2nd Grade Common Core: L.2.4d
Common Core Identifier: L.2.4d / Grade: 2
Curriculum: Language: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Detail: Use knowledge of the meaning of individual words to predict the meaning of compound words (e.g., birdhouse, lighthouse, housefly; bookshelf, notebook, bookmark).
13 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Combine graphics to make compound words. For example, a picture of a cow and a picture of a boy make the compound word cowboy.
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Combine the pictures to make a compound word. For example, a picture of a house and a picture of a boat make the word houseboat.
On each line, students must combine two noun pictures to make a compound word. For example, students are given a picture of butter and a picture of a flying bug. They write butterfly.
Find the compound word in each sentence and break it up into the two smaller words.
Try to unscramble these compound words. Words include wheelchair, newscast, everybody, and more.
While they walk home from school, Jake teaches his younger brother Ben a secret for adding big numbers.
This printable has 3 parts. Part 1: Circle the compound word. Part 2: Which word is compound? Part 3: Think up a compound word to complete each sentence.
Choose the two parts that go together to complete each word. Give a definition of the newly created word.
Brainstorm a list of compound words that begin with each letter of the alphabet.
Match up the word parts to make a new word. Hands-on cutting, sorting, and gluing activity.
Compound Words 1 FREE
Put the two smaller words together to make a new word. example: sun + shine = sunshine
Can you find all of the CWs hidden in the puzzle? Words include chalkboard, candlestick, toothpaste, and more.