4th Grade Common Core: 4.OA.2
Common Core Identifier: 4.OA.2 / Grade: 4
Curriculum: Operations And Algebraic Thinking: Use The Four Operations With Whole Numbers To Solve Problems.
Detail: Multiply or divide to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem, distinguishing multiplicative comparison from additive comparison.1
58 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Word problems to practice multiplying 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers (example: 299 x 22)
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Word problems for double-digit multiplication practice (example: 56 x 91)
For each problem, decide whether to multiply or divide, then solve. Includes money problems with 3 and 4-digit numbers.
Complete these long division word problems with 3-digit dividends.
Picture clues will help students solve these basic division word problems.
Teach the concept of remainders with the help of these pages
Students draw objects and divide them into equal groups. A great way to begin teaching the concept of division.
Word problems to practice multiplying by 12s only.
Multiplication problems with money amounts; Winter snowmen pictures
Use the toy shop picture to answer the multiplication problems. Dollars and cents times 1-digit (example: $7.40 x 4)
Practice fourth grade math skills involving geometry, fractions, and more this week!
These five worksheets reinforce key math skills for 5th grade. Each worksheet includes a daily word problem, most of which involve multiple steps. Topics include subtracting fractions, dividing money, and interpreting a chart.
Practice finding perimeter and area, solve for a missing fraction in an equation, review obtuse angles, and more with this set of word problems.
This version has 3-digit dividends and 2-digit quotients. Each problem has a remainder.
This variety worksheet features different types of division questions with 4-digit dividends and remainders.
Long division problems with 4-digit dividends, 3 and 4 digit quotients with remainders; Whale picture and word problem.
Use this variety worksheet to help students practice dividing money amounts in the hundreds and thousands by 1- and 2-digit divisors.
Print out these pages and test your students' skills in changing fractions to decimals, finding area and perimeter of irregular shapes, and more!
Find the quotient for each of these 30 division problems involving money. Use these cards as a math learning center, morning challenge, or scavenger hunt.
3-digit dividends, 2 or 3-digit quotient, all problems have remainders; Goldfish picture and word problem.
3-digit dividends with zeros in the tens place, with remainders; Wizard picture and word problem.
Solve multistep word problems relating to realistic scenarios with this week's daily word problems.
This file has thirty task cards. Use them for learning centers, math games, exit slips, or extra practice.
You're setting your students up for success by having them complete these daily word problems. If your students have completed the whole level D series, they may be ready to move on to level E!
Answer math questions about real-world scenarios related to money and making change, line plots, and division.
These word problems use realistic scenarios to help students practice important math skills, such as adding and subtracting fractions, reading a table, and more.
Continue reviewing important math skills with more fourth grade word problems this week.
This printable file is a great math learning center activity with thirty cards to be solved by your students involving division with 4-digit dividends.
With this worksheet students can practice dividing money amounts by 1-digit divisors.
Long division of money amounts; No remainders; Popsicle picture and word problem.
This set of 5 worksheets has a variety of single and multi-step problems. Skills involve operations with fractions and division.
Keep working on those math skills with these engaging daily word problem worksheets!
This file has 5 pages, with a word problem for each day of the week. There are 3 multi-step problems and 2 single-step. Add, subtract, multiply, and/or divide to solve.
2 or 3-digit dividends, 2 or 3-digit quotient, problems do not have remainders; Lion picture and word problem.
Long division: 3-digit quotients with zeros; some remainders; Race car picture and word problem.
Review a variety of operations and math skills with these next 5 word problems.
Convert the pictures into numbers, then write the quotient for each basic division fact.
Students will solve equations with 3-digit dividends and 2-digit quotients with remainders. They will then use their answers to unscramble the mystery picture!
Compare fractions, identify a number pattern, perform operations with money, and more in this week's set of daily word problems.
Skills in this batch of worksheets include finding area and perimeter, as well as more geometry skills, reading a table, and operations with decimals and fractions.
This set of daily word problems includes a tape diagram, multiplying fractions, measurement conversions, and more!
Assigning one of these word problem worksheets every day is a great way to make sure your students are keeping their math skills fresh!
Four out of five of these problems are multi-step. Skills include basic operations with whole numbers, counting money, and interpreting data from a table.
Another long division featuring 4-digit dividends, 3 or 4 digit quotients (some with remainders); Space station picture and word problem.
This week we'll practice comparing fractions, reading and interpreting a table, and solving multistep problems with various operations.
These problems have 3-digit dividends, 2-digit quotients, and no remainders.
These task cards feature division problems with 2-digit divisors. Problems are listed traditionally, horizontally, and as fractions.
Print out this file to continue practicing grade-appropriate word problems with your students each day.
Students will review lines of symmetry, fill in a chart, and more with this set of daily word problems.
This worksheet includes different kinds of division problems, such as word problems and a table to fill in.
This week students will use their geometry, fraction, and other math skills to complete their daily word problems.
Twenty-five basic division problems. Includes two word problems. Superhero theme.
This printable division activity features 30 division problems listed traditionally, horizontally, and as fractions with 2 and 3 digit dividends.
Use this variety worksheet to help students practice dividing money amounts.
Continue practicing 4th grade math skills with this next set of daily word problems. It covers skills like reading and interpreting data from a table, adding fractions, and more.