Super Teacher Worksheets

4th Grade Common Core: 4.NF.5

Common Core Identifier: 4.NF.5 / Grade: 4
Curriculum: Number And Operations - Fractions: Understand Decimal Notation For Fractions, And Compare Decimal Fractions.
Detail: Express a fraction with denominator 10 as an equivalent fraction with denominator 100, and use this technique to add two fractions with respective denominators 10 and 100.4 For example, express 3/10 as 30/100, and add 3/10 + 4/100 = 34/100.
17 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Continue practicing 4th grade math skills with this next set of daily word problems. It covers skills like reading and interpreting data from a table, adding fractions, and more.
Common Core
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This week we'll practice comparing fractions, reading and interpreting a table, and solving multistep problems with various operations.
This week students will use their geometry, fraction, and other math skills to complete their daily word problems.
Print out this file to continue practicing grade-appropriate word problems with your students each day.
Assigning one of these word problem worksheets every day is a great way to make sure your students are keeping their math skills fresh!
Students will review lines of symmetry, fill in a chart, and more with this set of daily word problems.
These word problems use realistic scenarios to help students practice important math skills, such as adding and subtracting fractions, reading a table, and more.
Print out these pages and test your students' skills in changing fractions to decimals, finding area and perimeter of irregular shapes, and more!
Practice fourth grade math skills involving geometry, fractions, and more this week!
You're setting your students up for success by having them complete these daily word problems. If your students have completed the whole level D series, they may be ready to move on to level E!
Practice finding perimeter and area, solve for a missing fraction in an equation, review obtuse angles, and more with this set of word problems.
Solve multistep word problems relating to realistic scenarios with this week's daily word problems.
Continue reviewing important math skills with more fourth grade word problems this week.
Review a variety of operations and math skills with these next 5 word problems.
Compare fractions, identify a number pattern, perform operations with money, and more in this week's set of daily word problems.
Keep working on those math skills with these engaging daily word problem worksheets!
Skills in this batch of worksheets include finding area and perimeter, as well as more geometry skills, reading a table, and operations with decimals and fractions.
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Common Core Alignment