Super Teacher Worksheets

1st Grade Common Core: L.1.1e

Common Core Identifier: L.1.1e / Grade: 1
Curriculum: Language: Conventions of Standard English
Detail: Use verbs to convey a sense of past, present, and future (e.g., Yesterday I walked home; Today I walk home; Tomorrow I will walk home).
20 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Circle the action verb in the sentence.  Then tell whether is it a past tense, present tense, or future tense verb.
Common Core
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Determine whether each verb is written in the present tense form or past tense form (with -ed).
Underline the helping verb in each sentence.  Circle the main verb.
Read each sentence and determine the tense of each verb.  Color the boxes according to the key and a lovely artistic design will appear.
Sometimes verbs work together. Learn to identify a helping verb and a main verb in a sentence.
Choose the correct irregular past participle verb to complete these sentences.
Circle the correct verb (present or past) for each sentence.
Some past tense verbs have irregular spellings that don't follow the rule.  Pick the irregular verb that best completes each sentence.
Draw straight lines to match the present tense verb with its past tense form.
Practice using the verbs lie and lay correctly.
Cut out these task cards and use them to practice the present tense forms of to be. Create learning centers, post the cards as daily challenges, laminate them for students to write on with dry-erase markers, or find another educational use for them.
Reinforce your students' understanding of the present tense form of be with this worksheet. They'll fill in either am, is, or are depending on the information given in the sentence.
There are two options of the verb be for each of these sentences. Circle the correct ones to correctly complete the sentences.
Each sentence on this page uses an incorrect form of the verb be. Students will circle the incorrect word and rewrite the sentence using the correct form.
In this game, students move around the room to find task cards with sentences on it. Students rewrite each sentence with a different verb tense.
Use this anchor chart to show your students how the verb be is used in present tense. The page includes a chart and examples of the words am, is, and are used in sentences.
On this page students will complete sentences, write their own sentences, and more all using the present tense forms of be.
Read the sentences and circle the correct present tense form of the verb be.
This worksheet includes a helpful table showing the three present tense forms of be and when they are used. Students can refer back to this table as they complete the worksheet filling in the missing words in the sentences.
This handy anchor chart shows the past and present tense conjugations of the verb be in a chart and used in sentences.
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Common Core Alignment