Super Teacher Worksheets

2nd Grade Common Core: L.2.1

Common Core Identifier: L.2.1 / Grade: 2
Curriculum: Language: Conventions of Standard English
Detail: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
50 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Each of these 30 task cards has a sentence on it. Students identify the noun in each.
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Review vowel sounds, verb tenses, and the homophones too, to, and two with this week's set of daily ELA review worksheets. Many more writing, grammar, and mechanics skills are covered as well.
This week, your 2nd graders will fix misspellings, identify vowel sounds, form possessive nouns, and much more with our set of daily ELA review.
In the first week of 2nd grade ELA Buzz, the worksheets review important skills from 1st grade language arts curricula and prepare students for new topics to come.
Make sure those ELA skills stay sharp with this set of daily review exercises. Each day students work on a variety of language arts skills such as vowel sounds, title capitalization, punctuation, and more.
Practice more second grade language arts skills with this week's set of daily ELA Buzz worksheets.
Review key ELA concepts such as verbs, reading comprehension, contractions, and more this week with our daily language arts worksheets.
Give your students more practice with pronouns with these task cards. They will have to pick out the subjects and objects and complete sentences with the correct words.
Keep practicing important language arts concepts with this week's set of daily ELA review worksheets.
Give each student a pennant. They highlight the nouns, decorate, and cut out their flag. Hang the noun pennants on a string in your classroom. (If you prefer a color printout that students do not have to color, click the ALT button below.)
Get in the habit of using these ELA review worksheets every day to help maintain your students' language arts skills.
Compound words, common and proper nouns, vowel teams, trigraphs, and verb tense are just a handful of the language arts skills students will practice with this week's set of ELA Buzz worksheets.
These task cards require students to correctly spell and use plural possessive nouns.
Keep building and maintaining second-grade language arts skills with these daily spiral review worksheets. Practice proofreading, spelling, and more with this week's set.
Help your students review their ELA skills and stay fresh on concepts such as verb usage, alphabetical ordering, contractions, and more.
Help your students refine important language arts skills with this week's set of ELA review worksheets. They'll work with adjectives, syllables, contractions, and much more.
In part 1, students highlight the noun in each sentence. In part 2, they tell whether each underlined nouns is a person, place, or thing. In part 3, they write a sentence and underline the noun(s). All sentences are farm-themed.
With this worksheet, students will practice writing nouns in their possessive forms. Includes both singular and plural nouns.
Check out our next week of second grade daily ELA review! Suffixes, contractions, and adjectives are just some of the topics covered.
Add suffixes to base words, write contractions, identify adjectives, and practice many more important second grade ELA skills with this set of ELA Buzz.
Practice identifying pronouns in sentences such as, "Are you eating lunch now?" and, "We have art class in the afternoon."
Keep working on those important ELA skills with these daily worksheets. This week, students refresh their skills on spelling, reading comprehension, adjectives, punctuation, and more.
Students use their knowledge of nouns, verbs, pronouns, and adjectives to label their Grammar Garden with words from each category. Students then sort the words they chose into the Parts of Speech Table.
This week, students will practice more spelling, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and reading comprehension skills.
Keep on practicing those important ELA skills with this week's set of daily worksheets. Covered concepts include possessive nouns, reflexive pronouns, punctuation, and more.
Print 30 task cards with questions about common and proper nouns. These work well for classroom games, learning centers, classroom scavenger hunts, and exit slips.
Use this worksheet to practice making singular nouns possessive.
This week, students will practice language arts skills involving verb tenses, vowel sounds, contractions, and much more.
In this week's second grade daily ELA practice, students will work on key skills such as noun recognition, contractions, changing verbs to past tense, and more.
With this week's set of daily ELA review worksheets, second graders will focus on building and maintaining skills related to vowel teams, adjectives, plural nouns, capitalization, and more.
Determine whether each word is a concrete or abstract noun. Then write the word in the correct noun column below.
Complete each sentence by writing the possessive form of each noun in parenthesis. Includes both singular and plural nouns.
Choose the correct noun in parenthesis to complete each sentence.
Write the correct possessive plural and possessive singular nouns.
Cut the nouns and paste them in the correct column - people, places, and things.
Add the letter s or apostrophe-s to the word in parenthesis. Tell whether the noun in each sentence is possessive or plural.
Write the possessive form of each noun in parenthesis to complete each sentence.
Underline the common nouns with a blue crayon. Underline the proper nouns with a red crayon.
To complete each sentence, write the plural possessive form of each word in parenthesis.
Cut the noun boxes and sort them into people, places, things, and ideas.
Change each underlined noun into possessive form.
Write the possessive form of each noun in parenthesis.
Sort the noun cards into two groups- concrete and abstract.
Circle the correct possessive noun to complete each sentence.
Change each noun phrase into a possessive noun. (example: the purr of a kitten = a kitten's purr)
Hunt for "noun cards" hidden around the classroom. Write the possessive form of each noun.
Tell whether the nouns in these sentences are abstract or concrete.
Tell whether each possessive noun is singular or plural.
Determine whether each noun is common or proper. If the noun is common, write "common noun" on the line. If the noun is proper, re-write the noun using correct capitalization.
Write the plural possessive form of each phrase. (example: the jobs of the students = the students' jobs)
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