5th Grade Common Core: 5.NBT.3
Common Core Identifier: 5.NBT.3 / Grade: 5
Curriculum: Number And Operations In Base Ten: Understand The Place Value System.
Detail: Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths.
31 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Cut out the cards and order them from least to greatest. Numbers are decimals with a thousandths place.
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Students can write large decimals on this place value chart. Place value columns range from millions to thousandths.
Match the decimal or number on the left with the word name on the right.
Cut the decimal cards apart and arrange the numbers in order from least to greatest.
Place the number cards in order from smallest to largest. Includes five sets on number cards with whole numbers and hundredths decimals.
Color each place correctly, according to the instructions. Then cut out the strips and glue each one in the correct position above the number.
For the fifteenth week, pupils will demonstrate the following mathematical concepts: finding least common multiple (LCM) of two numbers, writing decimal numbers in standard form, multiplying 4-digit by 2-digit numbers, dividing numbers with double-digit divisors, and calculating the volume of a rectangular prism.
Print out this anchor chart to show an example of standard form, written form, expanded form, and expanded notation of a number with digits to the tenths place.
Write the value of the underlined digit in each decimal number.
Review decimal place value (expanded and standard form), multiply by powers of ten, solve operations with decimals, find the area of a rectangle by multiplying a whole number by a fraction.
Write each set of decimals in order, from least to greatest. Includes whole numbers, tenths, and hundredths.
With this group of daily word problems, students will practice writing equations, ordering decimals, multiplying fractions, and more.
On these fifth grade math worksheets, students will: answer questions related to a line plot, multiply three-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers, convert linear metric units (mm, cm, m) and multiply fractions by whole numbers.
Students will practice place value by following instructions to color the numbers in each place a certain color. Then they will cut out the word boxes and place them over the corresponding digits in the number.
Read each decimal name and write it in standard form.
Five worksheets are included in this file. Each worksheet features a daily math word problem. Topics include frequency charts, place value, and more.
Convert each mixed number into a decimal. Then use the answers to find the answer to the funny riddle. Why did the banana see his doctor? Because he wasn't peeling very well.
Students stand in front of the class and hold up numbers cards to make numbers. This activity can be used for any number of digits.
Find the perimeter of an irregular polygon, write fractions as decimals, classify triangles (scalene, equilateral, isosceles), compare decimals, and review division with remainders.
Print out this place value chart to help students learn and remember how to determine place value for numbers with digits in the thousandths place.
Color each place in the number correctly, according to the instructions. Then cut out the place value strips and glue each one in the correct position above the number.
On these worksheets, your students can review: decimal place value, triangle classification, multi-digit multiplication and division, reading pie graphs, and solving word problems.
Why did the clock get in trouble at school? To find out, rewrite each mixed number as a decimal. Then use the answers to decode the solution to the riddle.
This file includes 5 sets of cards with numbers going up to the thousandths place. Students will cut them out and place them in order from least to greatest.
On this set of Math Buzz worksheets, your students will review: finding the perimeter of an irregular polygon, division with remainders, writing mixed numbers as decimals, multiplying fractions by whole numbers, and using area models to solve problems related to the distributive property of multiplication.
This anchor chart shows the standard form, written form, expanded form, and expanded notation for a number with digits to the hundredths place.
Cut out the decimal cards and lay them on the table in order from least to greatest.
Write decimals in expanded form. Most decimals are in the thousandths.
On these five printable daily review worksheets, students will practice calculating greatest common factor (GCF), expressing decimal numbers in expanded form, solving word problems classifying triangles (acute/right/obtuse and isosceles/scalene/equilateral), and operations with decimals.
Rearrange each set of five numbers from least to greatest. Includes decimals with tenths, hundredths, and thousandths.
This set of daily word problems features skills such as place value, division with remainders, and addition with decimals.