Kindergarten Grade Common Core: K.CC.4b
Common Core Identifier: K.CC.4b / Grade: K
Curriculum: Counting And Cardinality: Count To Tell The Number Of Objects.
Detail: Understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. The number of objects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted.
16 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Count the dots and color the pumpkin according to the key.
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Count the boats, trucks, planes, cars, trains, and bicycles.
Count the brownies, cupcakes, bagels, donuts, cookies, pies, pretzels, and loaves of bread.
Count the stars, planets, comets, rockets, and space creatures.
Match the picture card with the number card in this memory game.
Practice important early math skills such as shape recognition, counting, and addition.
Count from 1 to 20. Fill in the missing numbers on the number line.
Count the dots in each section of the picture. Then color according to the key at the bottom of the page. The final picture shows a springtime scene with a groundhog coming out from his burrow.
Draw the correct number of counters in each set of double frames.
These cards can be used in a pocket chart or on your classroom word wall. It contains numbers, written as words and digits, for zero through twenty-five.
Cut apart the pages and assemble the miniature book. Color and count the pumpkins on each page.
How many counters are in the frames? This worksheet features double 10-frames with numbers up to 20.