6th Grade Common Core: 6.NS.2
Common Core Identifier: 6.NS.2 / Grade: 6
Curriculum: The Number System: Compute Fluently With Multi-Digit Numbers And Find Common Factors And Multiples.
Detail: Fluently divide multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm.
21 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Try dividing larger numbers with the partial quotient method of division. This sheet has 5-digit by 1-digit problems with remainders.
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This set has 30 task cards with division facts. Use them for classroom scavenger hunts, exit slips, 1-on-1 tutoring, or on your document camera.
Practice using partial quotients to solve division problems. This sheet includes several problems with 4-digit dividends and 1-digit divisors.
This whole-class card game requires students to solve a series of long division problems with 4-digit dividends.
This printable file is a great math learning center activity with thirty cards to be solved by your students involving division with 4-digit dividends.
This worksheet includes different kinds of division problems, such as word problems and a table to fill in.
Solve the division problems with 4-digit dividends. Place the quotients on the grid to make a superhero picture.
Find the quotient for each of these 30 division problems involving money. Use these cards as a math learning center, morning challenge, or scavenger hunt.
At the top of the page, students will find pictures of shapes with numbers in them. Follow the directions and divide. For example: Divide the numbers in the hexagons. The larger number is the dividend.
Divide problems with four-digit dividends. The quotients are then used to complete the crossword puzzle.
This variety worksheet features different types of division questions with 4-digit dividends and remainders.
Show students how to complete a 5-digit by 1-digit division problem using partial quotients with this handy anchor chart.
Use this printable anchor chart to show students how to solve a division problem with the partial quotients method. The problem shown has a 4-digit dividend and 1-digit divisor, as well as a remainder.
Another long division featuring 4-digit dividends, 3 or 4 digit quotients (some with remainders); Space station picture and word problem.
The graph paper on this worksheet will help keep students' work neater and more easily readable when they solve these 5-digit division problems with partial quotients.
Find the quotients to the 4- by 1-digit division problems using partial quotients. Graph paper helps students align the numbers and keeps their writing clear.
Long division problems with 4-digit dividends, 3 and 4 digit quotients with remainders; Whale picture and word problem.
Use this variety worksheet to help students practice dividing money amounts in the hundreds and thousands by 1- and 2-digit divisors.
This page contains nine problems with 4-digit dividends and 3-digit quotients.
Rewrite the division problems in long division form. Then solve.
Can your students solve this math riddle: What do cats eat for breakfast? To find the answer, they'll have to complete a series of long division problems. Each problem had a dividend with four digits.