5th Grade Common Core: 5.G.2
Common Core Identifier: 5.G.2 / Grade: 5
Curriculum: Geometry: Graph Points On The Coordinate Plane To Solve Real-World And Mathematical Problems.
Detail: Represent real world and mathematical problems by graphing points in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane, and interpret coordinate values of points in the context of the situation.
12 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Mystery Graph - Boat FREE
On this free Cartesian art worksheet, students plot the points to make a picture of a sailboat on the water.
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This is a second version of a jack-o-lantern mystery graph picture. It is slightly more complicated than the first version but still has a basic size grid (20 x 25).
Students will create a drawing of a mighty triceratops by plotting the provided points.
This mystery graph picture is more advanced than the previous version because it also plots out the leprechaun in addition to the pot of gold and rainbow.
The plot points on this mystery graph picture reveal a squirrel.
Students will use the grid coordinates to plot the points and create an apple.
Plot the points on the graph and connect them as instructed to reveal the New Year mystery picture!
This mystery graph art picture will have your students drawing an illustration of two lovely flowers.
Plot the given points on the grid and connect them, stopping where instructed to do so. Then you may color in the mystery image.
Using the given coordinates, students will plot the points that will reveal a rabbit.
Celebrate the luck of the Irish by plotting the points on this 30 x 40 grid to reveal a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
Be the king of the castle by plotting the grid points and creating a castle on the grid paper. This is a 20 x 25 grid but is a little more tricky than most of the basic graph pictures.