Kindergarten Grade Common Core: K.CC.3
Common Core Identifier: K.CC.3 / Grade: K
Curriculum: Counting And Cardinality: Know Number Names And The Count Sequence.
Detail: Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects).
201 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Trace and print the number 9.
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Count from 1 to 20. Fill in the missing numbers on the number line.
Match the picture card with the number card in this memory game.
This fall-themed worksheet helps reinforce counting skills up to seventeen.
Cut apart the pages and assemble the miniature book. Color and count the pumpkins on each page.
Count, measure, and add with this very basic math worksheet for early learners.
Color two apples. Show the number two with tally marks. Fill in the numbers on the number line. And circle the twos in the number box.
Continue practicing important early math skills such as counting, using ten frames, and subtraction with this week's daily word problems.
Write the number fourteen on the lines, and then draw 14 ovals in the box.
Students will need their coloring supplies to color in this large outline of a number "2" on this printable worksheet.
Count twenty balloons and make a sketch with twenty zigzag lines in it.
Print out this number worksheet featuring a giant outline of the number "14" for your students to color in to boost their number recognition.
Fill in the missing numbers on the penguins. Includes numbers before and after. Up to 30.
Practice your counting skills with this fall-themed worksheet on the number five. Students will count the apples on the tree and practice writing out the word "five."
Write the number of hearts shown. Color the square with 6 dots in it. Color 8 circles. Write how many stars you see.
The front of the crown has two hearts and the word "two." On the band, you'll trace the digits.
This worksheet has ten-frames with red and white counters all adding up to ten. Students will find the missing number to complete the math fact.
This fall-themed worksheet helps reinforce counting skills and an understanding of the number eight.
Practice counting to twenty with this fall-themed worksheet. Trace the dotted lines to practice spelling the word "twenty" too.
Practice tracing and printing the number three. Then, at the bottom, circle three turtle pictures.
Use this printable to help students practice early elementary math skills such as counting, adding, and measuring by counting blocks.
Color five baseballs. Draw five dots on the ten-frame. Circle the 5s. Tell whether 5 is odd or even.
The first part of this worksheet has students using the counters in the ten-frame to find the number sentence. The second part uses the number sentence to fill in the ten-frame.
Tell whether 15 is odd or even. Find the place value blocks for 15. Make 15 colored dots with crayons. Tell how many ones and how many tens are in this number.
Try our printable number recognition worksheets like this one that has a large outline of number "5" to be colored in.
Our printable number worksheets are great for increasing number recognition in your students. This worksheet has a big outline of the number "17" for students to color in.
Trace and write the digits in the number 28. Then tell how many tens and how many ones. After that, circle the base-10 blocks that show 28. Color 28 circles. Make 28 tally marks.
Is 25 even or odd? How many 10s? How many 1s? Some boxes on the number line are empty- fill them in. Color 25 circles.
Visual elements help young students practice and understand important math concepts such as counting, comparing, and more.
Draw the number 3 on the primary-ruled lines. Then color 3 lions and 3 diamonds.
Practice counting to eleven by counting the apples on the tree.
Review basic counting and math skills while also learning about community helpers.
Trace and print the number six. Then count and circle six ice cream cones in the picture at the bottom of the page.
Practice important early math skills such as shape recognition, counting, and addition.
Draw 8 tally marks. Circle 8 pens. Fill in the missing digits. Tell if 8 is even or odd.
Trace and print the number 11 on the primary-ruled lines. Then draw 11 stars in the box at the bottom of the page.
This mini-book is a fun way for students to practice with ten-frames and addition skills. Cut out the pages and assemble, then fill out the ten-frames and solve the math fact.
First, write the number 17. Then count 17 strawberries. Then make 17 checkmarks.
By coloring in this outline of number "8" students will gain a sense of number recognition.
By coloring in this big outline of number "20", students will have boosted their recognition of numbers and had fun while doing it.
Use a crayon to color in 22 ovals. Make 22 tallies and circle the number 22 with PV blocks.
Use ten frames, pictures, and your early math skills to help solve these word problems.
This one has pictures of dolphins and hearts. Trace and make the number six.
Use this fall-themed worksheet to help your students learn about the number 14.
Count the boats, trucks, planes, cars, trains, and bicycles.
Practice simple math skills with this worksheet. Skills include counting, single-digit addition, and measuring with blocks.
Learn to write and trace the digit nine. Then circle nine pencils at the bottom of the page.
This week students will compare the sizes of different objects, practice subtraction and addition, and more!
Tell how many tens and how many ones are in the special number. Show 12 on a 10-frame. Make 12 tallies. Complete the number line.
Solve to find missing addends in an equation. Count corners on a polygon. Find and identify rectangles and circles. Solve simple addition and subtraction word problems.
Determine which set of base-10 blocks represents 18. Tell whether the secret number is odd or even. Draw 18 tally marks.
Outline - Number 11 FREE
Have your coloring supplies ready for this worksheet to color in the outline of the number "11".
Look carefully at the picture and try to count 28 screws. Trace and print the number 28. Draw 28 circles.
Students can use this fall-themed worksheet to practice counting to and writing the number two.
Write numbers from 0 through 20. Then select the boxes with the correct number of dots.
Number nine is very fine. Make some nines. Color the elephants and the triangles.
Use this worksheet to help students practice counting to nine.
Color the hearts, count the doctors, add the coats, and find out how many blocks long the stethoscope is.
Trace along the dotted lines to make the number four. Then write the number four on the primary-ruled paper. Then color or circle four ducks.
There are ten pictures of each item. Students will count and color in the correct number of each.
Color six toads. Make the number 6 with tallies. Complete the number line by filling in the missing numbers.
Read each word problem to fill out the ten-frame, write out the math fact, and find them sum.
Count sixteen baseballs. Trace and print the number 16. Draw sixteen smile faces.
Color in this outline of number "6" with markers or crayons and boost number recognition at the same time.
Trace, Print, Draw: Trace and write the number 23. Count 23 flowers. Draw 23 triangle shapes.
Your students will have fun coloring in this giant outline of the number "18" while learning to recognize basic numbers.
Color 27 shapes and make 27 tallies. Tell how many 10s and 1s are in the special number. Determine whether 27 is even or odd.
Color in 24 shapes. Trace and print the number and words for 24. Make 24 tallies. Tell if 24 is odd or even.
Practice shape recognition, counting, comparing lengths of objects, and more.
Carefully use a pencil to draw the digit 4. Then shade in four robots and four circles.
Use this worksheet to practice counting to twelve by counting the apples on the tree.
Add some math practice to your unit on community helpers with this worksheet about mail carriers.
Trace the number seven and write it on the primary ruled lines. Then circle seven giraffes in the picture.
With this next set, students will compare numbers and objects and add and subtract within 10.
Find the place value blocks that show the number 11. Tell whether 11 is odd or even. Draw 11 tally marks. Show 11 on the ten-frames, and complete the number line.
This printable has 15 pennants that can be cut out and colored. Then solve the ten-frame addition fact. Lastly, these pennants can be strung up on a rope or string to hang in the classroom.
How many tens and ones in the special number? Fill in the empty boxes on the number line.
Coloring supplies will be needed for this printable number worksheet that features a large outline of a number "9".
Count 26 seashells. Write the number 26. Draw 26 smiley faces in the box.
Special Number: 21 FREE
Write the digits in the number 21. Then tell whether it's an even or odd number. Write down how many 10s and how many 1s are in this number. Draw 21 tally marks. Complete the number line to show what comes after and before this number.
This week students will practice comparing lengths of objects as well as amounts. They'll also continue honing other important math skills such as addition, subtraction, and counting.
Trace and write. Color seven giant whales and seven shiny diamonds.
Your students will love coloring, making, and wearing these neat number 5 crowns.
Students can use the apples on the tree to practice counting to fifteen.
Color 4 of the 10 buses shown, count the bus drivers, and count and add the stop signs. Count how many blocks long the school bus is too!
Learn to print the number ten. Then, at the bottom of the worksheet, identify ten butterflies.
Practice simple addition and subtraction and identifying basic shapes with this week's daily word problems.
After writing the number 13 on the lines provided, students will draw 13 triangles at the bottom of the page.
This week, students practicing counting and writing numbers up to 30. Calculate missing addends in addition equations. Identify longer/shorter and long/longer/longest objects.
Count 19 seashells. Write the number 19. Then draw 19 spirals.
Enhance number recognition in your students with this fun coloring activity featuring a large outline of the number "12".
The illustration shows 29 eggs in cartons. Trace number 29. Then draw 29 spirals.
Students will count the apples on the tree and practice spelling out the number three.
Trace the digits. Then color items to answers the counting questions.
Color 10 octopuses and ten triangles. Trace and print the number ten.
Use an ink dabber (bingo dabber) or a crayon to add sections to the caterpillars.
This worksheet helps students practice counting to eighteen and has space for them to try writing out the word.
Trace and print the number one. Then color or circle one elephant.
We all know nurses help keep us well, but with this worksheet, they can help with our math skills too! Practice adding, counting, and simple measuring.
Show the number three on a ten frame. Color three seashells. Tell what number comes before and after the number three.
These worksheets are a quick daily activity to help students practice and remember key math skills.
Count to 14. Tell how many 10s and 1s are in this number. Draw 14 dots. Find the base-10 blocks that show 14.
Teach your students number recognition as they color in this large outline of number "3".
How many 10s and 1s are in the number 20? Make 20 with tally marks. Put 20 dots on the 10-frames. Circle the place value blocks that show 20.
Try our printable number recognition worksheets like this one that features a large outline of the number "15" for students to color in.
Circle the base-10 blocks that represent 30. How many 10s and 1s are in 30? Is this an even or odd number? Complete the number line.
Use this worksheet to help students learn to count to six and practice writing the word.
Trace and write the number 1 on the primary-rules paper. Then color one of the stars.
Use this fun crown when your "number of the day" or "number of the week" is three!
On this worksheet, students will use the number sentence to draw the counters in the ten-frame and find the sum.
Use the image of the apple tree to practice counting up to thirteen. Practice writing the word "thirteen" too.
Don't forget about one of our favorite community helpers: you! Use this printout to teach basic math skills using images of teachers and items you'll find in the classroom.
Learn to print the number eight. Then circle eight cars in the picture near the bottom of the page.
Challenge your students to solve these daily word problems using the math skills they already know such as counting by 1s and 10s, identifying shapes, and simple addition.
Color in 10 stars, draw 10 tally marks, tell whether 10 is odd or even, and fill in the missing numbers on the number line.
Trace and print the number twelve. Then draw 12 hearts in the box.
In the first week of 1st grade Math Buzz, students will review basic Kindergarten skills. This file has 5 worksheets, one for each day of the week. Skills include basic addition, counting on a five-frame, writing numbers, and identifying basic shapes.
There are 18 rulers in the picture can you count them all? Write the number 18 on the lines. Draw 18 circles in the box at the bottom.
Finally hitting the double digits, students will start recognizing numbers more with help from worksheets like this where they can color in the outline of the number "10".
Count 27 marbles. Draw 27 check marks. Trace and print 27 on the primary-ruled lines.
Use this fall-themed worksheet to help students practice counting and spelling the number one.
Practice a variety of skills this week such as comparing measurements, counting, and more. When your students successfully finish this packet, they may be ready to move on to our 1st grade unit.
Eight pigs! Oink oink! 8 circles! Teach kids to make the number eight.
Here's a fun craft to try with your class. Make a neat hat with the number 4 on it.
Count the stars, planets, comets, rockets, and space creatures.
Use the apples on the tree to practice counting to sixteen. Then practice writing out the word "sixteen" using the dotted lines.
Use basic math skills like counting and adding to complete this fun worksheet.
Special Number: One FREE
Color one lion. Show one on the ten-frame. Tell what comes before and after the number one. Circle the ones.
In this week's kindergarten daily word problems, students will practice counting to 20, addition to 15, subtraction within 15, and comparing objects by determining who has the fewest or most of something.
Trace the word "thirteen." Then draw 13 tallies. Make 13 on the 10-frame. Fill in the numbers before and after 13 on the number line.
This printable number worksheet has a giant outline of a number "1" for students to color in.
Tell if 19 is an even or odd number. Then draw 19 dots. After that, make 19 tallies. Then circle the base-10 blocks that represent 19.
This printable worksheet has a big outline of the number "13" to be colored in.
Use this worksheet to help students practice counting to the number four. They will also practice writing the word "four."
Color 9 circles. Color 4 stars. Color 8 hearts. Color 6 squares.
This crown presents the number 1. Trace the number 1 on the headband. Color the numbers on the front. For best results, print on sturdy card stock.
Count to ten and write the numbers in the circles to help the butterfly reach the flowers.
Use this worksheet with your students to help them practice counting to nineteen
Did you know firefighters can help keep us safe and practice math skills? Well, at least with this printout they can! Count, add, and measure with this simple math worksheet.
Show the number 4 with tally marks. Color 4 whales. Tell whether 4 is odd or even. Circle the 4s in the box.
Refine skills such as counting, subtraction, and ten frames with this week's daily word problems.
Trace and print the number fifteen. Then draw 15 diamonds.
Students will need their crayons and markers for this number recognition worksheet featuring the number "4".
Count 22 paper clips. Craw 22 hearts. Trace and write the number 22.
Get out your markers and crayons for this coloring activity. Color in the big outline of the number "16" and boost your number recognition at the same time.
Tell whether 29 is odd or even? Draw 29 tally marks. Color 29 circles. Trace and write 29.
Practice counting to the number seven by counting the apples on the tree. Then practice spelling the word "seven" with the dotted lines.
Make the number 2 by tracing and printing. Color 2 roosters and 2 hearts.
This printable uses ten-frames to help students find the right number sentence and use their addition skills to determine the sum of each math fact.
Teach about community helpers and basic math with this worksheet. Students will color the correct number of tubes of toothpaste, write the correct number of dentists, count and add the teeth, and answer a question about length.
First, trace the number 5. Then try printing it on your own. After that, color five trucks in the picture at the bottom of the page.
Count each type of object in the box and write how many you see in the smaller boxes below. Then you can color the pictures.
Make seven on the 10-frame. Color seven cars. Circle the sevens. Tell if seven is an odd or even number.
Use scissors to cut out the ten-frame boxes on the bottom of the worksheet and glue them to the matching number sentence above.
Trace and write 16. Make 16 on the double 10-frame. Complete the number line. Tell how many 10s and 1s in this number.
Students will have fun coloring in this large outline of number "7" when learning about numbers.
Can you see 24 dinosaurs in the picture. Write the number 24 and make 24 ovals.
Our printable number worksheets are fun and good for increasing number recognition in your students. This one has a large outline of number "19" for students to color in.
Trace the number 26. Color 26 round objects. Complete the number line by showing what comes before and after 26.
Learn about place value for the number 23. Discover where 23 falls on a number line. Practice tracing the digits in 23.
Compare tallest and shortest objects, add and count to 20, and subtract within 20.
Here are five frogs to color in. Also color five stars. Then trace and print the number 5 on the wide lines.
Practice worksheet with basic addition facts. The first addend is between 0 and 2. The second addend is between 0 and 9. Includes pictures of cute monsters.
Adding practice sheet. The first addend ranges from 0 to 5. Playful monkey pictures decorate the worksheet.
Complete set of printable addition flash cards up to 9 + 9. This free worksheet set has four large cards per page.
Practice sheet with forty-three basic addition facts. The first addend ranges from 0 to 3. Includes pictures of roller coasters.
Adding - Basic facts practice drill worksheet. The first addend ranges from 0 to 4. Includes pictures of horses.