Super Teacher Worksheets

4th Grade Common Core: 4.NBT.2

Common Core Identifier: 4.NBT.2 / Grade: 4
Curriculum: Number And Operations In Base Ten: Generalize Place Value Understanding For Multi-Digit Whole Numbers.
Detail: Read and write multi-digit whole numbers using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. Compare two multi-digit numbers based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.
118 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Make large numbers even larger by writing them in expanded form; up to millions place.
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Cut the rectangles and match the equivalent numbers. Then tell whether each is written in expanded form, word name, or standard form.
The gators are gobbling up huge 6-digit numbers now.  Cut and glue the symbols in the correct place and write the answer.
Compare three-digit numbers using symbols and words. (example: 2,345 < 2,453)
Cut the rectangles and match the equivalent numbers. Then tell whether each is written in standard form, word name form, or expanded form.
Determine which number is greater. Cut out the alligator pictures and glue them into the correct boxes.
Cut out the pieces and organize them into groups of equal numbers. Also, classify each as standard form, word name, or expanded form.
Comparing numbers up to 4 digits.  Part 1:  Use <, >, and = symbols; Part 2:  Circle the greater number; Part 3:  Identify the smaller number; Part 4:  Write the out the words greater than or less than; Part 5: Word problems. (example: 2,118 < 2,811)
Cut the rectangles and match the equivalent numbers. Then tell whether each is written in expanded form, word name, or standard form.
Compare large numbers up to six digits.  Includes word problems, comparing with words, and using greater than / less than symbols.
Greater Than Alligator and Less Than Alligator are eating up large numbers.  Students glue the correct alligator symbol for each problem and write the answer with words.  This worksheet has 4-digit numbers.
Read the 4-digit numbers and tell how many thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones are in each.
Write the expanded form of each 5-digit number shown.
Write the word name for each number; Up to 999,999
Write the 4-digit numbers in expanded form.
In this two-player game, players roll a die to make four-digit numbers. They compare the numbers using <, >, and = symbols.
Compare the values of the exponents using the greater and less than symbols.
Cut out the rectangles and organize them into groups of equivalent numbers. Also, classify each as standard form, word name, or expanded form.
Write each word name in standard form. Then write each standard form number in word name form. Includes numbers up to 999.
Use the clues to figure out each mystery number.
Say the names of the 6-digit numbers.  Includes a homework sheet and a test.
Match the word name with the standard form number; Numbers up to hundred thousands.
Say the names of the 7-digit numbers.  Includes a homework sheet and a test.
These dancing pigs have 4-digit numbers on them.  Sort the pigs in order from least to greatest.
Write the word name for each number; Up to 9,999.
How many of these 5-digit numbers can your students correctly say?
Here's a more advanced version of the Egyptian number system for your students. This version will have students translating 5-digit numbers.
This page shows a simple example of how to write a four-digit number in standard form, written form, expanded form, and expanded notation.
Practice fourth grade math skills involving geometry, fractions, and more this week!
Students are given sheets of paper with large digits printed on them.  The teacher says a number. (example: fifteen thousands, sixty) Students arrange the digits to make the number.
Rewrite each list of money amounts in order, from least to greatest.
On this worksheet, students order numbers, from smallest up to the largest.
On this worksheet, students will state the value of the digits 3, 9, 0, 2, and 4. They must also complete the numbers line. Then subtract 100,000, 1,000, and 100 from the special number.
Students can use this worksheet to practice their place value skills by reading each number and writing the value of the underlined digit.
Solve multistep word problems relating to realistic scenarios with this week's daily word problems.
Practice finding perimeter and area, solve for a missing fraction in an equation, review obtuse angles, and more with this set of word problems.
Compare the number 564,300 to other numbers using the symbols <, >, and =. Then tell if the number is odd or even. Write the number in expanded form. Give the values of the digits.
Teachers score students as they read aloud these 5-digit numbers on the included score sheets.
Carefully cut the word cards (ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and ten thousands). Look at the large 5-digit number on the page and glue the word cards over the correct digit.
Students will complete place-value tables and write the numbers in both expanded and word form for four different 10-digit numbers.
These word problems use realistic scenarios to help students practice important math skills, such as adding and subtracting fractions, reading a table, and more.
Pairs of students are given digits.  Students arrange the digits to make the specific numbers given by the teacher.
Print out these pages and test your students' skills in changing fractions to decimals, finding area and perimeter of irregular shapes, and more!
Comparing numbers using symbols. Fill in remaining number patterns. Fractions with pizza word problem.
This one is similar to the others. There's a number line, an expanded form question, comparing, adding, subtracting, and digit values.
Practice place value to the hundred thousands place with this printable puzzle. Match the number with the correct expanded form.
Use mathematical symbols <, >, and = to compare the values of the given numbers. This worksheet also includes word problems.
Read and write mixed numbers, practice reading a line plot, add & multiply fractions, and follow patterns for division.
This anchor chart shows the standard form, written form, expanded form, and expanded notation for a whole number with 10 digits.
Students must use the digits in the box to find the answers to the questions; Up to 4 digits.
You're setting your students up for success by having them complete these daily word problems. If your students have completed the whole level D series, they may be ready to move on to level E!
Cut apart these number, symbol , and phrase cards and use them to make number sentences. These work great for small group instruction, class games, and as learning centers.
The third week of Math Buzz for 4th grade features skills like: division, place value, advanced subtraction, rounding, fractions, area, and perimeter.
Each box has a set of five numbers. Students must rewrite them in order, starting with the number that has the smallest value.
This file has 30 task cards for comparing 5-digit numbers. These can be used for classroom games, with your document camera, for small-group instruction, or for learning centers.
Figure out the mystery numbers by putting the digits in the correct place; Place value up to hundred thousands.
This page has a whole set of place value questions to go along with the number four hundred nineteen thousand, five hundred twenty-four.
Students read aloud the 6-digit numbers. Includes two grade sheets to send home.
What did the teddy bear say when he finished his dinner? To solve the math riddle, kids will need to write the numbers in standard form.
Students cut the five-digit number cards and lay them out on their desk in order from least to greatest.
Fill in the place-value chart for the 5-digit numbers given. Then write them out in expanded and word form.
Compare fractions, identify a number pattern, perform operations with money, and more in this week's set of daily word problems.
Students line up in front of the classroom and hold up signs with digits on them. They rearrange themselves to make different numbers.
Keep working on those math skills with these engaging daily word problem worksheets!
These review word problems require student knowledge of place value and rounding.
Once again, student find digit values, compare the special number to other numbers, complete the number line, and write in expanded form.
Match each number with its expanded form to complete each puzzle. Numbers go up to the millions place.
In this game, a teacher attaches a place value task card to each desk in the classroom. Students write the answer to the question on each card as they "scoot" around the room.
Spin the number wheel and read the six-digit numbers aloud.
This is the first week of the 5th grade math buzz series. This file contains 5 worksheets, reviewing basic skills from the fourth grade. Skills covered include: adding and subtracting 5-digit whole numbers, factor pairs, lines of symmetry, rounding, and equivalent fractions.
Print off this page to use as a handy guide for identifying place value for 7-digit numbers and writing numbers in their different forms.
Read the numbers, then tell the place and value of the underlined digit; Up to 10 millions.
Use scissors to cut apart this set of math cards. Then use them to make number sentences. These work well for learning centers or small group instruction.
In the seventh set, students will solve input and output tables, practice rounding, geometry, comparing numbers, perimeter, and much more.
Read the numbers in each box. Then rewrite them in the correct order, from the lowest to the highest.
Each of the cards in this set has 4-digit numbers for students to compare.
Practice place value by reading the numbers and writing the values of the underlined digits.
This anchor chart provides an example of how to write place value for numbers up to the hundred thousands place.
Skills in this batch of worksheets include finding area and perimeter, as well as more geometry skills, reading a table, and operations with decimals and fractions.
Students are given digits.  Students arrange the digits to make the numbers given by the teacher. They they answer questions about the numbers.
State the six-digit number that is shown on each abacus.
First use the cipher key to decode the secret numbers. Then compare each pair of numbers using mathematical symbols.
Students must examine four triple-digit numbers and rewrite them in order, from smallest value to largest value.
This worksheet has a set of place value questions to go along with the number one hundred seventy-five thousand, twenty eight.
This file includes 5 sets of cards. Students will cut out each set and put the cards in order from the least to greatest amount of money.
Review a variety of operations and math skills with these next 5 word problems.
Continue reviewing important math skills with more fourth grade word problems this week.
Place the number cards in order from smallest to largest.
This activity page has P.V. questions related to the number seven hundred forty-five thousand, six hundred two.
Tell how many thousand cubes, hundreds flats, ten sticks, and ones cubes are in each number.
On this math worksheet, students will write the four-digit numbers in standard form. Then match the numbers with the letters to find the answer to a funny riddle.
Spin the number wheel and read each number aloud to a teacher, classmate, or parent.
On these math daily review worksheets, students will review several concepts from last year, including: place value, calculating area, comparing 6-digit numbers, properties of multiplication, and equivalent fractions.
This page can be handed out to students or hung in the classroom to use as a reference for five-digit place value. It shows an example for how to write a number in expanded form and notation, as well as standard and written form.
Here's a set of math number and symbol cards that you can use on your document camera, or for a learning center, or classroom games.
Review order of operations, factoring, word problems, parallel/intersecting/perpendicular lines, adding fractions, and rounding.
Arrange the each of the numbers in the order, from the least to the greatest.
These task cards can be used to help students practice using the greater than, less than, and equal to symbols to compare numbers with six digits.
Write the numbers on this page in expanded form using the lines provided. The numbers go up to 10 digits.
Continue practicing 4th grade math skills with this next set of daily word problems. It covers skills like reading and interpreting data from a table, adding fractions, and more.
Students will review lines of symmetry, fill in a chart, and more with this set of daily word problems.
Students are given digits.  Students arrange the digits to make the numbers given by the teacher.
Compare pairs of 5-digit numbers using <, >, and =.
Use scissors to cut out the place value squares (ones, tens, hundreds, thousands). Glue each above the correct digit. Then color each digit according to the directions.
Complete the number line. Compare numbers. Tell whether the special number is odd or even. Write the values of the digits.
Use these number cards to practice ordering numbers that go up to the billions place.
This week we'll practice comparing fractions, reading and interpreting a table, and solving multistep problems with various operations.
This week students will use their geometry, fraction, and other math skills to complete their daily word problems.
Math skills for adding, subtracting and multiplying. Complete word problems with fractions. Write place values from word problems.
The S.N. on this worksheet is six hundred thirty-two thousand, fifteen.
Print these puzzle pieces to match numbers to their expanded form. Numbers up to the ten thousands place.
What do you call an anxious ogre? To complete the math riddle, students must write the numbers in standard form. Then match the numbers with the letters.
This worksheet has 6 more 5-digit numbers for students to write in expanded and word form and complete the place-value tables.
Print out this file to continue practicing grade-appropriate word problems with your students each day.
Four different students are each given a card with a large digit on it. The caller reads a number, such as one thousand, five hundred seven. Students hold up their numbers for the class to see, and arrange themselves in a line to make the number.
Assigning one of these word problem worksheets every day is a great way to make sure your students are keeping their math skills fresh!
Cut the sheets of cards apart.  Students sort them from least to greatest.
Place the number cards in order from smallest to largest.
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