Kindergarten Grade Common Core: K.CC.5
Common Core Identifier: K.CC.5 / Grade: K
Curriculum: Counting And Cardinality: Count To Tell The Number Of Objects.
Detail: Count to answer "how many?" questions about as many as 20 things arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle, or as many as 10 things in a scattered configuration; given a number from 1-20, count out that many objects.
57 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Draw the correct number of circles in each double ten-frame.
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For each picture, tell how many more counters are needed to make ten.
Tell how many counters are pictured in each double ten-frame. Practice counting up to 20.
Match the picture card with the number card in this memory game.
Count the brownies, cupcakes, bagels, donuts, cookies, pies, pretzels, and loaves of bread.
Count the boats, trucks, planes, cars, trains, and bicycles.
Count, measure, and add with this very basic math worksheet for early learners.
Use this printable to help students practice early elementary math skills such as counting, adding, and measuring by counting blocks.
Continue practicing important early math skills such as counting, using ten frames, and subtraction with this week's daily word problems.
Use ten frames, pictures, and your early math skills to help solve these word problems.
Use this set of daily word problems to help students practice skills such as comparing (fewest/most), basic shape recognition, counting, and more.
On this printout, there are 10 of each item shown. Students will follow the instructions to count and color the correct number of each item.
Cut apart the pages and assemble the miniature book. Color and count the pumpkins on each page.
Review basic counting and math skills while also learning about community helpers.
Practice important early math skills such as shape recognition, counting, and addition.
Count the stars, planets, comets, rockets, and space creatures.
There's more counting and comparing in Week #3. Count and compare symbols (hearts, diamonds), pennies, and snap cubes (Unifix cubes). Also determine which single-digit number has the smallest value.
Practice simple math skills with this worksheet. Skills include counting, single-digit addition, and measuring with blocks.
This week students will compare the sizes of different objects, practice subtraction and addition, and more!
Add to calculate the number of counters of a tens chart. Determine which number has the greatest value. Solve word problems with illustrations.
Visual elements help young students practice and understand important math concepts such as counting, comparing, and more.
Color the hearts, count the doctors, add the coats, and find out how many blocks long the stethoscope is.
This page has 6 different objects shown multiple times in the same box. Students will count how many times each object occurs and write the correct numbers.
This file contains 5 graphical math word problems for Kindergarten students, one for each day of the school week. These basic problems will allow children to practice counting groups of animals and comparing numbers (more/less).
Add some math practice to your unit on community helpers with this worksheet about mail carriers.
With this next set, students will compare numbers and objects and add and subtract within 10.
Add red and blue circular counters on a five-frame. Count and compare marbles, fruit, and weather symbols. Find the total sum of the snap (Unifix) cubes.
Color 4 of the 10 buses shown, count the bus drivers, and count and add the stop signs. Count how many blocks long the school bus is too!
Practice simple addition and subtraction and identifying basic shapes with this week's daily word problems.
With one worksheet for each day of the week, students will practice key kindergarten math skills such as largest and smallest value, addition to 10, and more.
Practice shape recognition, counting, comparing lengths of objects, and more.
We all know nurses help keep us well, but with this worksheet, they can help with our math skills too! Practice adding, counting, and simple measuring.
These worksheets are a quick daily activity to help students practice and remember key math skills.
Count the dots in each section of the picture. Then color according to the key at the bottom of the page. The final picture shows a springtime scene with a groundhog coming out from his burrow.
This week students will practice comparing lengths of objects as well as amounts. They'll also continue honing other important math skills such as addition, subtraction, and counting.
Don't forget about one of our favorite community helpers: you! Use this printout to teach basic math skills using images of teachers and items you'll find in the classroom.
Challenge your students to solve these daily word problems using the math skills they already know such as counting by 1s and 10s, identifying shapes, and simple addition.
In the 5th week of our daily word problem series, your students will add to find sums within 5, compare groups of objects, and determine the 1-digit number with the largest value.
Use basic math skills like counting and adding to complete this fun worksheet.
In this week's kindergarten daily word problems, students will practice counting to 20, addition to 15, subtraction within 15, and comparing objects by determining who has the fewest or most of something.
This set of daily word problems will reinforce key kindergarten math skills--from identifying basic shapes to basic subtraction.
Compare tallest and shortest objects, add and count to 20, and subtract within 20.
Did you know firefighters can help keep us safe and practice math skills? Well, at least with this printout they can! Count, add, and measure with this simple math worksheet.
This worksheet has 10 of each kind of object. Students will count to 8, 5, 3, 6, and 7 based on the instructions, coloring in the correct number of objects each time.
Refine skills such as counting, subtraction, and ten frames with this week's daily word problems.
These cards can be used in a pocket chart or on your classroom word wall. It contains numbers, written as words and digits, for zero through twenty-five.
Practice a variety of skills this week such as comparing measurements, counting, and more. When your students successfully finish this packet, they may be ready to move on to our 1st grade unit.
Teach about community helpers and basic math with this worksheet. Students will color the correct number of tubes of toothpaste, write the correct number of dentists, count and add the teeth, and answer a question about length.
Count each individual object shown in the box and write the correct number in the corresponding box.
In the 2nd week, students will count up to 10 and compare groups of musical notes, fish, bananas, and soccer balls. They'll also compare objects using the words more and most.