Kindergarten Grade Common Core: K.OA.1
Common Core Identifier: K.OA.1 / Grade: K
Curriculum: Operations And Algebraic Thinking: Understand Addition As Putting Together And Adding To, And Under- Stand Subtraction As Taking Apart And Taking From.
Detail: Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings2, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.
21 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Students use the number line picture to help them add.
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Visual elements help young students practice and understand important math concepts such as counting, comparing, and more.
Use ten frames, pictures, and your early math skills to help solve these word problems.
After writing the differences for the problems on the page, color the sea monster (dragon) according to the color code at the bottom of the picture.
Continue practicing important early math skills such as counting, using ten frames, and subtraction with this week's daily word problems.
This week students will practice comparing lengths of objects as well as amounts. They'll also continue honing other important math skills such as addition, subtraction, and counting.
These worksheets are a quick daily activity to help students practice and remember key math skills.
Practice shape recognition, counting, comparing lengths of objects, and more.
This printable worksheet provides number lines to help students solve the addition problems.
Refine skills such as counting, subtraction, and ten frames with this week's daily word problems.
Compare tallest and shortest objects, add and count to 20, and subtract within 20.
Practice a variety of skills this week such as comparing measurements, counting, and more. When your students successfully finish this packet, they may be ready to move on to our 1st grade unit.
Complete set of printable addition flash cards up to 9 + 9. This free worksheet set has four large cards per page.
Subtract the numbers to find the differences, then color according to the code at the bottom.
Looking for more than 25 facts? Try this worksheet. It has 50!
Use the animal pictures to help you solve basic subtraction facts.
Find the answer to each basic subtraction fact, then color to see the blue and gray whale.