4th Grade Common Core: 4.NBT.6
Common Core Identifier: 4.NBT.6 / Grade: 4
Curriculum: Number And Operations In Base Ten: Use Place Value Understanding And Properties Of Operations To Perform Multi-Digit Arithmetic.
Detail: Find whole-number quotients and remainders with up to four-digit dividends and one-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
109 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
This page contains nine problems with 4-digit dividends and 3-digit quotients.
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Rewrite the division problems in long division form. Then solve.
Another long division featuring 4-digit dividends, 3 or 4 digit quotients (some with remainders); Space station picture and word problem.
Long division: 3-digit quotients with zeros; some remainders; Race car picture and word problem.
Long division problems with 4-digit dividends, 3 and 4 digit quotients with remainders; Whale picture and word problem.
Divide problems with four-digit dividends. The quotients are then used to complete the crossword puzzle.
Solve the division problems with 4-digit dividends. Place the quotients on the grid to make a superhero picture.
Division problems with 3-digit dividends and 3-digit quotients.
Students rewrite each problem in long division form and solve. Each quotient has a zero in it.
3-digit dividends, 2 or 3-digit quotient, all problems have remainders; Goldfish picture and word problem.
Find the quotients for each three-digit long division problem, then finish the cut-and-glue Earth Day puzzle.
Division problems with 3-digit dividends and 2-digit quotients.
These division problems have 3-digit dividends and remainders. Worksheet includes sea animal pictures.
1 and 2-digit quotients, all problems have remainders; Thanksgiving turkey pictures on the page.
Student rewrite each long division division problem and solve. Each problem has a 3-digit dividend.
Long division of money amounts; No remainders; Popsicle picture and word problem.
3-digit dividends with zeros in the tens place, with remainders; Wizard picture and word problem.
Division problems with 3-digit dividends; some have remainders; Students need to re-write the problem in long division form.
Worksheet featured 3-digit dividends with 2-digit quotients; Some quotients have remainders.
Divide to find the answers to the simple division problems; Includes basic remainders.
1 and 2-digit quotients, all problems have remainders; Winter snowmen pictures on the page.
Division problems with 2-digit dividends and remainders; Christmas tree pictures
Complete these long division word problems with 3-digit dividends.
Teach the concept of remainders with the help of these pages
2 or 3-digit dividends, 2 or 3-digit quotient, problems do not have remainders; Lion picture and word problem.
Solve these division problems; includes 1-digit and 2-digit quotients with remainders. Then color the picture of the boy and his sandcastle.
This page has a mix of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and addition word problems.
Find the answers to the division problems and color the quotients on the bingo board. Can you get a bingo? (3-digit dividends and 2-digit quotients without remainders.)
Student rewrite each division problem and solve. Each problem has a 2-digit dividend. The quotients each have 1 or 2 digits. Most problems have remainders.
Use this graph-paper worksheet to help keep students' work neat and readable when they use partial quotients to solve division problems with larger dividends.
This printable file is a great math learning center activity with thirty cards to be solved by your students involving division with 4-digit dividends.
Convert between feet, yards, and inches. Write improper fractions and mixed numbers on a number line. Review decimals and fractions. Solve a word problem related to elapsed time and angles. Find area and perimeter. Determine the missing addend in fraction addition problems.
This group of word problems includes calculating area with fractions, recognizing and following patterns, and more 5th-grade math skills.
Review the rule for finding out if a number is divisible by 6, and have your students put the rule into practice with this worksheet.
These 2-digit by 1-digit division problems require remainders. There is an example, followed by seven problems for students to solve on their own using partial quotients.
This anchor chart explains and shows how to solve a division problem using partial quotients. The example provided has a 4-digit dividend, 1-digit divisor, and a remainder.
In week 9 of Math Buzz, have your class practice place value, comparing numbers, division, fractions, patterns, word problems, and input/output tables.
Solve basic division problems with remainders. Then use the answers to find the answer to the riddle.
This variety worksheet features different types of division questions involving remainders.
Print out this game to practice divisibility rules with your students. In this 2-player game, players will decide if a list of numbers is divisible by another number based on its divisibility rule.
What do you call a cow on your front lawn? The answer to the riddle can be solved by completing division problems. Each problem has a 3-digit dividend. All quotients have remainders.
With this printout students will solve 7 division problems using the partial quotients method. There is an example problem they can refer back to if needed.
Give your students something to refer to when solving 3- by 2-digit division problems with partial quotients by hanging this anchor chart in your classroom -- or give each student their own copy!
On these worksheets, students will practice the following skills: classify angles (acute/obtuse/right), lines of symmetry, multiplying multi-digit numbers by a single digit, and division word problems.
Use this variety worksheet to help students practice dividing money amounts.
You can refer to this anchor chart when reviewing divisibility rules. It includes two pages: one showing the rules for each of the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10; and one with the rules and an example.
At the top of the worksheet, students are shown a series of shapes with numbers in them. They divide numbers in similar shapes.
Give students another option for how to solve difficult division problems by showing them partial quotients. This file has five 4-digit by 1-digit problems, all with remainders.
Use fraction models to write equations, complete a long division problem, measure with a protractor, convert from meters to kilometers, calculate elapsed time on a number line, and create a line plot.
Solve the division problems. Each one has a 2-digit dividend and a remainder. Then match the puzzle pieces with the quotients. The main version of this worksheet has remainders, but you can click on the "alt" button below if you'd rather have the remainders listed as fractions.
Use this worksheet to reinforce the divisibility rule for the number 5: A number is divisible by 5 if the digit in the ones place is 0 or 5.
Practice all of the divisibility rules with this review worksheet.
Complete a chart, use words to explain if a number can be divisible by both 2 and 5, circle the numbers that are divisible by 6, and do more with this variety worksheet.
These problems have 3-digit dividends, 2-digit quotients, and no remainders.
This anchor chart shows how to solve a 5-digit by 1-digit division problem using the partial quotients method.
Multiply 3-digit by 1-digit numbers, add fractions with like denominators, draw line segments, and solve an area word problem.
What do you call a sleeping bull? To complete the math riddle, students solve division problems with three-digit dividends and 2-digit quotients. None of these problems have remainders.
This variety worksheet features different types of division questions with 4-digit dividends and remainders.
Students will complete the chart by figuring out if each number is divisible by the numbers in the top row.
This file has thirty task cards. Use them for learning centers, math games, exit slips, or extra practice.
Use this printout to give your students a bit of extra practice with partial quotients division.
Review number patterns, pounds to ounces conversions, angle types, fractions on a number line, division with remainders, and equivalent fractions.
For each problem, decide whether to multiply or divide, then solve. Includes money problems with 3 and 4-digit numbers.
Use this variety worksheet to help students practice dividing money amounts in the hundreds and thousands by 1- and 2-digit divisors.
Print out these divisibility rules task cards and give students a variety of engaging ways to practice key math skills.
At the top of the page, students will find pictures of shapes with numbers in them. Follow the directions and divide. For example: Divide the numbers in the hexagons. The larger number is the dividend.
Find the quotients to the 4- by 1-digit division problems using partial quotients. Graph paper helps students align the numbers and keeps their writing clear.
This set begins with a place value word problem. There are also questions related to operations with fractions, converting and comparing feet to inches, finding equivalent fractions, area models, and division with 3-digit dividends.
Students will solve equations with 3-digit dividends and 2-digit quotients with remainders. They will then use their answers to unscramble the mystery picture!
Teach your students that a number is divisible by 8 if the last 3 digits in the number are divisible by 8.
Review and practice the divisibility rule for the number 2 with this handy worksheet.
This worksheet shows an example of how to solve a 2-digit by 1-digit division problem using the partial quotient method. It also includes 9 problems for students to solve.
This version has 3-digit dividends and 2-digit quotients. Each problem has a remainder.
This printable graph-paper page leaves plenty of room for students to solve division problems with partial quotients.
This printable division activity features 30 division problems listed traditionally, horizontally, and as fractions with 2 and 3 digit dividends.
Add and subtract mixed numbers. Answer questions related to area and perimeter. Name the polygons. Multiply whole numbers by fractions. Compare decimals.
This worksheet includes various types of division questions, including word problems and a table to complete.
Use this worksheet to practice the divisibility rule for the number 9: a number is divisible by 9 if the sum of all the digits in the number is divisible by 9.
Show students a new way to solve division problems with the partial quotients method. These problems are 3-digit by 1-digit and do not have remainders.
These problems have 3-digit dividends and 1-digit divisors. Students can use the space on the graph paper to solve using partial quotients.
Challenge your 4th graders to solve math problems related to: multi-step word problems, decomposing fractions, prime and composite numbers, seconds to minutes conversions, and geometry.
Multiply 3-digit numbers by a single-digit. Convert feet to yards. Divide with A 3-digit dividend and a 1-digit divisor.
Practice divisibility rules in a variety of ways with this worksheet.
For this activity, students will be solving problems that have 1-digit quotients with simple reminders.
Provide a different way to solve long division problems with larger numbers by showing your students the partial quotients method.
Learn about decimal place value, as well as decimal-fraction relationships. Solve long division problems with 3-digit dividends and 1-digit divisors. Shade models to represent mixed numbers. Add angles. Multiply 2-digit by 2-digit numbers using the standard algorithm.
These task cards feature division problems with 2-digit divisors. Problems are listed traditionally, horizontally, and as fractions.
Practice divisibility rules by playing this fun BINGO game with your class.
Practice using the divisibility rule for the number 3 with this worksheet.
Give your students more practice with partial quotients with this worksheet. It includes 6 division problems and an example showing how to solve with the partial quotient method.
In this whole-class game, students will move from place to place finding division cards. They solve the problem on the card and wait for the leader to yell, "Scoot!" Then they go to the next card.
The division problems on this printout have 3-digit dividends and 2-digit divisors. Use partial quotients to solve them.
Find the quotient for each of these 30 division problems involving money. Use these cards as a math learning center, morning challenge, or scavenger hunt.
Solve the basic division problems (1-digit quotients with remainders). Then cut out the numbered puzzle pieces. Place the numbered pieces on the corresponding quotients. The finished picture shows 2 kids trick-or-treating.
This whole-class card game requires students to solve a series of long division problems with 4-digit dividends.
This worksheet includes different kinds of division problems, such as word problems and a table to fill in.
A number is divisible by 10 if the digit in the ones place is 0. Practice this rule with this worksheet.
This printable page includes graph paper for students to solve six division problems using partial quotients.
Show students how to use partial quotients to solve a 3- by 1-digit division problem with this anchor chart you can hang in your classroom.
Write fractions on a number line. Multiply whole numbers by fractions. Decompose a rectangle to find equivalent fractions. Find quotients with remainders.
What does a kitten eat for breakfast? The answer will have students laughing aloud. This math worksheet has long division with 4-digit dividends.
With this worksheet students can practice dividing money amounts by 1-digit divisors.
Use this worksheet to get more practice with divisibility rules. Students must decide whether 6 numbers are divisible by each number using the divisibility rules.
On these PDF task cards, students will divide numbers with 3-digit dividends. (example: 127 divided by 2)
Add, subtract, divide, and multiply to solve this math crossword. (Grade 4 and up)
Another division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction puzzle. (Grade 4 and up)