4th Grade Common Core: 4.G.3
Common Core Identifier: 4.G.3 / Grade: 4
Curriculum: Geometry: Draw And Identify Lines And Angles, And Classify Shapes By Properties Of Their Lines And Angles.
Detail: Recognize a line of symmetry for a two-dimensional figure as a line across the figure such that the figure can be folded along the line into matching parts. Identify line-symmetric figures and draw lines of symmetry.
20 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Tell which of these houses are symmetrical and which ones aren't.
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Try to sketch four different symmetrical objects - a snowman, an alien, a sailboat, and a friend. Use a red pen to draw the line of symmetry on each of your pictures.
Symmetry Worksheet FREE
Part 1: Tell whether the dotted lines on the shapes are lines of symmetry. Part 2: draw lines of symmetry on the shapes.Part 3: draw the second half of each symmetrical figure.
Snowflake 1 (Basic) FREE
Use this free worksheet and students can fold and cut this basic snowflake pattern.
Draw lines of symmetry of the capital letters. Draw the second half of the symmetrical letters.
Cut out these 12 large shapes and fold them on their lines of symmetry.
Examine the folded pictures and tell which shape you'll see when the paper is unfolded.
Determine whether the dotted line on each of the shapes is a line of symmetry.
Draw the missing half of each symmetrical shape on the dotted graph paper.
In this file for Math Buzz, Week 8, your students will review standard form and expanded form, place value, input and output tables, area, geometry, and rounding.
This is the first week of the 5th grade math buzz series. This file contains 5 worksheets, reviewing basic skills from the fourth grade. Skills covered include: adding and subtracting 5-digit whole numbers, factor pairs, lines of symmetry, rounding, and equivalent fractions.
This worksheet features butterfly, ladybug, and bumblebee graphics for students to color in. Then, they can look for the line of symmetry in each image and fold along it.
This file contains 20 symmetry task cards. Use them for small group instruction, learning centers, exit tickets, or classroom games.
Read and write mixed numbers, practice reading a line plot, add & multiply fractions, and follow patterns for division.
Use crayons, markers, or colored pencils to turn each object below into a symmetrical fall picture.
Review number patterns, pounds to ounces conversions, angle types, fractions on a number line, division with remainders, and equivalent fractions.