Super Teacher Worksheets

5th Grade Common Core: 5.NBT.5

Common Core Identifier: 5.NBT.5 / Grade: 5
Curriculum: Number And Operations In Base Ten: Perform Operations With Multi-Digit Whole Numbers And With Decimals To Hundredths.
Detail: Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.
68 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
This worksheet has a series of 4-digit by 1-digit horizontal multiplication problems. Students rewrite the math problems vertically and solve. (example: 6,741 x 4)
Common Core
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Find the products of these four-digit by two-digit multiplication problems.  Then complete the puzzle.
Graph Paper Math Drills; 3-digits times 3-digits (example: 667 x 129)
Scan the code to view a 3-digit by 2-digit multiplication word problem. Then solve and show your work.
Each problem on this worksheet has a 3-digit factor and a 2-digit factor. Students rewrite each problem vertically and solve. (example: 193 x 37)
Multiply basic 2-digit by 1-digit, 3-digit by 1-digit, and multiplying money by 1-digit factors. (example: 421 x 6)
This 3-digit by 2-digit multiplication worksheet has ten vertical problems and one word problem for students to solve. (example: 452 x 36)
This worksheet has 3-digit by 1-digit horizontal multiplication problems. Students rewrite each problem vertically and solve. (example: 772 x 9)
Practice 2-digit by 2-digit vertical multiplication problems. (example: 85 x 62)
Place value patterns in multiplication; Learn to use mental math to multiply large numbers that end in zero (example: 400 x 6)
Multiply to find the products and place the answers in the puzzle.
More practice with multiplying 2-digit by 1-digit and 3-digit by 1-digit. (example: 657 x 8)
Word problems for double-digit multiplication practice (example: 56 x 91)
Color the picture of the giraffe and multiply to find the products. All problems include 3-digit by 1-digit numbers.
Graph Paper Math Drills; 2-digits times 2-digits (example: 18 x 22)
Solve these 4-digit numbers by 1-digit problems. This free multiplication sheet includes 10 vertical problems and 2 word problems.
Multiplication with a monster theme; 3-digits times 2-digits (example: 345 x 82)
Solve each 3-digit by 2-digit multiplication problem and show your work. Then scan the QR code with an tablet or smartphone to check your answer.
Find the products of the 2-digit factors. All problems are written horizontally. Students rewrite each problem vertically and solve. (example: 76 x 23)
Solve these 3-digit numbers by 1-digit problems. Includes 10 vertical problems and 2 word problems.
Students solve to find the product for each money multiplication problem. They they scan the QR codes with an iPad or smartphone to check their answers.
(Note: This worksheet requires students to use a smartphone or tablet with a QR code scanner.)
Scan the QR code with an iPad or smartphone to view a word problem. Then use multiplication to find the answer.
(Note: This worksheet requires students to use a smartphone or tablet with a QR code scanner.)
Graph Paper Math Drills; 3-digits times 2-digits (example: 678 x 23)
Each problem on this worksheet is written horizontally. Students rewrite the problems vertically and solve. (example: 334 x 109)
Solve the 3-digit by 2-digit multiplication problems. Then glue the puzzle pieces in the correct places on the grid to reveal a pirate picture.
Find the product for each 3-digit by 1-digit multiplication problem. Scan the QR code with an iPad or smartphone to check your answer.
(Note: This worksheet requires students to use a smartphone or tablet with a QR code scanner.)
Another division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction puzzle.  (Grade 4 and up)
Add, subtract, divide, and multiply to solve this math crossword.  (Grade 4 and up)
These multistep problems reinforce skills such as finding the area of a rectangle, writing equations, and performing operations with fractions and decimals.
At the top of the worksheet is a box with an explanation of how to do lattice multiplication. Then students can try to solve the eight sample problems using a lattice grid.
Five worksheets are included in this file. Each worksheet features a daily math word problem. Topics include frequency charts, place value, and more.
Practice a variety of math skills, such as dividing with decimals, with this next set of daily word problems.
Once your students have mastered simpler lattice multiplication grids, have them try these large 3-digit by 3-digit problems.
Solve the 3-digit multiplication patterns.
(example: 700 x 8)
Skills used in these five worksheets include adding and subtracting decimals with money, finding the area of a rectangle, division with remainders, and more.
This variety worksheet has an array of 2-digit by 2-digit math problems, including two word problems, an input/output table, and vertical and horizontal equations.
Follow the directions to multiply 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. For example: Find the product of the numbers in the circles (320 and 30)
Kids love these math code activities. First they use the key to decode the mystery symbols. Then they multiply the numbers together.
This file contains five daily worksheets with math problems for 5th graders. Skills include finding volume, adding fractions and decimals, and writing expressions.
With this set of task cards, students will practice multiplying 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. Use these cards for classroom scavenger hunts, for peer practice sessions, or small group instruction.
On these pages, students will solve a 2-step word problem, add mixed numbers (with like denominators), count edges and vertices and solid figures, and compare expressions.
These daily word problems help students practice important 5th grade math skills, such as calculating additive volume.
Shows the steps to solving lattice multiplication problems and gives an example, followed by many practice problems for students to try on their own.
Multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.
(example: 166 x 7)
These worksheets reinforce key 5th grade math skills. Topics include reading and interpreting a bar graph and converting measurements.
Use this variety worksheet to help students practice multiplying 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers using various styles of questions.
Why can't a nose be twelve inches long? To find the answer to the riddle, solve the three-digit by two-digit multiplication problems.
Practice drawing parallel line segments, multiplication patterns, comparing fractions, division with remainders, and multiplying 3-digit by 1-digit whole numbers.
This set of 5th grade daily word problems features a line plot, units of measurement conversions, and multiplying fractions.
This file has 30 task cards with vertical 3-digit by 3-digit multiplication problems.
This week, your pupils will work on adding and simplifying fractions, identifying acute/obtuse/right angles, finding the unknown side of a rectangle when given the perimeter, and converting mixed numbers to improper fractions.
With this group of daily word problems, students will practice writing equations, ordering decimals, multiplying fractions, and more.
Here are six two-by-two lattice grids. The teacher or students can input any numbers they'd like.
These five worksheets reinforce key math skills for 5th grade. Each worksheet includes a daily word problem, most of which involve multiple steps. Topics include subtracting fractions, dividing money, and interpreting a chart.
These word problems reinforce key math skills, such as finding area and performing operations with decimals and fractions.
These printable task cards have thirty 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication problems.
Solve math questions related to adding and subtraction fractions (like denominators), multiplying 2-digit by 2-digit numbers, solid shapes, and writing basic algebraic equations.
The next five daily word problems require students to use skills such as reading and interpreting a table, and performing operations with decimals and fractions.
This set of 30 task cards has 4-digit by 1-digit problems for students to solve. Use these for classroom scavenger hunts, small group instruction, or peer study sessions.
Solve a variety of multiplication problems, such as horizontal and vertical equations, word problems, and solving for a variable.
This set of daily word problems includes calculating volume, comparing fractions, and more key elementary math concepts.
A pages with lots of blank 3-by-2 grids to print out.
Find the products of the numbers in the specified shapes. For example: "Find the product of the numbers in the hexagons."
Here are five more worksheets with daily word problems for 5th graders. Topics include finding volume, calculating time, and comparing decimals.
With these worksheets, students will practice multiplying fractions, dividing decimals, and much more.
How do you know if your clock is crazy? To find out, solve these multiplication problems. Each one has a 2-digit factor and a 4-digit factor. (Example: 3,654 x 24)
Multiply 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers in this cypher-code activity.
3-by-3 lattice grids to help your students solve challenging lattice problems.
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