Super Teacher Worksheets

5th Grade Common Core: 5.NBT.7

Common Core Identifier: 5.NBT.7 / Grade: 5
Curriculum: Number And Operations In Base Ten: Perform Operations With Multi-Digit Whole Numbers And With Decimals To Hundredths.
Detail: Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used.
89 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
This free page contains a dozen decimal addition problems with numbers that include a thousandths place. Students re-write each problem vertically and solve.
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Students will need to add and subtract money to solve these word problems.
Solve a dozen subtraction problems with decimal quantities. Problems must be re-written vertically to ensure students understand the place value system.
Graph Paper Math Drills; Dollars and cents times 1-digit; (example: $4.99 x 3)
After scanning each barcode on this worksheet, students will be presented with an addition word problem. Solve the problems and show their work in the space provided.
Scan the QR codes on this worksheet with a smartphone or iPad to view subtraction word problems. Solve and show your work in the space provided. All problems require students to make change by subtracting across zero.
(Note: This worksheet requires students to use a smartphone or tablet with a QR code scanner.)
For this activity, students multiply a money amount by a single-digit number. They check their answers by scanning the barcode shown.
This worksheet contains a mixture of addition and subtraction problems with decimal numbers. Requires students to re-write each horizontal problem in vertical notation.
Students complete the patterns and fill in the rules; Requires addition and subtraction of dollars and cents
Multiplication problems with money amounts; Winter snowmen pictures
On this free worksheet students are given two decimal addends for each problem. They re-write them vertically and solve. All numbers are whole numbers, or are decimals which contain a tenths or hundredths place.
Use addition and subtraction to solve the Halloween word problems on this worksheet.
Find the sums of the money amounts. Then use the answers to build a picture of Father Time and Baby New Year.
How much would you weigh on Jupiter?  How about Pluto?  Or Mercury?  Simple formulas for calculating your weight on other worlds.
Rewrite each decimal addition or subtraction problem vertically on the graph paper, then solve. The grid paper will help students line up columns correctly.
This printable includes a mix of addition and subtraction problems for students to solve. Each problem needs to be re-written vertically and students must line up the columns properly.
Solve twelve decimal addition problems. All problems contain whole numbers or decimals with a tenths place only. Students write each problem vertically and find the sums on this free worksheet.
Balance each scale by adding and subtracting basic decimal numbers.
This worksheet contains a dozen subtraction problems. Students re-write each problem vertically and solve. All problems contain whole numbers or decimals with a tenths place.
Subtract money amounts to find change.  (example: $5.00 - 4.79)
Skills used in these five worksheets include adding and subtracting decimals with money, finding the area of a rectangle, division with remainders, and more.
Long division of money amounts; No remainders; Popsicle picture and word problem.
Multiply the decimals inside the shapes to find the product.
This set of daily word problems includes calculating volume, comparing fractions, and more key elementary math concepts.
Use subtraction to make change. THis page includes 3 vertical problems and 3 word problems. All problems require pupils to subtract across zero.
Using bar models, students will find the missing value and then write an addition and subtraction number sentence for each one.
Use this variety worksheet to help students practice dividing money amounts in the hundreds and thousands by 1- and 2-digit divisors.
These problems have decimals in all parts of the problem.
(example: 77.44 divided by 6.4)
This set of daily word problems reinforces key math skills, including reading and interpreting a pay stub.
Students will practice adding and subtracting to the thousandths with bar models in this printable math activity.
Plot and label points of a coordinate plane. Interpret a fraction as a division problem. Add, subtract, and multiply decimal numbers. Complete an input/output table and find the rule. Solve single-step and multi-step word problems.
These problems have decimals in the dividends and divisors. Includes one- and two-digit divisors up to 12. The top of the page explains how to solve.
(example 2.4 divided by 0.8)
This worksheet has several types of money multiplication problems, including a multi-step word problem and an input/output table.
Find pairs of matching polygons. Then add the decimal numbers printed inside of them.
This page has subtraction problems that have already been solved. Unfortunately, there are mistakes in the solutions. Can your students find and explain the errors?
This set of daily word problems features skills such as place value, division with remainders, and addition with decimals.
Complete several different types of math problems with this worksheet.
Add units of length together (miles and yards). Multiply decimals. Solve equations using the order of operations (including parenthesis and brackets). Use data in a table to write an equation.
Multiply and divide decimals by single digit numbers to solve the word problems on this worksheet.
These decimal addition problems were not solved correctly. Explain the mistakes you see. Then solve to find the correct sum.
Divide decimals by 10, 100, and 1,000 with these printable task cards.
This group of word problems includes calculating area with fractions, recognizing and following patterns, and more 5th-grade math skills.
These problems have decimals in the divisors and in the dividends. Includes divisors up to 12. Students should be able to complete this page with only a basic knowledge of multiplication, decimals, and long division.
(example: 0.65 divided by 0.5)
Students will practice dividing decimals by 10, 100, 1,000 and 10,000 with this printable worksheet.
Shade the correct portions of each block illustration to show the given decimal. Then add them together. Includes tenths and hundredths.
Students will solve decimal by 2-digit number multiplication word problems on this worksheet.
Skills covered in these daily worksheets include reading and interpreting frequency charts, reducing fractions, and adding fractions with unlike denominators.
Use this worksheet to help students practice decimal addition and subtraction with three decimal places.
Here are five more worksheets with daily word problems for 5th graders. Topics include finding volume, calculating time, and comparing decimals.
This page has five decimal division problems and one word problem. These problems have decimals in the dividend only.
(example: 2.48 divided by 4)
Look very carefully at these subtraction (tenths) problems and search for errors in the solutions.
Find products by multiplying the numbers inside the shapes.
The next set of daily word problems includes calculating the area of a rectangle with mixed numbers, multiplying with decimals and fractions, and more.
In this printable money worksheet, kids will solve the word problems to make change for a dollar. An answer key is included with this basic money skills worksheet.
This file contains five daily worksheets with math problems for 5th graders. Skills include finding volume, adding fractions and decimals, and writing expressions.
Use this variety worksheet to help students practice dividing money amounts.
Subtract what each person buys from the amount they give the cashier.  Requires subtraction across zero.
Practice a variety of math skills, such as dividing with decimals, with this next set of daily word problems.
Solve these graphical word problems by calculating the amount of change customers at a garage sale will receive.
Using bar models, students will practice adding and subtracting to hundredths in this printable math activity.
These problems have decimals in the divisors and dividends. Includes two-digit divisors. The top of the page explains how to solve.
(example 5.04 divided by 0.42)
Match up shapes with decimal numbers, then add them together.
Practice calculating volume, converting pounds to ounces, and more with this last set of 5th grade daily word problems.
Practice decimal operations including addition and subtraction to tenths using bar models in this printable math activity.
Multiply decimals by 2-digit numbers, review prime factorization, convert standard units, and calculate the volume of an irregular shape.
This math worksheet helps students learn how to divide decimals. Turn horizontal math problems into vertical ones and solve. Decimals are in the divisors and dividends.
Find the quotient for each of these 30 division problems involving money. Use these cards as a math learning center, morning challenge, or scavenger hunt.
More advanced-level long division problems with decimals.
(example: 54.288 / 6.24)
With these worksheets, students will practice multiplying fractions, dividing decimals, and much more.
Students will practice decimal operations to the thousandths using bar models. They will find the missing value for each bar model. Then they will write an addition or subtraction number sentence for each.
This week, students will practice plotting points on a coordinate grid, dividing with decimals, converting gallons to quarts, and finding the volume of an irregular shape.
These problems have decimals in the dividends and divisors. Includes two-, three-, and four-digit divisors. Step by step instructions are included on how to solve.
(example 206.01 divided by 7.63)
Subtract decimals (money), add fractions with like denominators, calculate perimeter, and calculate weight.
At the top of the page, students are shown a dozen shapes with decimal numbers in them. Students add numbers in congruent shapes. For example: Find the sum of the numbers in the hexagons.
Students will fill in missing dividends, divisors, and quotients on this dividing decimal worksheet.
These worksheets cover topics such as rounding decimals to the nearest whole number, converting improper fractions to mixed numbers, and more.
Use this worksheet to help students review and practice decimal addition and subtraction.
This is the final set in the 5th grade Math Buzz series. Write exponents in standard form. Add parenthesis to make equations true (order of operations). Calculate and plot data on a coordinate grid. Solve multi-step word problems.
Use these division boxes to teach students how to divide single-digit decimals.
(example: 0.49 divided by 7)
These decimal addition problems (hundredths) have errors. Examine the work carefully and determine where the solver made mistakes.
Decide whether you need to multiply or divide to solve these decimal word problems.
The daily word problems in this file feature questions involving adding and subtracting money, division with remainders, and interpreting fractions
Children must solve the word problems to make change for a dollar. An answer key is included with this basic making change worksheet.
These word problems reinforce key math skills, such as finding area and performing operations with decimals and fractions.
With this worksheet students can practice dividing money amounts by 1-digit divisors.
Find the products by multiplying decimals by 10, 100 and 1,000.
With this set of daily word problems, students will practice adding and multiplying fractions and mixed numbers, interpreting a chart, and performing operations with decimals.
Students will solve each of the word problems to make change for a dollar. This is a basic money worksheet for making change in amounts under one dollar. An answer key is included.
Practice decimal operations with addition and subtraction to hundredths using bar models.
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