5th Grade Common Core: 5.MD.4
Common Core Identifier: 5.MD.4 / Grade: 5
Curriculum: Measurement And Data: Geometric Measurement: Understand Concepts Of Volume And Relate Volume To Multiplication And To Addition.
Detail: Measure volumes by counting unit cubes, using cubic cm, cubic in, cubic ft, and improvised units.
10 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Volume Cubes - Easy FREE
Count the number of cubic units in each shape and write the volume. There are no hidden cubes on this worksheet.
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Count the cubes to determine the volume. This level has some cubes that cannot be seen ("hidden cubes").
This worksheet contains large volume cube shapes. Determine the number of cubic units for each shape. These solid shapes are very tricky, so students will need to count carefully.
Count the cubes to find the volume of each shape. This level does not contain hidden cubes.
This volume worksheet includes 4 types of problems. There are rectangular prisms drawn with cubes and drawn with dimensions. There is also a word problem.
How many cubic units make up each of these shapes? Count the cubes, but don't forget to include the assumed "hidden" cubes that you can't see.
In week 26 of our 5th grade Math Buzz series, students will: count cubes to determine the volume of a rectangular prism, classify quadrilaterals, solve word problems, and divide by exponents.
Print these task cards on card stock and use them for learning centers, classroom scavenger hunts, morning math practice, document camera visuals, or small group instruction.
Determine how many cubes are in each shape to estimate the volume.
Calculate the number of cubic units that make up each solid shape.