8th Grade Common Core: 8.G.1
Common Core Identifier: 8.G.1 / Grade: 8
Curriculum: Geometry: Understand Congruence And Similarity Using Physical Models, Trans- Parencies, Or Geometry Software.
Detail: Verify experimentally the properties of rotations, reflections, and translations:
18 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Describe each movement as a translation, rotation, or reflection.
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Tell whether each shape was translated, rotated, or reflected. This version includes an example box at the top of the page.
Determine whether each letter was rotated, translated, or reflected.
Examine the first shape, then label its translation, rotation, and reflection.
Draw the rotation, translation, or reflection of each shape on the dotted grid paper.
Copy this page on card stock. Students cut the shapes, then trace the reflection, translation, and rotation.
This file has five large problems on five separate pages. Students will plot the reflections of the given triangles across the x- or y-axis.
Tell which transformation is shown by each image. Write reflection, translation, or reflection on the lines below each picture.
This page describes and shows the basics of reflections, translations, and rotations.
Plot the reflection of each polygon on the 4-quadrant coordinate grid. Then write the coordinates for the mirrored polyogn.
Practice translating triangles with this 6-problem packet.
Draw the flip, turn, or slide of each figure on the dotted grid paper.
Copy this page on heavy card stock. Students cut the shapes, then trace the turn, slide, and flip.
Tell whether each letter has been flipped, turned, or slid.
Tell whether each shape's movement is a slide, flip, or turn. Includes examples.
Examine the first shape, then label its slide, flip and turn.