Super Teacher Worksheets

3rd Grade Common Core: L.3.1a

Common Core Identifier: L.3.1a / Grade: 3
Curriculum: Language: Conventions of Standard English
Detail: Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in particular sentences.
61 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Can your students tell which of the underlined words are nouns and which ones are adjectives?
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Each statement on this page contains one or more adjectives and/or articles.
Diagram these basic sentences with nouns (simple subjects), verbs (simple predicates), adverbs, and adjectives.
This diagramming worksheet is tricky because it contains a mix of adjectives, adverbs, and direct objects.
Unscramble the words to make a complete sentence. Write the sentence on the line and circle the simple subject.
These sentences contain two simple subjects and two simple predicates. Practice diagramming these sentences.
Read the sentence in each star.  If the sentence contains an action verb, color the star red.  If it contains a linking verb, color the star yellow.
Read each sentence and underline the verb. If the verb is a linking verb, write the letter L. If it's an action verb, write the letter A.
Identify the simple subject or simple predicate for each sentence. Also includes review of complete subject and predicate.
Part 1:  Circle the action verb in each sentence.  Part 2:  Tell which words are nouns and which ones are action verbs.  2-sided worksheet.
Read each set of words and pick the one that is an action verb.
Tell whether each group of words is a subject or predicate. Then use each group of words in a sentence.
Read each sentence and determine the correct part of speech for each underlined word. Each sentence has an underlined noun, verb, or adjective.
Draw a line under the complete subject; Draw two lines under the complete predicate
For each sentence, identify the simple subject, the linking verb, and the complement of the verb. Advanced grammar worksheet recommended for grades 6 and up.
Underline the complete subject and circle the simple subject in each sentence.
Circle the action verb in each of the sentences.
Draw one line under the subject & two lines under the predicate; Add the missing subjects and predicates
Tell whether each underlined word is a noun or a verb.
Diagram the sentences. Each statement has one or two nouns and one or two verbs.
Fill in the correct subject or predicate from the word box; Easier for grades 2-3.
Sensory words- like tastes, looks, smells, sounds, seems- can be action verbs or linking verbs, depending on their context. Use the simple trick to determine which verbs are action verbs and which ones are linking verbs. Advanced level worksheet recommended for grades 5 and up.
Tell whether the underlined words are the complete subject, complete predicate, simple subject, or simple predicate
Diagram these sentences. Each one has double subjects, a conjunction, and an action verb.
Circle the linking verb in each sentence.
Read each sentence. Circle the linking verbs. Underline the action verbs. Then match the sentences with the pictures.
Linking verbs connect a subject to its predicate. Common linking verbs include be, am, is, are, was, were, been, smell, look, taste, feel, and sound.
Underline the helping verb in each sentence.  Circle the main verb.
These simple sentences each contain one noun and a double predicate with two action verbs.
Read each sentence and identify the linking verb.
Determine whether the underlined words are a complete subject, a complete predicate, a simple subject, or simple predicate.
These sentences have only two words- a noun and a verb. Create a diagram by separating the subject from the predicate.
In the first part, students draw a line under the action verb. In the second part, they draw a line under the linking verb. This basic-level worksheet is a good introduction to linking verbs.
Read the sentence and determine whether the underlined word is an action verb or a linking verb.
Sometimes verbs work together. Learn to identify a helping verb and a main verb in a sentence.
Similar to worksheets a-c, with different sentences
Identify the verbs and adverbs, then make a diagram.
Underline the predicate in each sentence.  Then write the action verb on the line.
Similar to subject/predicate worksheet A, but the sentences are different
Direct Objects are nouns in the predicate that receive the action of verbs. Identify the direct objects and try diagramming the sentences.
This is an advanced-level helping verb worksheet. For each sentence, students must identify the main verb and helping verb.
Some of these sentences have prepositional phrases that act as adjectives. The rest have prepositional phrases that act as adverbs. Can your students tell which are which?
These sentences have adjectives, adverbs, or both. Draw a diagram of each sentence.
Students color, cut and glue in this grammar activity; Hands-on way of learning about subjects and predicates
Sometimes prepositional phrases can act as adverbs. Underline each prepositional phrase. Circle the action verb it describes.
Learn all about direct objects, indirect objects, and objects of the preposition with this advanced grammar worksheet. Determine whether the underlined object is a direct object, indirect object, or object of the preposition. An answer key is included.
Can you find all the adjectives in this silly poem? This adjective activity includes comprehension questions. An answer key is also included with this printable English language arts worksheet.
Learn all about direct objects in this activity. Identify the direct object in each sentence. An answer key is included.
Use these task cards to help your students practice telling the difference between adjectives and adverbs.
Learn about indirect objects with this printable grammar activity. Underline the indirect object in each sentence. This worksheet would make a great addition to an advanced grammar lesson.
The first sentence in each pair uses a linking verb and adjective. Using the word bank, choose one action verb that can replace the verb phrase. Write the action verb on the blank line.
Stanley becomes quite frightened when a storm howls eerily outside his window. Can you find all the adverbs in this fun poem? This adverb activity includes comprehension questions and an answer key.
Learn all about prepositional phrases and indirect objects. Rewrite each sentence, changing the underlined indirect object into a prepositional phrase. This is a wonderful advanced grammar worksheet!
Identify the direct object and indirect object in each sentence. This grammar worksheet will help your students determine the difference between direct objects and indirect objects. Use this printable activity to go along with an advanced grammar lesson.
Students will underline the action verbs in this clever poem and compose an action verb poem of their own in this printable verb worksheets.
Determine whether the underlined word is a direct object or a complement. Circle the verb in each sentence. This printable worksheet is an excellent advanced grammar activity to introduce direct objects and complements.
Discover the difference between transitive and intransitive verbs in this worksheet. Determine whether the verb in each sentence is transitive or intransitive. This is an awesome printable grammar worksheet for an advanced grammar lesson.
Students will underline all the common nouns and all the proper nouns in this poetry activity. They will also write their own noun poem.
Learn all about transitive verbs and direct objects in this worksheet. Identify the transitive verbs and direct object in each sentence.
Identify the action verb in each sentence. This task card set has 30 cards. Use them for classroom scavenger hunts, learning centers, peer tutoring, or classroom games.
Identify the preposition, object, and prepositional phrase in each sentence.
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