5th Grade Common Core: 5.MD.5c
Common Core Identifier: 5.MD.5c / Grade: 5
Curriculum: Measurement And Data: Geometric Measurement: Understand Concepts Of Volume And Relate Volume To Multiplication And To Addition.
Detail: Recognize volume as additive. Find volumes of solid figures composed of two non-overlapping right rectangular prisms by adding the volumes of the non-overlapping parts, applying this technique to solve real world problems.
31 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Answer questions related to: order of operations, converting from kilometers to meters, multiplying decimals, factoring, and long division with decimals.
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To find the volume of this video game character, students must first determine the lengths of three sides of the composite figure.
Students can use concepts of additive volume to find the volumes of these six shapes.
Find the missing lengths and calculate the volume of each shelf to find out how many robot boxes can fit on all the shelves.
The building show in made up of two rectangular prisms. Find the volume of each part and add them together.
Find the volume of each figure. Sides are either 2-digit lengths or decimals. Not all sides are given. First problem is a walk-through style.
Students find the volumes of the Christmas presents. Then add to find the additive volume of the composite shape. Intermediate level features single-digit whole numbers. Some side lengths are unknown variables.
Use this worksheet to show students how to solve a real-life composite volume problem.
These daily word problems help students practice important 5th grade math skills, such as calculating additive volume.
Practice finding composite volume with this advanced worksheet featuring two diagrams of RVs.
Use these task cards to help reinforce key skills related to finding the volume of composite figures.
Students can use this worksheet to find the volume in pixels of a video game character.
Find the volumes of the boxes used for Christmas presents. Then add to find the combined volume. Advanced level features larger numbers and decimals. Calculator recommended for this level.
This worksheet has two figures for students to find the missing lengths and volumes of.
This worksheet has six additive volume problems to solve. Not all sides are given.
Use these task cards with students learning the basics of composite-figure volume.
This word problem helps students understand when they may need to find composite volume in the real world.
Find the additive volume of four composite figures. The first one is a step-by-step example. This worksheet has 4 problems to solve.
Figure out how many boxes of robots can fit on the shelves using concepts of composite volume.
This week, students will practice plotting points on a coordinate grid, dividing with decimals, converting gallons to quarts, and finding the volume of an irregular shape.
With this basic-level worksheet, students find the volumes of two different RVs and determine which is larger.
These task cards can help students practice finding the volume of composite figures.
This worksheet has two composite shapes for students to practice volume calculations with.
Use additive calculations to find the volumes of four figures. Each figure is made of non-overlapping rectangular prisms. Two side lengths not given for each figure.
This worksheet is slightly more difficult than the basic Stocking the Shelves worksheet.
Multiply decimals by 2-digit numbers, review prime factorization, convert standard units, and calculate the volume of an irregular shape.
With this worksheet, students must find the lengths of two sides of two different composite figures and then calculate each shape's volume in order to determine which is bigger.
Students must find the lengths of three sides of this composite figure to be able to find the volume of the video game character.
Calculate the volumes of the Christmas present boxes. Then add to find the combined, additive volume. Basic level features single-digit whole numbers. All side lengths given.
This worksheet includes two composite figures for students to find the missing lengths and volumes of.
Find the volume of each composite shape, made up of rectangular prisms. On this worksheet, the lengths of all sides are given.