7th Grade Common Core: 7.EE.4
Common Core Identifier: 7.EE.4 / Grade: 7
Curriculum: Expressions And Equations: Solve Real-Life And Mathematical Problems Using Numerical And Algebraic Expressions And Equations.
Detail: Use variables to represent quantities in a real-world or mathematical problem, and construct simple equations and inequalities to solve problems by reasoning about the quantities.
11 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
This worksheet has 15 equations for students to solve and find the values of the variables.
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This worksheet has 15 two-step equations for students to solve. There is a model problem at the top. These basic level problems do not include exponents or parenthesis.
This file contains 30 task cards with 30 different equations. Students must isolate the variable using two steps to solve.
Find the missing number(s) in each equation.
Give this worksheet to students ready to try their hand at more advanced two-step equations including decimals.
Find the value of the variable for each two-step equation. The intermediate level contains problems with negative and positive integers.
Find the value of x for each equation. These problems require only addition and subtraction.
Find the value of the variable on each model of a balance scale.
Use addition, subtraction, and multiplications to determine the value of x in each equation.
Balance the equations and find the value of the variable in each equation.
These advanced-level two step equation problems contain decimals.