Super Teacher Worksheets

4th Grade Common Core: 4.NBT.4

Common Core Identifier: 4.NBT.4 / Grade: 4
Curriculum: Number And Operations In Base Ten: Use Place Value Understanding And Properties Of Operations To Perform Multi-Digit Arithmetic.
Detail: Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.
212 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Subtract to find th four and five digit differences.  The plug the numbers into the puzzle.
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Find the sums and use the answers to fill in the puzzle.
Here's another 4-digit subtraction worksheet, similar to the one above. This printable has ten vertical problems and two word problems.
This is a set of 30 subtraction task cards. First students solve the 4-digit subtraction problems. Then they scan the QR codes with an iPad or smartphone to check their answers.
(Note: This worksheet requires students to use a smartphone or tablet with a QR code scanner.)
Add the three digit numbers and plug them into the math crossword puzzle.
Solve the subtraction problems to find the differences.  Requires subtraction across zero with 4-digit numbers. (example 4,000 - 1,374)
Subtract the four-digit minus three digit subtraction problems. The complete the puzzle based on the answers.
Complete the number lines by filling in the missing numbers on each set of balloons.
These word problems require students to find the sums of four-digit addends.
Four-digit column addition problems with three addends; Includes one word problem
This worksheet contains four QR codes. Students scan each code to reveal a word problem. They solve the problem in the space provided on the worksheet.
Scan the QR codes on this worksheet with a smartphone or iPad to view subtraction word problems. Solve and show your work in the space provided.
(Note: This worksheet requires students to use a smartphone or tablet with a QR code scanner.)
Three-digit column addition problems with three  or four addends; Includes one word problem
Solve the four-digit subtraction problems to find the differences. (example 46,397 - 2,976)
Subtract what each person buys from the amount they give the cashier.  Requires subtraction across zero.
Add the numbers and write the answers in the crossword puzzle.
Four-digit column addition problems with four addends; Includes one word problem
Solve the addition problems. Then match the sums with the picture puzzle pieces. Put the puzzle together to reveal a dinosaur.
Subtract the money amounts on this page.  Includes word problems and standard problems.
Find the sums of three-digit addends.  These problems require knowledge of regrouping.  Includes an MLK-themed word problem and a picture of King.
Find the answers to the subtraction problems and complete the number crossword puzzle.
Subtracting money with zero on graph paper.  One digit per box will help kids line up columns.  (example: $9.00 - 3.48)
Subtract three-digit numbers.  These problems require borrowing/regrouping.  There is an MLK word problem and picture.
Practice 3-digit Subtracting with borrowing / regrouping.  Check by adding.
Read the story of Wendy's Camping Adventure, then answer the math questions the follow.
Subtract the three-digit numbers to find the differences. All problems require some borrowing. There are also two word problems.
Solve the 4-digit minus 3-digit subtraction problems. Glue the answers on the grid to see an astronaut picture.
Three-digit column addition problems with three addends; Includes one word problem
Students must determine whether they need to add or subtract to solve each problem.
Practice subtracting 3-digit numbers with borrowing / regrouping.
Graph paper subtraction will ensure kids can line up their place value columns perfectly.
Students are given a number. They must add 1, 10, and 100 to the number. They must also subtract 1, 10, and 100.
Use base 10 blocks (place value blocks) to solve the subtraction problems on this worksheet.
This monster-themed practice worksheet has three-digit adding problems.  These problems require students to regroup/carry.
Subtraction arrow chain problems; 2-digits minus 1-digit; Regrouping
Subtracting on graph paper gives kids plenty of room to write their numbers and illustrates place value
Add to find the sums, then use the answers to glue the picture puzzle together.
Subtraction story problems that involve borrowing.  (2 and 3-digit numbers)
Subtraction problems with 3-digit quantities; Requires borrowing; Crab pictures
Subtract the money amounts; Requires regrouping, but does not subtract across zero
More story problems in which students practice column adding
Use the grid puzzle to solve the subtraction problems; 4-digit subtraction with zeros. (example 3,400 - 454)
Subtracting money on grid paper.  One digit per box ensures kids line up numbers correctly.  (example: $9.26 - 2.88)
Read and solve these 3-digit addition word problems. There is plenty of space for students to show their work.
This subtraction worksheet has pictures of cute dragons.  3-digits with borrowing.
Subtraction problems with money amounts; Winter snowmen pictures
Students will need to regroup to solve the 3-digit subtraction problems on this worksheet.  This page is has Hanukkah-related illustrations.
Four word problems that require students to use column addition to solve; Includes space for students to show their work
Solve the subtraction problems and color the answers on the bingo boards.  Can you get a bingo?
2-digit subtraction problems inside of Easter egg pictures.
Practice 3-digit Subtracting problems that require borrowing across zero
Multiple-step problems require students to add up the cost of products, then subtract to find change.
Adding problems with 2-digits; Requires regrouping; Thanksgiving turkey pictures.
Color the picture of the knight, dragon, and castle. Then solve the subtraction problems.
Rewrite each problem vertically, then solve.  Students required to "line up the digits" correctly.
Mixture of different types of subtraction problems, including a couple of word problems.  (3 and 4-digit) 
Michael receives $9.99 for his 9th birthday.  Subtract each time Michael spends money to show how much is left.
Subtract to find the missing addends  (example: 71 + __ = 143)
Solve these two-digit addition word problems. All problems require carrying (regrouping).
Lucky sevens - there's a pair of them in the mystery number.  There's also a pair of unlucky thirteens in this four-digit number.
At the top of this page are numbers written inside of polygons. Students add numbers in similar shapes. For example: Find the sum of the numbers in the octagons.
What did the duck eat for lunch? Solve the 4-digit addition and subtraction problems and match the letters with the answers to find out.
Study the completed math problems and look for errors. Explain the mistakes and solve correctly.
Write each group of Thanksgiving spelling words in ABC order. Includes review and challenge words.
The mixed review problems on this page include adding, subtracting, counting money
This set includes a problem related to number patterns, solving 4-digit operations, and reading & interpreting data on a table.
Solve the addition problems in the boxes. This worksheet has space for students to rewrite problems vertically (if needed) and show their work.
Here are five more worksheets with daily word problems for 5th graders. Topics include finding volume, calculating time, and comparing decimals.
Why was the broom late? To discover the answer to this riddle, kids must subtract pairs of money amounts.
Assigning one of these word problem worksheets every day is a great way to make sure your students are keeping their math skills fresh!
Use this worksheet to help students practice adding with three digits.
Practice several different types of problems with this 5-digit subtraction variety worksheet.
Continue practicing 4th grade math skills with this next set of daily word problems. It covers skills like reading and interpreting data from a table, adding fractions, and more.
Solve each 4-digit addition problem. Then cut out the cards and sort them into two different categories: Odd Sums and Even Sums.
These math problems were already solved, but there are mistakes. Explain how the problems were incorrectly solved. Then calculate the correct sums.
Use the key to decode the addends in the secret symbol numbers. Then solve the 4-digit addition problems.
Subtract find the missing amount for each number bond. This is an alternate version of the worksheet above.
Answer math questions about real-world scenarios related to money and making change, line plots, and division.
These addition problems are written on graph paper squares to help students better see the place value column alignment.
Double-digit column addition problems with three or four addends; Includes one word problem
Riddle: How does a rabbit travel? To find the answer, solve three-digit subtraction problems. Then match the answers with the letters to decode the solution to the riddle.
Print out this file to continue practicing grade-appropriate word problems with your students each day.
Practice adding money with this worksheet. It includes several styles of math problems, such as word problems and fill-in-the-blanks.
Use the key to decode the symbols and find the 5-digit numbers. Then solve the subtraction problems and write the answers in the secret code.
This week we'll practice comparing fractions, reading and interpreting a table, and solving multistep problems with various operations.
Cut apart the math cards and solve the 4-digit subtraction problems. Then sort the differences into two categories on the t-chart: "Even Differences" and "Odd Differences."
On this worksheet, students will look carefully at the completed subtraction problems for mistakes. They will explain the mistakes made and solve the problems correctly.
After decoding the numbers using the key, students will subtract to find the differences.
These seven addition bar models (or tape diagrams) have space for students to show their work on the right-hand side.
This worksheet has questions about the number of days in a Leap Year and non-Leap Year. Students are also asked to circle the LYs in a list. They are also asked to explain how you calculate which years are LYs and which are not.
Find the sum for each 3-digit addition problem. Then cut out the puzzle pieces. Match the number (sum) on each puzzle piece with the corresponding addition problem. The completed puzzle shows a lovely gingerbread house.
The answers to these subtraction problems are the key to unscrambling this mystery picture! Solve the equations, and then cut and clue the pictures onto the squares with the corresponding answers.
Solve these double-digit addition word problems. These problems do NOT require regrouping.
In this game, students must figure out the correct locations for the missing digits in each subtraction problem. Includes 12 task cars and a student answer page.
Students will review lines of symmetry, fill in a chart, and more with this set of daily word problems.
This set of daily word problems features skills such as place value, division with remainders, and addition with decimals.
Solve the 5-digit subtraction problems. This worksheet includes 10 vertical problems and 2 word problems.
Choose a number from each wheel, and subtract the number from the second wheel from the number from the first wheel.
These thirty task cards have 4-digit subtraction problems on them. You can laminate the cards, and have students solve the problems with a dry-erase marker. Or use them to build a learning center. Or post a card each morning for your students to solve.
This file has 30 task cards with vertical and horizontal money addition problems.
First use the cypher key to decode the mystery symbols into regular numbers. Then subtract.
(example: 6,526 - 2,818)
How many years are in a century?  How many degrees are in a right angle?  How many days in March?  How many days in a leap year?  Add the answers to find the number.
This sheet has six bar models. Students add or subtract to find the missing numbers. This worksheet has mostly 5-digit numbers.
Within this set you'll find a variety of word problems, geometry, place value up to 7 places, fractions, advanced addition and subtraction.
How do bees get to school in the morning? To find out, figure out the answers to the 3-digit addition and subtraction problems.
This file has 5 worksheets, one for each day of the week. Topics include adding with fractions, finding the area of a rectangle, and more.
On this worksheet, students must balance the scale by writing in missing addends or sums. Note: This may be a tricky activity for younger students.
This week students will use their geometry, fraction, and other math skills to complete their daily word problems.
Add the money amounts to determine how much you'll spend on your family members at the Secret Santa Market.
Look for the mistakes in the way two subtraction problems were solved and then solve them correctly.
Find the sums for these 3-digit addition problems. Then use the answers to put the puzzle together and see what this Day of the Dead mystery picture looks like.
First solve 16 3-digit subtraction problems. Then cut out the numbered puzzle pieces. Then attach each numbered piece onto the correct problem. This reveals a mystery picture of a school bus with students.
Add each pair of addends (up to 5 digits). Then sort them into two categories: odd sums and even sums.
Double-digit column addition problems with three addends; Includes one word problem
What do you call a skeleton who won't work? This worksheet has a set of tricky 4-digit column addition problems.
Practice fourth grade math skills involving geometry, fractions, and more this week!
This page has vertical problems with 5-digit addends, followed by two word problems.
Each of these task cards features a unique 5-digit subtraction problem. You can use the cards in learning centers, post a card each morning for your students to solve, or use them any other way you like.
These word problems use realistic scenarios to help students practice important math skills, such as adding and subtracting fractions, reading a table, and more.
Subtract numbers in the shapes shown. For instance: Subtract the number in the hexagon from the number in the pentagon.
Here's another "Find the Mistakes" worksheet. This one has different problems than the worksheet above.
These 3-digit subtraction problems require students to borrow across zero. (example: 400-126)
Here is another tape diagram (bar model) worksheet with seven problems. This version has empty space for students to show their work on the right-hand side.
Add the 3-digit numbers starting with the ones, then tens, then hundreds. Boxes are available to show regrouping/carrying.
Find the sums. Then cut out the numbered puzzle pieces. Match each puzzle piece (sum) with the correct addition problem.
Students can use the solutions to these equations to unscramble an adorable Easter picture.
Figure out where to place the digits for each addition problem.
Practice finding perimeter and area, solve for a missing fraction in an equation, review obtuse angles, and more with this set of word problems.
These worksheets cover topics such as rounding decimals to the nearest whole number, converting improper fractions to mixed numbers, and more.
Solve these subtraction problems and use the differences to complete the math crossword.
Each task card includes a problem that deals with subtraction across zero. You can use these task cards in many different ways depending on what you're doing with your students or class.
This intermediate-level worksheet features larger numbers into the thousands and money amounts.
Use these task cards for learning centers, math lessons, math games, or review work. Most subtraction problems require borrowing across zero. Includes 30 task cards and an answer key.
Why are there fences around graveyards? To discover the answer to this math riddle, students will answer a series of mental math addition problems. Addends are multiples of 10, 100, or 1,000. (example: 4,000+2,000)
Add six pairs of numbers. Choose numbers from the circles at the top of the page.
Find the missing value for each bar model. Then write an addition and subtraction number sentence for each.
This file has 5 pages, with a word problem for each day of the week. There are 3 multi-step problems and 2 single-step. Add, subtract, multiply, and/or divide to solve.
This is the first week of the 5th grade math buzz series. This file contains 5 worksheets, reviewing basic skills from the fourth grade. Skills covered include: adding and subtracting 5-digit whole numbers, factor pairs, lines of symmetry, rounding, and equivalent fractions.
Five worksheets are included in this file. Each worksheet features a daily math word problem. Topics include frequency charts, place value, and more.
Why did the cookie visit his doctor? The answer will make your students laugh out loud. Solve 4-digit addition problems to decode the punchline.
This file has 30 addition task cards. Each one has a problem with 3-digit addends. There's also a student answer worksheet. Makes a great learning center.
Print out these pages and test your students' skills in changing fractions to decimals, finding area and perimeter of irregular shapes, and more!
This worksheet includes 2 word problems, vertical and horizontal equations, and fill-in-the-missing-number questions.
This worksheet has 12 subtraction problems with room for students to write them vertically and solve.
Solve the 3-digit subtraction problems and use the answers to find out what the puzzle picture looks like.
At the top of this page are money amounts with shapes around them. Add the numbers in similar shapes together. For example: Find the sum of the numbers in the triangles.
Students can cut out pictures of Thanksgiving foods from a grocery store ad paper. Then add up the prices to find the total cost of the items.
Look for mistakes in these completed addition problems. Explain the errors. Then solve.
Choose a money amount from each wheel. Then calculate the sum.
Another division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction puzzle.  (Grade 4 and up)
Use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to solve these five single and multi-step problems.
Choose a number from each of the two circles and add them together. Choose six different pairs of numbers to add.
These worksheets reinforce key 5th grade math skills. Topics include reading and interpreting a bar graph and converting measurements.
Find the sum for each problem. All addition requires carrying or regrouping. Use the answers to solve the riddle: What's more amazing than a talking dog?
You're setting your students up for success by having them complete these daily word problems. If your students have completed the whole level D series, they may be ready to move on to level E!
This worksheet includes a variety of 4-digit addition problems, including two word problems, horizontal and vertical equations, and more.
This mixed-review worksheet instructs students to subtract the 5-digit numbers and then check their work with addition.
Addition arrow chains; Repeated addition.
Solve multistep word problems relating to realistic scenarios with this week's daily word problems.
At the top of the page, students are presented with a series of shapes. They subtract numbers from pairs of shapes and find the differences. For example: Subtract the number in the rhombus from the number in the trapezoid.
These completed subtraction problems have mistakes in them. Figure out what's wrong with each one and explain.
Use the cypher key at the top of the worksheet to decode the addends in these column addition problems.
Write the missing number for each bar model (aka tape diagram or part-part-whole diagram). Then write an addition and a subtraction problem to go along with each diagram.
The third week of Math Buzz for 4th grade features skills like: division, place value, advanced subtraction, rounding, fractions, area, and perimeter.
Add the money amounts to find the sums. Then cut out the picture puzzle pieces. Match each numbered (sum) piece to the correct problem. The completed picture shows a hot air balloon.
Solve a variety of subtraction problems, including word problems, vertical and horizontal equations, and missing digit questions.
In this game, students will work with task cards that have digits. They must arrange the digits to complete the addends in the addition problem.
Continue reviewing important math skills with more fourth grade word problems this week.
Skills covered in these daily worksheets include reading and interpreting frequency charts, reducing fractions, and adding fractions with unlike denominators.
Solve the 5-digit subtraction problems to unscramble the puzzle picture.
Solve these subtraction problems to find the differences. Each problem requires subtracting across zero.
First solve the 4-digit plus 4-digit problems. Then glue the picture puzzle pieces over the answers to make a picture of a rocket ship blasting through outer space.
Add and subtract 5-digit numbers. Find the answer to all problems to solve the riddle: What should you do when you see a blue elephant?
Choose numbers from each circle. Add them together to find the sums. Do this six times.
In this math activity, students will find the missing value for each bar model, then they will write an addition and subtraction number sentence for each one.
Four out of five of these problems are multi-step. Skills include basic operations with whole numbers, counting money, and interpreting data from a table.
On these printable worksheets, your fifth graders will review parallel/intersecting/perpendicular lines, long division (without remainders), estimating basic operations, factors, area models, and word problems.
These five worksheets reinforce key math skills for 5th grade. Each worksheet includes a daily word problem, most of which involve multiple steps. Topics include subtracting fractions, dividing money, and interpreting a chart.
Did you hear the joke about the skunk? On this worksheet, students calculate the sums of two money amounts. Then they can use the sums to find the answer to the riddle.
These cards have addition problems with 4-digit addends. Use these cars in your math learning center, with your classroom document camera, or as cards for math games.
Keep working on those math skills with these engaging daily word problem worksheets!
This page includes word problems, fill-in-the-blanks, and simple subtraction problems.
These subtraction problems are written on graph paper squares so students can better see the alignment of each column.
Solving this puzzle requires subtracting 3-digit numbers from 4-digit numbers.
At the top of this page, students are presented with ten shapes. Each shape has a 3-digit number written in it. Students solve subtraction problems by subtracting numbers in the shapes. For example: Subtract the number in the octagon from the number in the number in the hexagon.
Look carefully at the completed addition problems. There are mistakes. Re-solve each problem to find the correct sum. Then explain the mistakes in the original solutions.
Decode the secret numbers using the cypher key at the top of the page. Then add them together.
Use subtractions to find the missing amount for each number bond. Each bond adds up to $1, so this skill will require subtracting across zero.
Add, subtract, divide, and multiply to solve this math crossword.  (Grade 4 and up)
Calculate elapsed time for a movie. Count to find the value of dollar bills and coins. Solve two multi-step problems using the four basic operations.
This file contains 30 task cards. Each card has a vertical addition problem with 5-digit addends.
These word problems reinforce key math skills, such as finding area and performing operations with decimals and fractions.
What do boats eat in the morning for breakfast? To solve the riddle, students will need to complete column addition problems. Each one has three, 3-digit addends.
Practice a variety of 5-digit addition skills with this worksheet.
Decode the picture symbols into 5-digit numbers. Then subtract and write the answers in the secret code too.
Review a variety of operations and math skills with these next 5 word problems.
Cut out the math cards. Solve the subtraction problems. Then sort the answers into "even differences" and "odd differences." After that, students glue the math cards in the correct columns on the t-chart.
This worksheet has pictures of subtraction problems that somebody has already tried to solve. But there are mistakes in their work. Find the errors and explain where they went wrong.
These coded problems have up to 4 addends, with 2, 3, or 4 digits in each.
This page contains tape diagrams (also known as bar models). Students will need to add or subtract to find the missing numbers.
Solve the 3-digit subtraction problems. (Most problems require regrouping.) Then cut out the puzzle parts. Match each difference with the correct problem to complete the puzzle. The completed puzzle shows Santa placing gifts below a tree.
These two addition problems have been solved incorrectly. Can you find the errors? Tell how each problem could be solved correctly.
Students are given four digits. They must place them in the squares correctly to make the given difference. This game has 12 task cards and a student answer page.
Skills in this batch of worksheets include finding area and perimeter, as well as more geometry skills, reading a table, and operations with decimals and fractions.
Complete the subtraction problems and use your answers to put together the puzzle pieces and reveal a fun Groundhog Day image!
Students will solve the subtraction problems on the first page of this file, and then cut each card out. Then they will sort each one into either the "Odd Answers" and "Even Answers" section on the second page.
Compare fractions, identify a number pattern, perform operations with money, and more in this week's set of daily word problems.
This file has 30 task cards with money subtraction on them.
These addition problems were solved incorrectly. Examine them carefully and explain the mistakes.
Translate the picto-code numbers into "regular numbers" and then solve. All problems require students to subtract 4-digit numbers across zero. (example: 5,000-2,614)
This page has 5-digit addition-subtraction tape diagrams (aka bar models). There are seven problems on this file.
Start with the product of a dozen and a dozen, then double it. Then add ten thousand and then another eighty thousand.
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