Kindergarten Grade Common Core: K.MD.1
Common Core Identifier: K.MD.1 / Grade: K
Curriculum: Measurement And Data: Describe And Compare Measurable Attributes.
Detail: Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight. Describe several measurable attributes of a single object.
20 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Describe the attributes of the elephant and the bug. Use the words small, big, heavy, and light.
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Students compare the giraffe and the hen using vocabulary words, such as taller, shorter, heavier, and lighter.
Practice shape recognition, counting, comparing lengths of objects, and more.
Teach about community helpers and basic math with this worksheet. Students will color the correct number of tubes of toothpaste, write the correct number of dentists, count and add the teeth, and answer a question about length.
Don't forget about one of our favorite community helpers: you! Use this printout to teach basic math skills using images of teachers and items you'll find in the classroom.
This week students will practice comparing lengths of objects as well as amounts. They'll also continue honing other important math skills such as addition, subtraction, and counting.
Use basic math skills like counting and adding to complete this fun worksheet.
Did you know firefighters can help keep us safe and practice math skills? Well, at least with this printout they can! Count, add, and measure with this simple math worksheet.
Practice simple math skills with this worksheet. Skills include counting, single-digit addition, and measuring with blocks.
Practice a variety of skills this week such as comparing measurements, counting, and more. When your students successfully finish this packet, they may be ready to move on to our 1st grade unit.
Count, measure, and add with this very basic math worksheet for early learners.
Use this printable to help students practice early elementary math skills such as counting, adding, and measuring by counting blocks.
Compare tallest and shortest objects, add and count to 20, and subtract within 20.
Review basic counting and math skills while also learning about community helpers.
We all know nurses help keep us well, but with this worksheet, they can help with our math skills too! Practice adding, counting, and simple measuring.
Students will cut out the pictures of the animals and glue them in order from smallest to largest. Depending on students' age and level, you can let them refer to the book for help or do the activity on their own.
Use ten frames, pictures, and your early math skills to help solve these word problems.
Add some math practice to your unit on community helpers with this worksheet about mail carriers.
Color the hearts, count the doctors, add the coats, and find out how many blocks long the stethoscope is.
Color 4 of the 10 buses shown, count the bus drivers, and count and add the stop signs. Count how many blocks long the school bus is too!