Super Teacher Worksheets

8th Grade Common Core: 8.G.9

Common Core Identifier: 8.G.9 / Grade: 8
Curriculum: Geometry: Solve Real-World And Mathematical Problems Involving Volume Of Cylinders, Cones, And Spheres.
Detail: Know the formulas for the volumes of cones, cylinders, and spheres and use them to solve real-world and mathematical problems.
17 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Calculate the volumes of the cylinders in each of the word problems.
Common Core
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Determine the volumes of nine different cones. One or more given measurements is a decimal.
On this worksheet, students will calculate the volumes of six different cones. There's an example at the top to show them how it's done. Basic level means that measurements are not given as decimals.
Calculate the volume of 9 different cylinders. In this set, one or more of the measurements given is a decimal.
At the top of this page is a box with a model problem, showing students how to calculate the volume of a sphere. Below are six problems for them to solve.
Calculate the volume of the cylinders. There is an example and formula at the top of the page.
Print these 30 task cards on card stock. Cut them apart to use for peer study groups, small group instruction, morning work, or as a visual on your document camera.
On this page, students will calculate the volumes of nine different cones. There is a bit of room for students to show their work.
Compare the volumes of two cylinders. Answer 14 questions that walk you through volume calculations step-by-step.
Students are given the radius of none different spheres. They calculate the volume of each.
This worksheet shows 9 cylinders. The height and radius of the bases are given. Students calculate the volume of each.
Solve each word problem by finding volumes of cylinders. Problems include decimals up to hundredths.
Print this file on card stock. Each of the 25 cards has a different problem to solve. Use for peer review sessions, on your whiteboard document camera, or classroom games.
The top of this page is an explanation of how to find the volume of a cylinder. Beneath that are six problems for students to solve.
At the top is a sample problem that shows students how to calculate the volume of a sphere. Below are six problems for students to solve.
At the top of this page is a model problem that shows students how to calculate the volume of a cone. Below are six problems for students to solve. Because this is an advanced-level worksheet, most problems have decimals in the given numbers.
This file has 30 task cards that you can cut apart and use for small group instruction, peer study groups, learning centers, classroom scavenger hunts, and classroom games.
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Common Core Alignment