Super Teacher Worksheets

5th Grade Common Core: 5.G.1

Common Core Identifier: 5.G.1 / Grade: 5
Curriculum: Geometry: Graph Points On The Coordinate Plane To Solve Real-World And Mathematical Problems.
Detail: Use a pair of perpendicular number lines, called axes, to define a coordinate system, with the intersection of the lines (the origin) arranged to coincide with the 0 on each line and a given point in the plane located by using an ordered pair of numbers, called its coordinates. Understand that the first number indicates how far to travel from the origin in the direction of one axis, and the second number indicates how far to travel in the direction of the second axis, with the convention that the names of the two axes and the coordinates correspond (e.g., x-axis and x-coordinate, y-axis and y-coordinate).
48 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
The mighty lion in this coordinate grid picture is king of the jungle.  Roar!  Actually, he's a really friendly-looking lion.
Common Core
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Create a picture of Honest Abe by plotting the points and connecting with lines.  (Tricky)
Plot and find ordered pairs on a coordinate plane.  This worksheet includes both positive and negative numbers.
Here's another coordinate grid mystery picture.  Students plot the points and connect the lines to make a picture of a school house.
Find the coordinate pairs on the grid paper and draw the lines to make a picture of an owl.
Plot the positive and negative points on this four-quadrant plane and connect to reveal a cool robot.
More practice with ordered pairs on a coordinate plane.  This worksheet includes only positive numbers.
Make a winter snowman picture by plotting these points on the grid paper.
Identify the ordered pairs, then plot points on the free coordinate grid worksheet.
Plot the ordered pairs on the coordinate grid and connect the points to reveal a school bus mystery  picture.
This mystery graph art picture will have your students drawing an illustration of two lovely flowers.
Make a picture of George Washington by following the directions and connecting the points with lines.  (Tricky)
Plot the points on this four-quadrant plane and connect to reveal a picture of a dolphin in the ocean.
Plot the coordinate pairs on the grid paper and draw the lines to make a picture of a scary Halloween jack-o-lantern.
On this free Cartesian art worksheet, students plot the points to make a picture of a sailboat on the water.
Mystery picture creates a triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, and octagon.  After revealing the mystery picture, students must color each polygon shape according to the instructions.
Plot the points on the grid and connect the dots to make a dreidel picture.
Tell what ordered pair is represented by the picture icons on the free coordinate grid file. (Positive numbers only.)
Students use the coordinate grids to identify points, determine quadrant, and plot points.
This mystery graph picture is more advanced than the previous version because it also plots out the leprechaun in addition to the pot of gold and rainbow.
On the four quadrant graph paper, plot and connect the points in each group to reveal a ladybug. Very challenging with many points to plot, both positive and negative!
Plot the points on the coordinate grid and connect them to make a picture of a witch's hat. The x- and y-axes contain whole numbers between 0 and 25.
Find the perimeter of the polygon. Subtraction with thousands. Ordered pairs with a graph.
Plot the points provided and reveal the mystery picture - a buffalo! An answer key is included.
Find the perimeter of a quadrilateral by adding the sides (decimal units). Find the least common multiple (LCM) of a pair of numbers. Answer questions about points on a coordinate grid. Multiply mixed numbers and fractions together. Count cubes to find the volume of an irregular solid.
This is a second version of a jack-o-lantern mystery graph picture. It is slightly more complicated than the first version but still has a basic size grid (20 x 25).
Plot the points on this grid and connect them to reveal the mystery picture.
Students use the four quadrant coordinate grid treasure map to locate the coordinates of the pirate treasure.
After plotting and connecting the listed points, students find they have drawn a firetruck!
Now that we're into week 17 of 5th grade math buzz, students can review volume of a rectangular prism, multiplication (4-digit by 2-digit) word problems, operations with decimals, multiplying fractions, and plotting points (ordered pairs) on a coordinate grid.
Students will use the grid coordinates to plot the points and create an apple.
This worksheet will help students practice their Cartesian plotting/graphing skills and reveal a fun picture at the end.
The plot points on this mystery graph picture reveal a squirrel.
Plot the points on the graph and connect them as instructed to reveal the New Year mystery picture!
Using a single quadrant coordinate grid, students find the ordered pair of coordinates for pirate treasure.
Using the given coordinates, students will plot the points that will reveal a rabbit.
Plot points on the coordinate grid graph paper and connect the dots to create a Santa Claus illustration.
Be the king of the castle by plotting the grid points and creating a castle on the grid paper. This is a 20 x 25 grid but is a little more tricky than most of the basic graph pictures.
Plot the points on the Cartesian grid. The finished picture reveals a chick hatching from an egg.
On this worksheet, students use a chessboard's coordinate grid-like appearance to write the letter-number ordered pairs of various chess pieces.
Celebrate the luck of the Irish by plotting the points on this 30 x 40 grid to reveal a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
Plot the given points on the grid and connect them, stopping where instructed to do so. Then you may color in the mystery image.
Students find the coordinates of treasure hidden on a pirate island, using a single quadrant coordinate grid.
Students will create a drawing of a mighty triceratops by plotting the provided points.
Plot the points on the coordinate plane and connect the dots to create a Christmas tree picture.
Students will plot the given points and reveal the mystery picture: a Valentine's Day heart.
Plot and label points of a coordinate plane. Interpret a fraction as a division problem. Add, subtract, and multiply decimal numbers. Complete an input/output table and find the rule. Solve single-step and multi-step word problems.
Fill-in-the-blank questions and multiple choice questions about points, lines, rays, parallel, and perpendicular lines.
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Common Core Alignment