation skills and American history knowledge.
Arrange each group of spelling words into alphabetical order. An answer key is included with this printable spelling activity.
Cut out the tree trunk, the branches, and the leaves. The branches have the names of government branches on them. The leaves list specific units of government, such as Congress, Vice President, President, Supreme Court, etc. Attach each leaf onto the leaves on the correct branch.
Write the complete D1 spelling list, including challenge and review words, in alphabetical order on the lines given.
Learn to use the guide words at the top of a dictionary page.
A crossword puzzle with simple machine words
Search for colonial occupations in the puzzle. Complete each sentence with a word from the word find.
Use a dictionary to find the given words. Then write the page number and guide words.
Use the guide words at the top of the page to answer the questions.
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Common Core Alignment