Super Teacher Worksheets

1st Grade Common Core: L.1.5

Common Core Identifier: L.1.5 / Grade: 1
Curriculum: Language: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Detail: With guidance and support from adults, demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
10 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Use the vocabulary words in the box to complete the sentences. Words include: hurried, envelope, pleased, mailbox, and empty.
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These vocabulary cards make it easy to learn the definitions of the eight vocab words from chapter 1 of Frog and Toad Are Friends.
Use these vocabulary cards to practice and remember the definitions for chapter 4's vocabulary words.
Chapter 2's vocab words are: rest, thought, perhaps, pour, bang, and terrible. Students will use each word to complete one of the sentences on the page.
Chapter 4's vocabulary words are: riverbank, crawled, shiver, behind, bathing suit, and nearby. Students will draw lines to match each word to its definition.
Practice chapter 3's vocabulary words using these cards. Each one features either a word or a definition. Students can make them into flashcards, play memory games, or use them in any other way you see fit.
The vocab words for chapter 1 of Frog and Toad Are Friends are: shouted, melting, blinked, tore, climbed, shutters, shining, and knocked. With this practice worksheet, students will draw lines to match each word with its correct definition.
Your students can use these vocabulary cards in a variety of ways to practice the chapter 2 vocab words. Try having them play a memory game or glue them together to make flashcards.
The vocab words for chapter 5 of Frog and Toad Are Friends will be a breeze to learn with these helpful practice cards.
Students will fill in the missing letters to complete each vocabulary word. A helpful hint will aid them in figuring out the word. Included words are: jacket, sparrow, slammed, beautiful, meadow, and screamed.
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Common Core Alignment