Kindergarten Grade Common Core: K.CC.4
Common Core Identifier: K.CC.4 / Grade: K
Curriculum: Counting And Cardinality: Count To Tell The Number Of Objects.
Detail: Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality.
90 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Count the sheep, goats, cows, horses, and chickens.
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Match the picture card with the number card in this memory game.
Count the boats, trucks, planes, cars, trains, and bicycles.
How many counters are in the frames? This worksheet features double 10-frames with numbers up to 20.
Count the brownies, cupcakes, bagels, donuts, cookies, pies, pretzels, and loaves of bread.
Count the stars, planets, comets, rockets, and space creatures.
Use the ten frame illustration to find the sums for basic addition facts.
Look carefully at the picture and try to count 28 screws. Trace and print the number 28. Draw 28 circles.
Use a crayon to color in 22 ovals. Make 22 tallies and circle the number 22 with PV blocks.
Color two apples. Show the number two with tally marks. Fill in the numbers on the number line. And circle the twos in the number box.
Tell how many tens and how many ones are in the special number. Show 12 on a 10-frame. Make 12 tallies. Complete the number line.
Determine which set of base-10 blocks represents 18. Tell whether the secret number is odd or even. Draw 18 tally marks.
Continue practicing important early math skills such as counting, using ten frames, and subtraction with this week's daily word problems.
Count twenty balloons and make a sketch with twenty zigzag lines in it.
Fill in the missing numbers on the penguins. Includes numbers before and after. Up to 30.
This week, students practicing counting and writing numbers up to 30. Calculate missing addends in addition equations. Identify longer/shorter and long/longer/longest objects.
Color five baseballs. Draw five dots on the ten-frame. Circle the 5s. Tell whether 5 is odd or even.
Write the number fourteen on the lines, and then draw 14 ovals in the box.
Visual elements help young students practice and understand important math concepts such as counting, comparing, and more.
Trace and write the digits in the number 28. Then tell how many tens and how many ones. After that, circle the base-10 blocks that show 28. Color 28 circles. Make 28 tally marks.
This week students will compare the sizes of different objects, practice subtraction and addition, and more!
Draw 8 tally marks. Circle 8 pens. Fill in the missing digits. Tell if 8 is even or odd.
Tell whether 15 is odd or even. Find the place value blocks for 15. Make 15 colored dots with crayons. Tell how many ones and how many tens are in this number.
Use ten frames, pictures, and your early math skills to help solve these word problems.
Is 25 even or odd? How many 10s? How many 1s? Some boxes on the number line are empty- fill them in. Color 25 circles.
Trace and print the number 11 on the primary-ruled lines. Then draw 11 stars in the box at the bottom of the page.
First, write the number 17. Then count 17 strawberries. Then make 17 checkmarks.
Draw the correct number of circles in each double ten-frame.
Color six toads. Make the number 6 with tallies. Complete the number line by filling in the missing numbers.
Count to 14. Tell how many 10s and 1s are in this number. Draw 14 dots. Find the base-10 blocks that show 14.
Practice shape recognition, counting, comparing lengths of objects, and more.
Trace, Print, Draw: Trace and write the number 23. Count 23 flowers. Draw 23 triangle shapes.
Color 27 shapes and make 27 tallies. Tell how many 10s and 1s are in the special number. Determine whether 27 is even or odd.
Practice simple addition and subtraction and identifying basic shapes with this week's daily word problems.
Count sixteen baseballs. Trace and print the number 16. Draw sixteen smile faces.
Count the dots in each section of the picture. Then color according to the key at the bottom of the page. The final picture shows a springtime scene with a groundhog coming out from his burrow.
This week students will practice comparing lengths of objects as well as amounts. They'll also continue honing other important math skills such as addition, subtraction, and counting.
Count 26 seashells. Write the number 26. Draw 26 smiley faces in the box.
Color in 24 shapes. Trace and print the number and words for 24. Make 24 tallies. Tell if 24 is odd or even.
Find the place value blocks that show the number 11. Tell whether 11 is odd or even. Draw 11 tally marks. Show 11 on the ten-frames, and complete the number line.
How many tens and ones in the special number? Fill in the empty boxes on the number line.
Cut apart the pages and assemble the miniature book. Color and count the pumpkins on each page.
The illustration shows 29 eggs in cartons. Trace number 29. Then draw 29 spirals.
Special Number: 21 FREE
Write the digits in the number 21. Then tell whether it's an even or odd number. Write down how many 10s and how many 1s are in this number. Draw 21 tally marks. Complete the number line to show what comes after and before this number.
Show the number three on a ten frame. Color three seashells. Tell what number comes before and after the number three.
After writing the number 13 on the lines provided, students will draw 13 triangles at the bottom of the page.
Count 19 seashells. Write the number 19. Then draw 19 spirals.
These worksheets are a quick daily activity to help students practice and remember key math skills.
How many 10s and 1s are in the number 20? Make 20 with tally marks. Put 20 dots on the 10-frames. Circle the place value blocks that show 20.
Circle the base-10 blocks that represent 30. How many 10s and 1s are in 30? Is this an even or odd number? Complete the number line.
With this next set, students will compare numbers and objects and add and subtract within 10.
Color in 10 stars, draw 10 tally marks, tell whether 10 is odd or even, and fill in the missing numbers on the number line.
Trace and write 16. Make 16 on the double 10-frame. Complete the number line. Tell how many 10s and 1s in this number.
These cards can be used in a pocket chart or on your classroom word wall. It contains numbers, written as words and digits, for zero through twenty-five.
Practice a variety of skills this week such as comparing measurements, counting, and more. When your students successfully finish this packet, they may be ready to move on to our 1st grade unit.
Count 27 marbles. Draw 27 check marks. Trace and print 27 on the primary-ruled lines.
Learn about place value for the number 23. Discover where 23 falls on a number line. Practice tracing the digits in 23.
Trace and print the number twelve. Then draw 12 hearts in the box.
There are 18 rulers in the picture can you count them all? Write the number 18 on the lines. Draw 18 circles in the box at the bottom.
Special Number: One FREE
Color one lion. Show one on the ten-frame. Tell what comes before and after the number one. Circle the ones.
Solve to find missing addends in an equation. Count corners on a polygon. Find and identify rectangles and circles. Solve simple addition and subtraction word problems.
Show the number 4 with tally marks. Color 4 whales. Tell whether 4 is odd or even. Circle the 4s in the box.
Trace the word "thirteen." Then draw 13 tallies. Make 13 on the 10-frame. Fill in the numbers before and after 13 on the number line.
Tell if 19 is an even or odd number. Then draw 19 dots. After that, make 19 tallies. Then circle the base-10 blocks that represent 19.
Refine skills such as counting, subtraction, and ten frames with this week's daily word problems.
Count 22 paper clips. Craw 22 hearts. Trace and write the number 22.
Tell whether 29 is odd or even? Draw 29 tally marks. Color 29 circles. Trace and write 29.
Challenge your students to solve these daily word problems using the math skills they already know such as counting by 1s and 10s, identifying shapes, and simple addition.
Make seven on the 10-frame. Color seven cars. Circle the sevens. Tell if seven is an odd or even number.
Trace and print the number fifteen. Then draw 15 diamonds.
Compare tallest and shortest objects, add and count to 20, and subtract within 20.
Can you see 24 dinosaurs in the picture. Write the number 24 and make 24 ovals.
Trace the number 26. Color 26 round objects. Complete the number line by showing what comes before and after 26.
In this week's kindergarten daily word problems, students will practice counting to 20, addition to 15, subtraction within 15, and comparing objects by determining who has the fewest or most of something.
Students are lining up to have their pictures taken. Write an ordinal number to correctly describe the order of the students.
Ordinal Number Line FREE
Write the missing ordinal numbers on the number line. Range from 1st through 20th.
Color each fruit according to the directions. Students must recognize ordinal numbers in word form. (example: Color the fifth apple.)
Students cut out the picture strips with ordinal numbers on them. Sort them from the smallest (1st) to the largest (10th) to assemble a picture of a goldfish.
Cut out the ordinal number puzzle strips. Sort them from the smallest (1st) to the largest (5th) to assemble a picture of two giraffes.
Write the missing ordinal numbers on the balloons. Range from 1st through 24th.
Color each fruit according to the directions. Students must recognize ordinal numbers in numeral form. (example: Color the 7th pear.)