Super Teacher Worksheets

3rd Grade Common Core: L.3.1d

Common Core Identifier: L.3.1d / Grade: 3
Curriculum: Language: Conventions of Standard English
Detail: Form and use regular and irregular verbs.
9 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
In the first part, students draw a line under the action verb. In the second part, they draw a line under the linking verb. This basic-level worksheet is a good introduction to linking verbs.
Common Core
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Read each sentence. Circle the linking verbs. Underline the action verbs. Then match the sentences with the pictures.
Infinitives FREE 
An infinitive is the word to plus a verb. Infinitives can be used as nouns, adjectives or adverbs. Identify the infinitive in each sentence.
Read each sentence. Find the past participles and present participles.
A gerund is an -ing form of a verb that is used as a noun. Gerunds usually name activities or actions, such as dancing, laughing, or sneezing. Identify the gerund in each sentence.
Determine whether the underline words represent a gerund, a participle, or an infinitive.
This handy anchor chart shows the past and present tense conjugations of the verb be in a chart and used in sentences.
There are two options of the verb be for each of these sentences. Circle the correct ones to correctly complete the sentences.
This anchor chart includes all of the forms of be, including the past tense, past participle, present tense, present participle, and future tense.
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Common Core Alignment