Super Teacher Worksheets

4th Grade Common Core: 4.MD.3

Common Core Identifier: 4.MD.3 / Grade: 4
Curriculum: Measurement And Data: Solve Problems Involving Measurement And Conversion Of Measurements From A Larger Unit To A Smaller Unit.
Detail: Apply the area and perimeter formulas for rectangles in real world and mathematical problems. For example, find the width of a rectangular room given the area of the flooring and the length, by viewing the area formula as a multiplication equation with an unknown factor.
28 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Determine the lengths of the missing sides, then calculate the perimeter.  Grades 4 and up.
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Read the floor plan to find the perimeter of each room in the house.
This group of word problems includes calculating area with fractions, recognizing and following patterns, and more 5th-grade math skills.
This file has 10 challenging perimeter word problems. There's one problem per page and lots of space for students to show their work.
This set has more perimeter, area, and volume problems. There are also a few problems on multiplying and dividing fractions. Students will complete a factor tree. Each worksheet also has a word problem to solve.
Subtract decimals (money), add fractions with like denominators, calculate perimeter, and calculate weight.
Use your ruler to measure the pigs' pen, the corn field, and the cows' pasture.  Multiply to find the area of each.
Find the perimeter of an irregular polygon, write fractions as decimals, classify triangles (scalene, equilateral, isosceles), compare decimals, and review division with remainders.
These word problems reinforce key math skills, such as finding area and performing operations with decimals and fractions.
With these task cards, students will practice finding the perimeters for various simple shapes including rectangles, squares, trapezoids, triangles, hexagons, and pentagons.
Students will solve word problems, find perimeter, standard and expanded form, geometry, fractions on number lines, comparing numbers, and more.
This file has 5 worksheets, one for each day of the week. Topics include adding with fractions, finding the area of a rectangle, and more.
Use the rules of perimeter to find the length of the missing side of each triangle.
In this whole-class chain reaction game, students must find the area of a shape on a card, and be ready to announce it when his card is called.
On this set of Math Buzz worksheets, your students will review: finding the perimeter of an irregular polygon, division with remainders, writing mixed numbers as decimals, multiplying fractions by whole numbers, and using area models to solve problems related to the distributive property of multiplication.
Each worksheet contains a daily word problem which reinforces key math skills. This set requires students to perform operations with decimals and fractions.
In this file for Math Buzz, Week 8, your students will review standard form and expanded form, place value, input and output tables, area, geometry, and rounding.
These multistep problems reinforce skills such as finding the area of a rectangle, writing equations, and performing operations with fractions and decimals.
THis set includes 1 single-step and 4 multi-step word problems for fourth graders. Multiply fractions by whole numbers, calculate perimeter, and more.
These daily word problems deal with skills such as measurement, operations with fractions with unlike denominators, and operations with decimals.
Multiply 3-digit by 1-digit numbers, add fractions with like denominators, draw line segments, and solve an area word problem.
Measure the lengths of the sides of the corn field, the pigs' pen, and the cows' field.  Add the sides to find the perimeter. 
The next set of daily word problems includes calculating the area of a rectangle with mixed numbers, multiplying with decimals and fractions, and more.
On these math daily review worksheets, students will review several concepts from last year, including: place value, calculating area, comparing 6-digit numbers, properties of multiplication, and equivalent fractions.
Five worksheets are included in this file. Each worksheet features a daily math word problem. Topics include frequency charts, place value, and more.
Using the rules of perimeter for a triangle, students will calculate the missing length on each triangle. Some of the triangles on this worksheet require converting between metric units and adding and subtracting decimals.
Scoot! is a game in which students move around to each desk in the classroom while finding the perimeter of polygons.
More 5th grade M.B. activities. Find the perimeter of an irregular quadrilateral by adding the lengths of the sides (decimal units). Multiply mixed numbers and simplify. Evaluate expressions and compare using the symbols <, >, and =. Solve multi-step word problems.
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