4th Grade Common Core: 4.NF.1
Common Core Identifier: 4.NF.1 / Grade: 4
Curriculum: Number And Operations - Fractions: Extend Understanding Of Fraction Equivalence And Ordering.
Detail: Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n x a)/(n x b) by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions.
21 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Another worksheet on simplifying or reducing fractions.
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Simplify each fraction on the worksheet. Then color according to the key.
Simplify each fraction in this image. Then color the corresponding section according to the answer. Students will reveal a ladybug image as the completed math mystery picture.
On these math daily review worksheets, students will review several concepts from last year, including: place value, calculating area, comparing 6-digit numbers, properties of multiplication, and equivalent fractions.
This is a set of 30 task cards on simplifying fractions. They work great for learning centers, small group instruction, classroom scavenger hunts, peer tutoring sessions, and class games.
Multiply 3-digit by 1-digit numbers, add fractions with like denominators, draw line segments, and solve an area word problem.
Multiply a fraction by a whole number, use illustrations to practice division with remainders, review place value, find an equivalent fraction, and review area & perimeter.
Each of these word problems has a fraction answer that needs to be reduced, and written in simplest form.
On this chart, students sort into groups of: fractions in simplest form and fractions not in simplest form.
Within this set you'll find a variety of word problems, geometry, place value up to 7 places, fractions, advanced addition and subtraction.
Review number patterns, pounds to ounces conversions, angle types, fractions on a number line, division with remainders, and equivalent fractions.
This worksheet has 5 parts. First, reduce fractions into simplest form. Then circle the fractions that are in simplest form. After that, answer two word problems. Then tell whether each equation is true or false.
Show students what the Louisiana flag looks like with this full-color PDF.
Students will solve word problems, find perimeter, standard and expanded form, geometry, fractions on number lines, comparing numbers, and more.
Use the information in the summer camp pie graph to answer the questions on this free worksheet. Requires knowledge of fractions.
(Approx. grade levels 2-4)
(Approx. grade levels 2-4)
Pie graph shows the various methods of transportation students used to get to school; Requires basic understanding of fractions
This worksheet has a pie graph titled, Favorite Seasons. Use the graph to answer the questions. Requires basic knowledge of percentages.
(Approx. grade levels 3-5)
(Approx. grade levels 3-5)
Pie graph shows how Contessa spends her money; Requires knowledge of percentages and fractions
This bookmark shows equivalent fractions, in order, from least to greatest.